
In this tutorial we show how to perform nonadiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD) with MLatom (and its interfaces to Newton-X whenever required). The simulations are only possible through the Python API. MLatom currently supports only NAC-free Landau–Zener–Belyev–Lebedev (LZBL) surface hopping.

Tutorials covered here:

See our papers for more details (please also cite them if you use the corresponding features):


根据电子结构方法或机器学习模型的不同,您可能需要安装MLatom的开发版本以及外部程序,如 MNDO (用于AIQM1和半经验QM)、 COLUMBUS (用于CASSCF)、 Turbomole (用于ADC(2))、或 TorchANI (用于AIQM1和ANI势)。AIQM1还需要 dftd4




请下载教程文件( sp_aiqm1.zip

首先,我们在 cnh4+.xyz 文件中提供了 \(\text{CNH}_4^+\) 的初始几何结构,其中的坐标以埃为单位,内容如下:

symmetry c1
N        0.051443000     -0.125748000      0.596619000
C        0.067113000     -0.025698000     -0.683445000
H        0.002169000      0.695516000      1.199263000
H        0.087711000     -1.030762000      1.065358000
H        0.027120000      0.954772000     -1.143351000
H        0.120118000     -0.922908000     -1.288953000


#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

import mlatom as ml

# get the molecule object
mol = ml.data.molecule()
mol.charge = 1

# define the method
aiqm1 = ml.models.methods(method='AIQM1')
# To run AIQM1/MRCI calculations, you can uncomment the following line and make sure that mndokw file is available (see below)
#aiqm1 = ml.models.methods(method='AIQM1',qm_program_kwargs={'read_keywords_from_file':'mndokw'})

# calculate electronic state properties
                nstates=3, # Number of electronic states to calculate
                current_state=2, # Requests calculating properties for the S2 electronic state (the third one or second excited)
                calculate_energy_gradients=[True, True, True], # requests calculating gradients for all three states
                #calculate_energy_gradients=True # requests calculating gradients only for the current state for many methods (but not for AIQM1 yet)
                calculate_nacv=False, # calculate nonadiabatic coupling vectors

# show the energy and gradients of each state
for i in range(len(mol.electronic_states)):
    print(f'Energy of state {i}, {mol.electronic_states[i].energy}')
    print(f'Energy gradients of state {i}')

# or alternatively:
print('Electronic state energies:', mol.state_energies)
print('Energy gradients in all electronic states')

# save the molecule object in file
mol.dump(filename="mol.json", format="json")


Energy of state 0, -94.87746605828193
Energy gradients of state 0
[[-2.20979325e-05 -3.09923481e-05  4.19648750e-04]
[ 1.84361461e-05  7.32504232e-05 -9.31292919e-04]
[-2.19042984e-04  4.91462433e-03 -8.93827657e-04]
[ 2.61506161e-04 -4.71725762e-03 -1.64437563e-03]
[ 1.19805843e-04 -2.90049761e-03  1.30834139e-03]
[-1.58607238e-04  2.66087287e-03  1.74150332e-03]]
Energy of state 1, -94.63515481241645
Energy gradients of state 1
[[ 5.04737245e-04  3.19599783e-03 -4.08726944e-02]
[ 4.00318642e-04  2.59615245e-03 -3.32555938e-02]
[ 2.10040873e-04  2.67707897e-05 -1.31297761e-02]
[ 1.06425061e-04  2.01394042e-03 -1.29785531e-02]
[-1.28339570e-04 -1.37049107e-02  4.93587653e-02]
[-1.09318226e-03  5.87204910e-03  5.08778502e-02]]
Energy of state 2, -94.58438542616139
Energy gradients of state 2
[[-3.22384930e-04 -1.95587619e-03  2.50398870e-02]
[ 1.58487817e-03  1.00715972e-02 -1.28916150e-01]
[-9.11050390e-06  3.73598849e-03 -1.03835407e-02]
[ 2.78260000e-04 -2.07710696e-03 -1.08367181e-02]
[ 2.43944556e-03 -6.96100621e-02  5.75290677e-02]
[-3.97108828e-03  5.98354594e-02  6.75674517e-02]]

Electronic state energies: [-94.87746606 -94.63515481 -94.58438543]
Energy gradients in all electronic states
[[[-2.20979325e-05 -3.09923481e-05  4.19648750e-04]

