December 2023 Update of XACS Cloud Computing

Published Time:  2023-12-22 15:21:34

Dear users, we have made several important technical updates to the XACS cloud computing to improve the long-term user experiences.

Cloud computing is easier to find

We made the button for cloud computing easier to find: it is now in the upper right corner of the XACS website and of different color.


Merging of the new and old cloud computing

After we released the much better new cloud computing, we have had a transition period when the old computing was still available for users for a limited period (as mentioned in our release post).

Now we have finished the merging of the old computing with the new, so that we finally discontinued and took offline the old cloud computing.

No worries – all your data were migrated to the new cloud computing and can be found in the “from_old_cloud_computing” directory in your personal storage of the new cloud computing.

Personal information can be modified now

The user information could be modified by clicking the button on the upper right corner of the page. This might be necessary to do to request more features as described below.

The new software download page

The download page for the XACS software is moved to the new cloud computing page too.

MLatom can be downloaded straight away, other XACS software, as before, can be requested by submitting an application. Thus, please provide real information when registering. You can modify your personal information as mentioned above.

Higher security in XACS terminal

 We have a responsibility to ensure the safe environment for all users, thus, we have to enhance the security when using XACS terminal which is the most powerful tool of XACS cloud computing. For security reasons, we can only provide the terminal service to the verified users providing their real information when they apply for the use of XACS cloud computing.

The application is easy and is directly displayed in the XACS terminal page. Also, please observe the user agreement when using the terminal.