在本教程中,我们将展示如何使用MLatom计算分子的频率。我们在 几何优化 的基础上继续本次教程,因为通常先进行几何优化,然后计算频率,即检查优化结果是能量最小值点还是过渡态(虚频数目),并获得ZPVE和其他热化学校正。
We recommend to use UAIQM methods for these calculations, example below is just to show that you can use other methods too.
以下是使用XACS云计算平台和Python API进行频率和热化学计算的演示视频:
)。如 几何优化 中所述,用户可以使用输入文件或命令行选项 freq.inp
来进行频率计算。如下所示(参见 通过Python API计算频率 的部分):
freq # 1. requests frequency calculation
ANI-1ccx # 2. pre-trained model, the same as that used in geometry optimization
xyzfile=opt.xyz # 3. file with optimized geometry
告诉MLatom在哪个文件中提取几何构型。用户可以直接使用MLatom优化的构型(文件由 optxyz
关键字定义),或者由用户以XYZ格式提供。例如在本例中(以Å为单位, opt.xyz
C -1.2121068029534 -0.2252488537660 0.0000164117920
H -1.2701429633537 -0.8599818439347 -0.8855315546559
H -1.2701264459840 -0.8599834499240 0.8855643352209
H -2.0710636368970 0.4504289041619 0.0000252076803
C 0.0804149514179 0.5556635798575 0.0000041512523
H 0.1395635927681 1.1970970820212 -0.8856250576131
H 0.1395848675981 1.1970854779804 0.8856411245403
O 1.1428329343502 -0.3971737931938 -0.0000106635278
H 1.9796722202817 0.0702558186994 -0.0001121252171
mlatom freq.inp &> freq.out
运行结果将保存在 freq.out
mlatom freq ANI-1ccx xyzfile=opt.xyz
Vibration analysis for molecule 1
Multiplicity: 1
Rotational symmetry number: 1
This is a nonlinear molecule
Mode Frequencies Reduced masses Force Constants
(cm^-1) (AMU) (mDyne/A)
1 261.0407 1.0929 0.0439
2 286.9474 1.1295 0.0548
3 428.0328 2.7260 0.2943
4 841.1644 1.0947 0.4564
5 928.2688 2.3346 1.1853
6 1082.6338 3.1779 2.1946
7 1138.6399 1.9583 1.4959
8 1212.5257 1.5518 1.3442
9 1287.5002 1.1134 1.0874
10 1292.8263 1.0682 1.0520
11 1426.7497 1.2307 1.4760
12 1457.4408 1.3203 1.6524
13 1496.9454 1.1496 1.5178
14 1501.2654 1.0458 1.3887
15 1524.8936 1.0529 1.4426
16 3063.7060 1.0530 5.8232
17 3076.9020 1.1120 6.2026
18 3093.2039 1.0342 5.8299
19 3201.4189 1.1000 6.6424
20 3213.8757 1.1004 6.6964
21 3741.4822 1.0681 8.8098
Thermochemistry for molecule 1
Standard deviation of NNs : 0.00063190 Hartree 0.39652 kcal/mol
Energy : -154.89195912 Hartree
ZPE-exclusive internal energy at 0 K: -154.89196 Hartree
Zero-point vibrational energy : 0.08101 Hartree
Internal energy at 0 K: -154.81095 Hartree
Enthalpy at 298 K: -154.80576 Hartree
Gibbs free energy at 298 K: -154.83631 Hartree
Atomization enthalpy at 0 K: 1.21200 Hartree 760.54458 kcal/mol
ZPE-exclusive atomization energy at 0 K: 1.29301 Hartree 811.37653 kcal/mol
Heat of formation at 298 K: -0.09030 Hartree -56.66187 kcal/mol
MLatom会把分子对象转储到名为 freq[molecule number].json
Visualizing vibrations
There are several ways to visualize the vibrations:
Currently only on the XACS cloud computing:
At the end of the calculations via input file/command line using the options
, orraman
, MLatom will dump thefreq_gaussian{mol_index}.log
file, which uses Gaussian-style output format for frequencies. You can open it in ChemCraft.You can also dump text output file using Gaussian-style format for frequencies from the Python API:
mymolecule.dump(filename='gauss.log', format='gaussian')
NEW: Now infrared spectrum and vibrations can be visualized at the same time. We offer a slider to choose which normal model to show and at the same time highlight the corresponding IR band in the spectrum. You can download the
Jupyter notebook
for an example ofcalc.json
You can directly view the vibrations in
Jupyter notebook
by usingmymolecule.view(normal_mode=...)