所有计算结果将被存储在 mol.json 中,您可以检查该文件以更好地了解数据在MLatom中的存储方式,以及如何通过其Python API访问不同的属性。

如果您使用了AIQM1/MRCI,您需要选择活性空间并对传递给MNDO程序的关键字进行其他调整(请参阅 其文档 )。在这里,您需要使用 mndokw 文件,其内容如下:

jop=-2 +
iop=-22 immdp=-1 igeom=1 iform=1 nsav15=3 +
icuts=-1 icutg=-1 kitscf=9999 iscf=9 iplscf=9 +
iprint=-1 kprint=-5 lprint=-2 mprint=0 jprint=-1 +
kharge=1 imult=0 nprint=-1 +
kci=5 movo=-1 ici1=2 ici2=1 jci1=1 jci2=1 nciref=0 +
iroot=3 iuvcd=2 +
ncisym=-1 ioutci=3 ipubo=1 +
ncigrd=3 icross=1


Energy of state 0, -94.88480497779682
Energy gradients of state 0
[[ 1.34242995e-04  9.67083232e-04 -1.23502153e-02]
[-1.78362286e-04 -1.17842971e-03  1.50824778e-02]
[-9.10435874e-05  2.63194636e-03 -2.00336109e-03]
[ 1.56325835e-04 -2.28966888e-03 -2.38851941e-03]
[ 3.31705685e-05 -9.16708517e-04  7.62840787e-04]
[-5.43335121e-05  7.85777537e-04  8.96776412e-04]]
Energy of state 1, -94.63484529385708
Energy gradients of state 1
[[ 0.00050423  0.00321188 -0.04107714]
[ 0.00044946  0.00290478 -0.0372039 ]
[ 0.00017054  0.00049241 -0.01193939]
[ 0.00012002  0.001369   -0.01187431]
[-0.00012679 -0.01405619  0.0502662 ]
[-0.00111746  0.00607812  0.05182854]]
Energy of state 2, -94.56976745482731
Energy gradients of state 2
[[ 6.21429387e-03  3.96821088e-02 -5.07668904e-01]
[-6.24036735e-03 -3.98880933e-02  5.10344195e-01]
[-9.20936201e-05  2.29106816e-03 -1.36149279e-03]
[ 1.28184773e-04 -2.05330005e-03 -1.70182967e-03]
[ 9.81727653e-05 -2.05300286e-03  3.51054010e-05]
[-1.08190451e-04  2.02121919e-03  3.52925482e-04]]


在这里,我们扩展了上述示例,展示了如何在传播LZBL面跳跃动力学中使用与之前相同的方法(AIQM1/MRCI)。请下载教程文件( namd_aiqm1.zip )。


  • 优化几何构型

  • 运行频率计算

  • 使用Newton-X的例程从Wigner分布中生成初始条件。该示例可以扩展以支持按激发能量窗口进行筛选(有关更多详情,请参阅 手册 )。

  • 并行传播多条轨迹(此处为16条轨迹,每条轨迹为5 fs,时间步长为0.1 fs)。

  • 将轨迹储存为h5md格式

  • 通过生成群体图来分析结果。


import mlatom as ml

# Load the initial geometry of a molecule
mol = ml.data.molecule()

# Define methods
# .. for NAMD
aiqm1 = ml.models.methods(method='AIQM1',
                        qm_program_kwargs={'save_files_in_current_directory': True,
# .. for optimization, frequencies and normal mode calculations
method_optfreq = ml.models.methods(method='B3LYP/Def2SVP', program='pyscf')

# Optimize geometry
geomopt = ml.simulations.optimize_geometry(model=method_optfreq,
eqmol = geomopt.optimized_molecule

# Get frequencies
eqmol.dump(filename='eqmol.json', format='json')

# Get initial conditions
init_cond_db = ml.generate_initial_conditions(molecule=eqmol,
                                    random_seed=1) # To ensure we always get the same initial conditions (should not be used in actual calculations)

# Propagate multiple LZBL surface-hopping trajectories in parallel
# .. setup dynamics calculations
namd_kwargs = {
            'model': aiqm1,
            'time_step': 0.25,
            'maximum_propagation_time': 5,
            'hopping_algorithm': 'LZBL',
            'nstates': 3,
            'initial_state': 2, # Numbering of states starts from 0!
            'random_seed': 1 # To ensure we always get the same initial conditions (should not be used in actual calculations)

