
Main XMVB output file (.xmo)

The output of XMVB is stored in a file with extesion “xmo”. The following is an example for stand-alone XMVB:

           M   M         MM MM         M   M         MMMM        
            M M          M M M         M   M         M   M       
             M           M M M          M M          MMMM        
            M M          M   M          M M          M   M       
           M   M         M   M           M           MMMM        
                    Released on: Dec 31, 2024                  
                    Version:     v4.0                          
    Cite this work as:                                         
    (a) Z. Chen, F. Ying, X. Chen, J. Song, P. Su, L. Song, Y. 
    Mo, Q. Zhang and W. Wu, Int. J. Quantum. Chem., 2015, 115, 
    737 (b) L. Song, Y. Mo, Q. Zhang, W. Wu, J. Comput. Chem.  
    2005, 26, 514.                                             

 Job started at 2024-12-27 09:45:12  with     1 processors.

Running Command: /home/fmying/softwares/xmvb4.0/bin/xmvb.exe example.xmi 

Work Directory at /home/fmying/tests/xeda PID = 1171824

---------------Input File---------------
H2 L-VBSCF # Job title
$CTRL # Start of $CTRL section
VBSCF # VBSCF requested
NSTR=3 # 3 VB structures in this computation
NAO=2 NAE=2 # Active space of VBSCF computation
ORBTYP=HAO FRGTYP=SAO # VB orbitals are HAO with symmetrized atomic orbital fragments (SAO)
INT=LIBCINT # Integrals are evaluated with LIBCINT library
BASIS=CC-PVTZ # Basis set is cc-pVTZ
$END # End of $CTRL section
$STR # Start of $STR section for structure description with NSTR defined in $CTRL
1 2 # covalent structure H-H
1 1 # ionic structure H- H+
2 2 # ionic structure H+ H-
$END # End of $STR section
$FRAG # Start of $FRAG section since SAO fragment is requested
1*2 # 2 fragments, 1 atom included in each
SPZDXXDYYDZZ 1 # Fragment 1, basis functions s, pz, dxx, dyy and dzz on atom 1
SPZDXXDYYDZZ 2 # Fragment 2, basis functions s, pz, dxx, dyy and dzz on atom 2
$END # End of $FRAG section
$ORB # Start of $ORB section for orbital description
1*2 # 2 VB orbitals, each includes 1 fragment (since fragments defined in $FRAG)
1 # orbital 1, with only fragment 1
2 # orbital 2, with only fragment 2
$END # End of $ORB section
$GEO # Start of $GEO section since INT=LIBCINT requested
H 0.0 0.0 0.0     # H2 coordinate given in Cartesian
H 0.0 0.0 0.74
$END # End of $GEO section
$GUS # Initial guess given so XMVB will read the guess from $GUS
    13    13
-0.1832851345     1  -0.5117940349     2  -0.3429525369     3  -0.0092055565     6  
-0.2395130627     9   0.1175624842    10   0.1175624842    13  -0.3785628637    15  
 0.0067601194    16  -0.0847166935    19  -0.0822702356    20  -0.0822702356    23  
 0.2820622096    25  
-0.1832851345    26  -0.5117940349    27  -0.3429525369    28   0.0092055565    31  
 0.2395130627    34   0.1175624842    35   0.1175624842    38  -0.3785628637    40  
 0.0067601194    41   0.0847166935    44  -0.0822702356    45  -0.0822702356    48  
 0.2820622096    50  
---------------End of Input--------------

 ATOM      ATOMIC                      COORDINATES (BOHR)
           CHARGE         X                   Y                   Z
  H         1.0      0.00000000          0.00000000          0.00000000
  H         1.0      0.00000000          0.00000000          1.39839723




      1   S       1            33.8700000    0.060717944636
      1   S       2             5.0950000    0.109507313653
      1   S       3             1.1590000    0.161468469999

