Chem. Commun. Feature Article: AI in computational chemistry through the lens of a decade-long journey

It gives a perspective on the progress of AI tools in computational chemistry through the lens of his decade-long contributions put in the wider context of the trends in this rapidly expanding field.

J. Chem. Theory Comput.: Hybrid Density Functional Valence Bond Method with Multistate Treatment

Chemical bonding group from Xiamen University has developed a hybrid density functional valence bond (VB) method with multistate treatment, namely λ-DFVB(MS).

Tutorial on calculating vibrational spectra from molecular dynamics trajectories with MLatom@XACS

This tutorial shows how to calculate vibrational spectra (infrared spectra and power spectra) from molecular dynamics trajectories.

XACS Jupyter Lab is released

We are pleased to announce that we have released the XACS Jupyter Lab, which is now available on the XACS cloud computing.

AI-enhanced nonlinear time-resolved spectra assisted by MLatom@XACS

AI-accelerated nonadiabatic dynamics reduces the cost of the ab initio simulations of nonlinear time-resolved spectra.

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