, as shown below for an examplemolvibr.json
import mlatom as ml
# let's load the molecule with the required properties
molvibr = ml.molecule()
# choose the normal mode to visualize
normal_mode = 1
# let's view it
You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
# we can also check the information for this normal mode
print(f'Frequency: {molvibr.frequencies[normal_mode]:.2f} cm^-1')
print(f'Normal mode in Angstrom')
for atom in molvibr.atoms:
disp = atom.normal_modes[normal_mode]
print(f" {disp[0]:8.3f} {disp[1]:8.3f} {disp[2]:8.3f}")
Frequency: 288.70 cm^-1 Normal mode in Angstrom -0.000 0.000 -0.025 -0.085 0.168 -0.141 0.085 -0.168 -0.141 0.000 0.000 0.184 -0.000 -0.000 -0.003 0.018 -0.021 -0.014 -0.018 0.021 -0.014 0.000 0.000 0.085 -0.000 -0.000 -0.890
# the non-displaced geometry for reference
9 C -1.2121068000000 -0.2252488500000 0.0000164100000 H -1.2701429600000 -0.8599818400000 -0.8855315500000 H -1.2701264500000 -0.8599834500000 0.8855643400000 H -2.0710636400000 0.4504289000000 0.0000252100000 C 0.0804149500000 0.5556635800000 0.0000041500000 H 0.1395635900000 1.1970970800000 -0.8856250600000 H 0.1395848700000 1.1970854800000 0.8856411200000 O 1.1428329300000 -0.3971737900000 -0.0000106600000 H 1.9796722200000 0.0702558200000 -0.0001121300000
# non-displaced geometry
You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
定义QM方法的一般方法是使用 method
freq # 1. requests frequency calculation
method=B3LYP/6-31G* # 2. requests running DFT calculation with B3LYP
qmprog=PySCF # 3. requests using PySCF for B3LYP calculations; qmprog=Gaussian can also be used
xyzfile=opt.xyz # 4. file with optimized geometry
使用用户训练的机器学习模型进行频率计算的一般方法是使用 MLmodelType
和 MLmodelIn
freq # 1. requests frequency calculation
MLmodelType=ANI # 2. request optimization with the ANI-type of machine learning potential
MLmodelIn=ani.npz # 3. the file with the trained model should be provided, here it is ani.npz file
xyzfile=opt.xyz # 4. file with optimized geometry
用户定义的混合模型,如delta-learning模型,只能通过Python API用于频率计算, 此处 对其进行了演示。
与几何优化类似,MLatom可以进行多个分子的频率计算。MLatom将输出每个分子的振动分析和热化学性质。要进行这些计算,用户仅需准备具有多个分子几何构型的XYZ文件(或从此前MLatom的几何优化中获取此文件),例如,对于氢气和甲烷分子, opt.xyz
1 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
1 0.7414000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
C 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
H 1.0870000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
H -0.3623333220 -1.0248334322 -0.0000000000
H -0.3623333220 0.5124167161 -0.8875317869
H -0.3623333220 0.5124167161 0.8875317869
freq # 1. requests frequency calculation
AIQM1 # 2. AI-enhanced quantum mechanical method 1
xyzfile=opt.xyz # 3. file with optimized geometries
charges=0,1 # 4. charge of the first molecule is 0, of the second is 1.