      2   S       4             0.3258000    0.307343053831

      3   S       5             0.1027000    0.129296844175

      4   P       6             1.4070000    2.184276984527

      5   P       7             0.3880000    0.436495473997

      6   D       8             1.0570000    2.875150705387

      7   S       9             0.0252600    0.045158041868

      8   P      10             0.1020000    0.082165651392

      9   D      11             1.2470000    3.839685728860


     10   S      12            33.8700000    0.060717944636
     10   S      13             5.0950000    0.109507313653
     10   S      14             1.1590000    0.161468469999

     11   S      15             0.3258000    0.307343053831

     12   S      16             0.1027000    0.129296844175

     13   P      17             1.4070000    2.184276984527

     14   P      18             0.3880000    0.436495473997

     15   D      19             1.0570000    2.875150705387

     16   S      20             0.0252600    0.045158041868

     17   P      21             0.1020000    0.082165651392

     18   D      22             1.2470000    3.839685728860

 NUMBER OF ELECTRONS                          =    2
 CHARGE OF MOLECULE                           =    0
 SPIN MULTIPLICITY                            =    1
 TOTAL NUMBER OF ATOMS                        =    2

 Number of structures:     3

 The following structures are used in calculation (First 10 structures if more than 10):

       1   ******   1-2    
       2   ******   1 1    
       3   ******   2 2    

 Number of variables for VBSCF/BOVB : 26

 VBSCF algorithm: RDM-VBSCF with L-BFGS.

 Maximum number of Iterations: 200

 Integral evaluation: precise integrals by Libcint.
 2-e integral strategy: Continuous storage.

 Non-zero 2-e integrals: 208746

---------------Initial Guess---------------
    13    13
-0.1832851345     1  -0.5117940349     2  -0.3429525369     3  -0.0092055565     6  
-0.2395130627     9   0.1175624842    10   0.1175624842    13  -0.3785628637    15  
 0.0067601194    16  -0.0847166935    19  -0.0822702356    20  -0.0822702356    23  
 0.2820622096    25  
-0.1832851345    26  -0.5117940349    27  -0.3429525369    28   0.0092055565    31  
 0.2395130627    34   0.1175624842    35   0.1175624842    38  -0.3785628637    40  
 0.0067601194    41   0.0847166935    44  -0.0822702356    45  -0.0822702356    48  
 0.2820622096    50  
---------------End of Guess--------------

                ITER           ENERGY               DE              GNORM
                  0         -1.0991969662     -1.0991969662      0.3256427635
                  1         -1.1151851534     -0.0159881872      0.1905658959
                  2         -1.1301731700     -0.0149880166      0.1475571480
                  3         -1.1395803722     -0.0094072021      0.0847119277
                  4         -1.1404406418     -0.0008602696      0.1935235677
                  5         -1.1433770310     -0.0029363892      0.0433892043
                  6         -1.1437072788     -0.0003302478      0.0331485174
                  7         -1.1443513767     -0.0006440978      0.0449778952
                  8         -1.1453272038     -0.0009758271      0.0621994898
                  9         -1.1476294877     -0.0023022840      0.0784451297
                 10         -1.1497181878     -0.0020887001      0.0554836560
                 11         -1.1502019560     -0.0004837682      0.0589803735
                 12         -1.1507263286     -0.0005243726      0.0118197257
                 13         -1.1507579569     -0.0000316283      0.0060619737
                 14         -1.1507768528     -0.0000188959      0.0067906114
                 15         -1.1508094903     -0.0000326375      0.0102259200
                 16         -1.1508469666     -0.0000374763      0.0112162387
                 17         -1.1508917560     -0.0000447894      0.0075657985
                 18         -1.1509191403     -0.0000273844      0.0032362598
                 19         -1.1509314231     -0.0000122827      0.0045508486
                 20         -1.1509402559     -0.0000088328      0.0052668325
                 21         -1.1509508184     -0.0000105625      0.0042255260
                 22         -1.1509402498      0.0000105686      0.0042255260
                 23         -1.1509526750     -0.0000124253      0.0066708681
                 24         -1.1509582122     -0.0000055371      0.0022492441
                 25         -1.1509601118     -0.0000018997      0.0018361504

