Data with excited states

MLatom has a special data format for excited-state information. The general formats are the same as usual, i.e., everything revolves around Python classes molecule, molecular_database, molecular_trajectory which can be dumped, loaded, and have many useful properties (see the dedicated tutorial). Here we explain how to access and add excited-state proporties in such data formats, which is essential to know, e.g., when you want to train an ML model. Interfaces to third-party electronic-structure programsa nd ML models for excited states must also conform with this data format.

First of all, molecule.electronic_states stores information about different electronic state properties. The advantage of this format is that it allows to access a property of any state the same way as accessing a property of a ‘normal’ molecule object. For example:

# assume we obtained electronic state properties for some instance mol
# let's get S1 state
S1 = mol.electronic_states[1]
print(f'Energy of S1 state is {} Hartree')
print(f'Its forces are (in Hartree/Angstrom)')
print(f'checking multiplicity: {S1.multiplicity}')

Often, we want to extract or add information involving a pair of states, e.g., excitation energy (from the ground to excited state) or oscillator strengths. These special properties can be accessed or added as:

mol.excitation_energies = np.array([0.01, 0.003]) * mlatom.constants.eV2hartree # excitation energies must be in hartree
mol.oscillator_strengths = np.array([0.5, 0.001])

We can also access and add couplings, e.g., nonadiabatic couplings as molecule.nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors where they are matrices corresponding to each pair of state and each atom:

If you need to transform data into MLatom format, the most difficult part might be how to create electronic states. Here is a simple example:

import mlatom as ml
mol = ml.molecule()
# get some coordinates, etc. (can be done later too)
mol.electronic_states = [mol.copy(atomic_labels=[], molecular_labels=[]) for ii in range(mol.nstates)]
# example of getting some properties
ground_state_energy = ...
first_excitation_energy = ...
mol.electronic_states[0].energy = ground_state_energy
mol.electronic_states[1].energy = ground_state_energy + first_excitation_energy # all in hartree!
# or
first_excited_state_energy = ground_state_energy + first_excitation_energy
mol.electronic_states[1].energy = first_excited_state_energy
# this scheme is particular useful if you have different spin states for different states:
mol.electronic_states[0].multiplicity = 1 # ground state is S0, singlet
mol.electronic_states[1].multiplicity = 3 # first excited states is T1, triplet.
# a small trick is that mlatom will populate electronic state energies
# if mol.electronic_states[0].energy is available and we assign excitation_energies (in hartree)
mol.excitation_energies = np.array([0.01, 0.003]) * mlatom.constants.eV2hartree
# you can check if they are equal
mol.electronic_state[2].energy == ground_state_energy + mol.excitation_energies[1]