multiplicities=1,2 # 5. multiplicity of the first molecule is 1, second - 2
MLatom提供了几种计算频率和热化学性质的方法(程序),与几何优化类似,用户可以使用 freqprog
关键字选择程序。有三个选项可用: freqprog=Gaussian
, freqprog=PySCF
和 freqprog=ASE
这些实际上是不同的任务,虽然它们在Python API中是分开的( 如下所示 ),但在输入文件中,当使用 freq
如果使用 freqprog=ASE
如果没有提供 freqprog
对于3.1.1以前的MLatom版本,用户应该使用 ase.linear
关键字来告诉ASE分子是否为线性的。该关键字默认值为0,代表非线性分子;若分子为线性,此关键字的值应设为1。若输入的XYZ文件中有多个分子,设置 ase.linear=1
可使MLatom假定它们均为线性分子。或者,用户可使用 ase.linear=1,0
另一重要该关键字是 ase.symmetrynumber
,可指定分子的对称性。MLatom中的默认值对应 \(C_1\) 点群。用户可参考下表定义对称数,下表摘自C. Cramer的《Essentials of Computational Chemistry》第二版。
点群 |
对称数 |
\(C_1\) |
\(1\) |
\(C_i\) |
\(1\) |
\(C_s\) |
\(1\) |
\(C_{{\infty}v}\) |
\(1\) |
\(D_{{\infty}h}\) |
\(2\) |
\(S_n,n=2,4,6,...\) |
\(n/2\) |
\(C_n,n=2,3,4,...\) |
\(n\) |
\(C_{nh},n=2,3,4,...\) |
\(n\) |
\(C_{nv},n=2,3,4,...\) |
\(n\) |
\(D_n,n=2,3,4,...\) |
\(2n\) |
\(D_{nh},n=2,3,4,...\) |
\(2n\) |
\(D_{nd},n=2,3,4,...\) |
\(2n\) |
\(T\) |
\(12\) |
\(T_d\) |
\(12\) |
\(O_h\) |
\(24\) |
\(I_h\) |
\(60\) |
例如,如果用户输入的XYZ文件有氢气(属于 \(D_{{\infty}h}\) 群)和甲烷(属于 \(T_d\) 群),则输入文件如下所示:
使用Gaussian时会输出 gaussian.log
Vibration analysis for molecule 1
Multiplicity: 1
This is a nonlinear molecule
Mode Frequencies Reduced masses Force Constants
(cm^-1) (AMU) (mDyne/A)
1 264.1253 1.0872 0.0447
2 288.7816 1.1305 0.0555
3 429.1248 2.7295 0.2961
4 840.9571 1.0959 0.4566
5 929.0118 2.3254 1.1825
6 1083.2419 3.1763 2.1960
7 1138.7381 1.9666 1.5025
8 1211.7614 1.5471 1.3384
9 1291.9096 1.0694 1.0516
10 1299.4679 1.1131 1.1074
11 1434.7836 1.2319 1.4941
12 1464.0813 1.3257 1.6743
13 1497.4787 1.1427 1.5097
14 1502.1301 1.0457 1.3902
15 1525.4126 1.0539 1.4449
16 3045.3746 1.0531 5.7544
17 3061.9747 1.1130 6.1482
18 3092.9313 1.0343 5.8295
19 3197.6062 1.0999 6.6261
20 3213.0380 1.1000 6.6905
21 3741.0501 1.0681 8.8073
Thermochemistry for molecule 1
Standard deviation of NNs : 0.00062817 Hartree 0.39419 kcal/mol
Energy : -154.89196013 Hartree
ZPE-exclusive internal energy at 0 K: -154.89196 Hartree
Zero-point vibrational energy : 0.08100 Hartree
Internal energy at 0 K: -154.81096 Hartree
Enthalpy at 298 K: -154.80578 Hartree
Gibbs free energy at 298 K: -154.83631 Hartree
Atomization enthalpy at 0 K: 1.21202 Hartree 760.55134 kcal/mol
ZPE-exclusive atomization energy at 0 K: 1.29301 Hartree 811.37710 kcal/mol
Heat of formation at 298 K: -0.09032 Hartree -56.67409 kcal/mol
此处可下载完整的 MLatom
和 Gaussian
另外,用户可以修改 gaussian.com
在修正 gaussian.com
文件后,用户可以如常运行Gaussian,例如,在系统中使用 g16 gaussian.com
Vibration analysis for molecule 1
Multiplicity: 1
This is a nonlinear molecule
Mode Frequencies Reduced masses Force Constants
(cm^-1) (AMU) (mDyne/A)
1 263.8939 1.0878 0.0446
2 288.6910 1.1303 0.0555
3 429.0255 2.7312 0.2962
4 840.8114 1.0961 0.4566
5 928.7823 2.3273 1.1829
6 1082.9072 3.1819 2.1984
7 1138.4541 1.9665 1.5017