                        VBSCF converged in    25 iterations

                  Total Energy:     -1.15096011

                 ******  OVERLAP OF VB STRUCTURES  ******

              1            2            3
   1       1.000000     0.826075     0.826075
   2       0.826075     1.000000     0.517911
   3       0.826075     0.517911     1.000000

              ******  HAMILTONIAN OF VB STRUCTURES  ******

              1            2            3
   1      -1.860486    -1.563714    -1.563714
   2      -1.563714    -1.537921    -1.117824
   3      -1.563714    -1.117824    -1.537922

              ******  COEFFICIENTS OF STRUCTURES ******

       1      -0.82676792  ******   1-2    
       2      -0.10385200  ******   1 1    
       3      -0.10385236  ******   2 2    


       1      -0.82676792  ******   2 
       2      -0.82676792  ******   1 
       3      -0.10385200  ******   1 
       4      -0.10385236  ******   2 

             ******  WEIGHTS OF STRUCTURES ******

       1       0.82540150  ******   1-2    
       2       0.08729909  ******   1 1    
       3       0.08729941  ******   2 2    

         Lowdin Weights

       1       0.52940646  ******   1-2    
       2       0.23529665  ******   1 1    
       3       0.23529689  ******   2 2    

         Inverse Weights

       1       0.93221948  ******   1-2    
       2       0.03389014  ******   1 1    
       3       0.03389038  ******   2 2    

         Renormalized Weights

       1       0.96940850  ******   1-2    
       2       0.01529570  ******   1 1    
       3       0.01529580  ******   2 2    


                          1          2
    1  H  1  S       -0.366039   0.000000
    2  H  1  S       -0.505232   0.000000
    3  H  1  S       -0.242672   0.000000
    4  H  1  PX       0.000000   0.000000
    5  H  1  PY       0.000000   0.000000
    6  H  1  PZ      -0.020883   0.000000
    7  H  1  PX       0.000000   0.000000
    8  H  1  PY       0.000000   0.000000
    9  H  1  PZ      -0.011702   0.000000
   10  H  1  DXX     -0.031252   0.000000
   11  H  1  DXY      0.000000   0.000000
   12  H  1  DXZ      0.000000   0.000000
   13  H  1  DYY     -0.031256   0.000000
   14  H  1  DYZ      0.000000   0.000000
   15  H  1  DZZ      0.004644   0.000000
   16  H  1  S        0.003102   0.000000
   17  H  1  PX       0.000000   0.000000
   18  H  1  PY       0.000000   0.000000
   19  H  1  PZ      -0.025413   0.000000
   20  H  1  DXX      0.022301   0.000000
   21  H  1  DXY      0.000000   0.000000
   22  H  1  DXZ      0.000000   0.000000
   23  H  1  DYY      0.022296   0.000000
   24  H  1  DYZ      0.000000   0.000000
   25  H  1  DZZ     -0.010806   0.000000
   26  H  2  S        0.000000  -0.366039
   27  H  2  S        0.000000  -0.505232
   28  H  2  S        0.000000  -0.242672
   29  H  2  PX       0.000000   0.000000
   30  H  2  PY       0.000000   0.000000
   31  H  2  PZ       0.000000   0.020883
   32  H  2  PX       0.000000   0.000000
   33  H  2  PY       0.000000   0.000000
   34  H  2  PZ       0.000000   0.011702
   35  H  2  DXX      0.000000  -0.031252
   36  H  2  DXY      0.000000   0.000000
   37  H  2  DXZ      0.000000   0.000000
   38  H  2  DYY      0.000000  -0.031256
   39  H  2  DYZ      0.000000   0.000000
   40  H  2  DZZ      0.000000   0.004644
   41  H  2  S        0.000000   0.003102
   42  H  2  PX       0.000000   0.000000
   43  H  2  PY       0.000000   0.000000
   44  H  2  PZ       0.000000   0.025413
   45  H  2  DXX      0.000000   0.022301
   46  H  2  DXY      0.000000   0.000000
   47  H  2  DXZ      0.000000   0.000000
   48  H  2  DYY      0.000000   0.022296
   49  H  2  DYZ      0.000000   0.000000
   50  H  2  DZZ      0.000000  -0.010806