8 1211.4647 1.5472 1.3379
9 1291.7699 1.0696 1.0516
10 1299.3247 1.1131 1.1072
11 1434.5579 1.2319 1.4937
12 1463.8316 1.3262 1.6743
13 1497.2788 1.1422 1.5087
14 1501.9697 1.0458 1.3901
15 1525.2540 1.0541 1.4448
16 3045.0585 1.0532 5.7540
17 3061.5892 1.1131 6.1473
18 3092.6304 1.0344 5.8292
19 3197.1933 1.1000 6.6252
20 3212.6500 1.1001 6.6896
21 3740.7180 1.0683 8.8072
Thermochemistry for molecule 1
Standard deviation of NNs : 0.00062817 Hartree 0.39419 kcal/mol
Energy : -154.89196013 Hartree
ZPE-exclusive internal energy at 0 K: -154.89196 Hartree
Zero-point vibrational energy : 0.08098 Hartree
Internal energy at 0 K: -154.81098 Hartree
Enthalpy at 298 K: -154.80579 Hartree
Gibbs free energy at 298 K: -154.83632 Hartree
Atomization enthalpy at 0 K: 1.21203 Hartree 760.55897 kcal/mol
ZPE-exclusive atomization energy at 0 K: 1.29301 Hartree 811.37718 kcal/mol
Heat of formation at 298 K: -0.09033 Hartree -56.68121 kcal/mol
使用Python API进行计算
Python API为使用更复杂的模型和构建自定义工作流提供了更大的灵活性。
Below is a workflow of optimizing geometry and calculating frequency (see Jupyter notebook
import mlatom as ml
# Get the initial guess for the molecules to optimize
initmol = ml.data.molecule.from_xyz_string(''' 9
C -1.2121068029534 -0.2252488537660 0.0000164117920
H -1.2701429633537 -0.8599818439347 -0.8855315546559
H -1.2701264459840 -0.8599834499240 0.8855643352209
H -2.0710636368970 0.4504289041619 0.0000252076803
C 0.0804149514179 0.5556635798575 0.0000041512523
H 0.1395635927681 1.1970970820212 -0.8856250576131
H 0.1395848675981 1.1970854779804 0.8856411245403
O 1.1428329343502 -0.3971737931938 -0.0000106635278
H 1.9796722202817 0.0702558186994 -0.0001121252171''')
# Choose one of the predifined (automatically recognized) methods
mymodel = ml.models.methods(method='ANI-1ccx')
/mlatom/software/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torchani/resources/ /mlatom/software/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torchani/resources/
# Optimize the geometry with the choosen optimizer:
geomopt = ml.optimize_geometry(model=mymodel, initial_molecule=initmol, program='ASE', maximum_number_of_steps=10000)
# Get the optimized molecule
final_mol = geomopt.optimized_molecule
9 C -1.2121068000000 -0.2252488500000 0.0000164100000 H -1.2701429600000 -0.8599818400000 -0.8855315500000 H -1.2701264500000 -0.8599834500000 0.8855643400000 H -2.0710636400000 0.4504289000000 0.0000252100000 C 0.0804149500000 0.5556635800000 0.0000041500000 H 0.1395635900000 1.1970970800000 -0.8856250600000 H 0.1395848700000 1.1970854800000 0.8856411200000 O 1.1428329300000 -0.3971737900000 -0.0000106600000 H 1.9796722200000 0.0702558200000 -0.0001121300000
# Do vibration analysis and thermochemistry calculation
freq = ml.thermochemistry(model=mymodel, molecule=final_mol, program='PySCF')
# or vibration analysis only
# freq = ml.freq(model=mymodel, molecule=final_mol, program='')
# Save the molecule with vibration analysis and thermochemistry results
# Check vibration analysis
print("Mode Frequencies Reduced masses Force Constants")
print(" (cm^-1) (AMU) (mDyne/A)")
for ii in range(len(final_mol.frequencies)):
print("%d %13.4f %13.4f %13.4f"%(ii,final_mol.frequencies[ii],final_mol.reduced_masses[ii],final_mol.force_constants[ii]))
# Check thermochemistry results
print(f"Zero-point vibrational energy: {final_mol.ZPE} Hartree")
print(f"Enthalpy at 298 K: {final_mol.H} Hartree")
print(f"Gibbs Free energy at 298 K: {final_mol.G} Hartree")
print(f"Heat of formation at 298 K: {final_mol.DeltaHf298} Hartree")
Mode Frequencies Reduced masses Force Constants (cm^-1) (AMU) (mDyne/A) 0 263.8585 1.0877 0.0446 1 288.6962 1.1303 0.0555 2 429.0266 2.7312 0.2962 3 840.8100 1.0961 0.4566 4 928.7816 2.3273 1.1829 5 1082.9074 3.1819 2.1985 6 1138.4535 1.9665 1.5017 7 1211.4598 1.5473 1.3379 8 1291.7733 1.0696 1.0516 9 1299.3241 1.1131 1.1072 10 1434.5579 1.2319 1.4937 11 1463.8294 1.3261 1.6742 12 1497.2782 1.1422 1.5087 13 1501.9029 1.0458 1.3899 14 1525.2521 1.0541 1.4448 15 3045.0578 1.0532 5.7540 16 3061.5866 1.1131 6.1473 17 3092.6302 1.0344 5.8292 18 3197.2113 1.1000 6.6252 19 3212.6491 1.1001 6.6896 20 3740.7179 1.0683 8.8072 Zero-point vibrational energy: 0.08098376608079631 Hartree Enthalpy at 298 K: -154.8057865062314 Hartree Gibbs Free energy at 298 K: -154.83632007673512 Hartree Heat of formation at 298 K: -0.09032742391785184 Hartree
You can compare your results with the output shown above and obtained with the calculations through the input file.
There will be several properties related to thermochemistry listed below that are attributed to the molecule
object (in Hartree for energies and Hartree/K for entropy) after calculation:
saved_dict = {#...
'ZPE': 0.080996, # Zero-point energy
'DeltaE2U': 0.085241, # Difference between internal energy and total energy (ZPVE-exclusive)
'DeltaE2H': 0.086185, # Difference between enthalpy and total energy (ZPVE-exclusive)
'DeltaE2G': 0.055654, # Difference between Gibbs free energy and total energy (ZPVE-exclusive)
'U0': -154.810964, # Internal energy at 0 K
'H0': -154.810964, # Enthalpy at 0 K
'U': -154.80672, # Internal energy at 298 K
'H': -154.805775, # Enthalpy at 298 K
'G': -154.836306, # Gibbs free energy at 298 K
'S': 0.00010240004758876359, # entropy
'atomization_energy_0K': 1.2120157100000029,
'ZPE_exclusive_atomization_energy_0K': 1.293011710000003,
'DeltaHf298': -0.0903159176864495 # Heat of formation at 298 K
# check out dict:
# final_mol.__dict__
You can retrieve the value of the property by directly calling molecule.property
(e.g. molecule.G
will return you the Gibbs free energy of the molecule).