              ******   COMPUTED NATURAL ORBITALS   ****** 

                          1          2
                      1.978405   0.021595
    1  H  1  S        0.197374  -0.488844
    2  H  1  S        0.272430  -0.674736
    3  H  1  S        0.130853  -0.324087
    4  H  1  PX       0.000000   0.000000
    5  H  1  PY       0.000000   0.000000
    6  H  1  PZ       0.011261  -0.027890
    7  H  1  PX       0.000000   0.000000
    8  H  1  PY       0.000000   0.000000
    9  H  1  PZ       0.006310  -0.015628
   10  H  1  DXX      0.016851  -0.041737
   11  H  1  DXY      0.000000   0.000000
   12  H  1  DXZ      0.000000   0.000000
   13  H  1  DYY      0.016854  -0.041743
   14  H  1  DYZ      0.000000   0.000000
   15  H  1  DZZ     -0.002504   0.006203
   16  H  1  S       -0.001673   0.004143
   17  H  1  PX       0.000000   0.000000
   18  H  1  PY       0.000000   0.000000
   19  H  1  PZ       0.013703  -0.033939
   20  H  1  DXX     -0.012025   0.029783
   21  H  1  DXY      0.000000   0.000000
   22  H  1  DXZ      0.000000   0.000000
   23  H  1  DYY     -0.012022   0.029776
   24  H  1  DYZ      0.000000   0.000000
   25  H  1  DZZ      0.005827  -0.014431
   26  H  2  S        0.197375   0.488844
   27  H  2  S        0.272430   0.674736
   28  H  2  S        0.130853   0.324087
   29  H  2  PX       0.000000   0.000000
   30  H  2  PY       0.000000   0.000000
   31  H  2  PZ      -0.011261  -0.027889
   32  H  2  PX       0.000000   0.000000
   33  H  2  PY       0.000000   0.000000
   34  H  2  PZ      -0.006310  -0.015628
   35  H  2  DXX      0.016851   0.041736
   36  H  2  DXY      0.000000   0.000000
   37  H  2  DXZ      0.000000   0.000000
   38  H  2  DYY      0.016854   0.041743
   39  H  2  DYZ      0.000000   0.000000
   40  H  2  DZZ     -0.002504  -0.006202
   41  H  2  S       -0.001673  -0.004143
   42  H  2  PX       0.000000   0.000000
   43  H  2  PY       0.000000   0.000000
   44  H  2  PZ      -0.013703  -0.033939
   45  H  2  DXX     -0.012025  -0.029783
   46  H  2  DXY      0.000000   0.000000
   47  H  2  DXZ      0.000000   0.000000
   48  H  2  DYY     -0.012022  -0.029776
   49  H  2  DYZ      0.000000   0.000000
   50  H  2  DZZ      0.005827   0.014431

                         XMVB ATOMIC POPULATION ANALYSIS        

                     ******  POPULATION AND CHARGE  ******

       ATOM         MULL.POP.    CHARGE          LOW.POP.     CHARGE
    1 H             1.000000    0.000000         1.000000    0.000000
    2 H             1.000000   -0.000000         1.000000   -0.000000

              ******  ATOMIC SPIN POLARIZATION POPULATION ******

        ATOM          MULL.POP.                    LOW.POP.