请注意, ml.thermochemistry
包含振动分析和热化学计算。如果你只想做振动分析,可以使用 ml.freq
代替。所有结果都保存在 final_mol
训练点的XYZ坐标,Full CI能量和Hartree-Fock能量可在此下载(xyz_h2_451.dat
, E_FCI_451.dat
, E_HF_451.dat
。用户可以尝试自行训练delta-learning模型。这里,我们提供了一个预训练的模型 delta_FCI-HF_h2.unf
import mlatom as ml
# Get the initial guess for the molecules to optimize
initmol = ml.data.molecule.from_xyz_file('h2_init.xyz')
# Let's build our own delta-model
# First, define the baseline QM method, e.g.,
baseline = ml.models.model_tree_node(name='baseline', operator='predict', model=ml.models.methods(method='HF/STO-3G', program='pyscf'))
# Second, define the correcting ML model, in this case the ANI model trained on the differences between full CI and HF
delta_correction = ml.models.model_tree_node(name='delta_correction', operator='predict', model=ml.models.ani(model_file='delta_FCI-HF_h2_ani.npz'))
# Third, build the delta-model which would sum up the predictions by the baseline (HF) with the correction from ML
delta_model = ml.models.model_tree_node(name='delta_model', children=[baseline, delta_correction], operator='sum')
# Optimize the geometry with the delta-model as usual:
geomopt = ml.optimize_geometry(model=delta_model, initial_molecule=initmol, program='ASE')
# Get the final geometry approximately at the full CI level
final_mol = geomopt.optimized_molecule
print('Optimized coordinates:')
# Let's check how many full CI calculations, our delta-model saved us
print('Number of optimization steps:', len(geomopt.optimization_trajectory.steps))
# Calculate frequency
freq = ml.freq(model=delta_model, molecule=final_mol, program='')
# Check vibration analysis
print("Mode Frequencies Reduced masses Force Constants")
print(" (cm^-1) (AMU) (mDyne/A)")
for ii in range(len(final_mol.frequencies)):
print("%d %13.4f %13.4f %13.4f"%(ii,final_mol.frequencies[ii],final_mol.reduced_masses[ii],final_mol.force_constants[ii]))
给定初始的几何构型 h2_init.xyz
Optimized coordinates:
H 0.1272159900000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000
H 0.8727840100000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000
Number of optimization steps: 7
Mode Frequencies Reduced masses Force Constants
(cm^-1) (AMU) (mDyne/A)
0 4327.2885 1.0078 11.1190
通过使用这些热化学性质,用户能够很容易地评估化学行为各个方面的相对能量,例如反应过程中能量分布的变化。我们以 MLatom 3论文 中的Diels-Alder反应为例,讨论环戊二烯与马来酰亚胺的反应。您可以在这里下载所需的几何文件: re.xyz

因此,基本思路是计算每个分子的热化学性质,然后计算从生成物到反应物的能量变化。我们将证明使用Python API的便捷性(同样可以使用输入文件或命令行手动完成计算,即对每个分子进行热化学计算,并获得每种类型能量的变化)。
import mlatom as ml
# read molecules from .xyz file
reDB = ml.data.molecular_database().read_from_xyz_file('re.xyz')
optreDB = ml.data.molecular_database()
# define method to calculate thermochemical properties
model = ml.models.methods(method='AIQM1', qm_program='mndo')
for mol in reDB:
# geometry optimization
geomopt = ml.optimize_geometry(model=model, initial_molecule=mol, program='gaussian')
optmol = geomopt.optimized_molecule
# frequency calculation
ml.thermochemistry(model=model, molecule=optmol)
# get relative energies
deltaE = optreDB[2].energy - optreDB[1].energy - optreDB[0].energy
deltaG = optreDB[2].G - optreDB[1].G - optreDB[0].G
deltaH = optreDB[2].H - optreDB[1].H - optreDB[0].H
方法 |
\(\Delta E_r\) |
\(\Delta G_r\) |
\(\Delta H_r\) |
reference |
-34.20 |
- |
- |
-34.13 |
-15.98 |
-30.36 |
如果您有进一步的问题、批评和建议,我们很乐意通过 电子邮件 、 Slack (首选)或微信(请发送电子邮件请求将您添加到XACS用户支持组)以英文或中文接收您的意见。