      1   H           0.000000                     0.000000
      2   H           0.000000                     0.000000

                            ******  BOND ORDER  ******

                  ATOM 1        ATOM 2           DIST     BOND ORDER

                   1 H           2 H            0.740       0.957

                     ******    VALENCE ANALYSIS    ******

                                TOTAL       BONDED        FREE
               ATOM            VALENCE     VALENCE     VALENCE
             1 H                 1.000       0.957       0.043
             2 H                 1.000       0.957       0.043

                     ****** DIPOLE MOMENT ANALYSIS ******

                DX         DY         DZ        TOTAL

            0.000000    0.000000    3.554378    3.554378

                 ******    VIRIAL THEOREM ANALYSIS    ******

                      TOTAL ENERGY :         -1.150960111841
               NUCLEAR REP. ENERGY :          0.715104390541
                 ELECTRONIC ENERGY :         -1.866064502382
               ONE-ELECTRON ENERGY :         -2.493244521354
               TWO-ELECTRON ENERGY :          0.627180018972
                    KINETIC ENERGY :          1.165910213884
               NUC-ELE POT. ENERGY :         -3.659154735238
                  POTENTIAL ENERGY :         -2.316870325725
              VIRIAL THEOREM VALUE :          1.987177312743

        Cpu time for the job:           0.625 seconds.

File with VB Structures for future input (.str)

In XMVB 4.0, VB structures are shown in the output file with a new style to make it more readable. So the file with extension “str” is generated for the users if they need to select structures and input them manually in the future. An example of the content is shown below:


       1   *****    1:4     7     7    10    10     5     6     8     9
       2   *****    1:4     8     8     9     9     5     6     7    10
       3   *****    1:4     7     7    10    10     8     9     5     6
       4   *****    1:4     8     8     9     9     7    10     5     6
       5   *****    1:4     7     7     9     9     5     6     8    10
       6   *****    1:4     8     8    10    10     5     6     7     9
       7   *****    1:4     8     8    10    10     5     5     7     9
       8   *****    1:4     7     7     9     9     6     6     8    10
       9   *****    1:4     8     8     9     9     5     5     7    10
      10   *****    1:4     7     7    10    10     6     6     8     9
      11   *****    1:4     7     7    10    10     5     5     8     9
      12   *****    1:4     8     8     9     9     6     6     7    10

The first line is the number of structures in the computation, then a blank line, and following are the structures.

File with optimized VB orbitals (.orb)

A file with extension “orb” is an output file of XMVB, which stores the optimized VB orbitals. The format is as follows:

max(1), max(2), . . . , max(val3)
# comment for orbital 1
cvic(1,1), nvic(1,1), cvic(1,1), nvic(2,1), . . . , cvic(max(1),1), nvic(max(1),1)
# comment for orbital 2
cvic(1,2), nvic(1,2), cvic(2,2), nvic(2,2), . . . , cvic(max(2),2), nvic(max(2),2)
. . .
# comment for orbital n
cvic(1,val3), nvic(1,val3), cvic(2,val3), nvic(2, val3), . . . , cvic(max(val3), val3), nvic(max(val3), val3)

where max(i) stands for the number of basis functions in \(i^\textrm{th}\) VB orbital, nvic(j,i) is the \(j^\textrm{th}\) basis function in \(i^\textrm{th}\) VB orbital and cvic(j,i) is the coefficient of nvic(j,i). The lines starting with “#” are treated as comments.

File with additional information (.xdat)

The file with extension “xdat” is an output file of XMVB. It keeps some other information such as the orbitals in original basis form. Using utility overview:viewing vb orbitals: moldendat can read this file and put the VB orbitals to Gaussian and GAMESS output files and Gaussian fchk files.

File with coefficients for the structures/determinants (.coeff)

This file will be obtained after a required TBVBSCF calculation. The coefficients for the structures/determinants are stored in the file and it may be used for later TBVBSCF to accelerate solving secular equation which is proceeded by Davidson Diagnolazation. If the number of structures is larger than the number stored in “coef”, they will be treated as coefficients of the first N structures and the rest will be set to zero.