# .. run trajectories in parallel
dyns = ml.simulations.run_in_parallel(molecular_database=init_cond_db,
trajs = [d.molecular_trajectory for d in dyns]

# Dump the trajectories
for traj in trajs:

# Analyze the result of trajectories and make the population plot
ml.namd.analyze_trajs(trajectories=trajs, maximum_propagation_time=5)
ml.namd.plot_population(trajectories=trajs, time_step=0.25,
                        max_propagation_time=5, nstates=3, filename=f'pop.png', pop_filename='pop.txt')



您还将获得带有群体信息的文本文件 pop.txt ,其内容应如下:

0.000 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.250 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.500 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.750 0.0 0.0 1.0

下载完整文件 cnh4+_aiqm1cis_lznamd_population.txt


Multi-state ANI models

Multi-state learning model (MS-ANI) that has unrivaled accuracy for excited state properties (accuracy is often better than for models targeting only ground state!). We demonstrate that this model can be used for trajectory-surface hopping of multiple molecules (not just for a single molecule!) in:

  • Mikołaj Martyka, Lina Zhang, Fuchun Ge, Yi-Fan Hou, Joanna Jankowska, Mario Barbatti, Pavlo O. Dral. Charting electronic-state manifolds across molecules with multi-state learning and gap-driven dynamics via efficient and robust active learning. 2024. Preprint on ChemRxiv: https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-dtc1w.

Zip with tutorial materials including Jupyter notebook:


ML-NAMD with single-state models

在本教程中,我们展示了一个更高级的示例,演示了如何使用ML模型进行表面跃迁分子动力学模拟。请参阅有关 通用机器学习势 的单独教程,之后我们将提供有关如何专门为激发态训练MLP的教程。

您可以从本文 下载 具有所需初始条件和ML模型的Jupyter笔记本。

教程中的计算速度非常快,您应该能够在一分钟内从30条轨迹中获得5 fs的最终群体图,时间步长为0.25 fs。以下是Jupyter笔记本的代码片段:

import mlatom as ml
import os
import numpy as np

# Read initial conditions
init_cond_db = ml.data.molecular_database.load(filename='materials/init_cond_db_for_pyrazine.json', format='json')

# We need to create a class that accepts the specific arguments shown below and saves the calculated electronic state properties in the molecule object
class mlmodels():
    def __init__(self, nstates = 5):
        folder_with_models = 'materials/lz_models'
        self.models = [None for istate in range(nstates)]
        for istate in range(nstates):
            self.models[istate] = [ml.models.ani(model_file=f'{folder_with_models}/ensemble{ii+1}s{istate}.pt') for ii in range(2)]
            for ii in range(2): self.models[istate][ii].nthreads = 1

    def predict(self,

        molecule.electronic_states = [molecule.copy() for ii in range(nstates)]

        for istate in range(nstates):
            moltmp = molecule.electronic_states[istate]
            moltmpens = [moltmp.copy() for ii in range(2)]
            for ii in range(2):
                self.models[istate][ii].predict(molecule=moltmpens[ii], calculate_energy = True, calculate_energy_gradients = True)
            moltmp.energy = np.mean([moltmpens[ii].energy for ii in range(2)])
            moltmp.energy_gradients = np.mean([moltmpens[ii].energy_gradients for ii in range(2)], axis=0)

        molecule.energy = molecule.electronic_states[current_state].energy
        molecule.energy_gradients = molecule.electronic_states[current_state].energy_gradients

models = mlmodels()

# Arguments for running NAMD trajectories
timemax = 5 # fs
namd_kwargs = {
            'model': models,
            'time_step': 0.25, # fs
            'maximum_propagation_time': timemax,
            'dump_trajectory_interval': None,
            'hopping_algorithm': 'LZBL',
            'nstates': 5,
            'random_seed': 1, # making sure that the hopping probabilities are the same (should not be used in actual calculations!)
            'rescale_velocity_direction': 'along velocities',
            'reduce_kinetic_energy': False,

# Run 30 trajectories
dyns = ml.simulations.run_in_parallel(molecular_database=init_cond_db[:30], task=ml.namd.surface_hopping_md, task_kwargs=namd_kwargs)
trajs = [d.molecular_trajectory for d in dyns]
ml.namd.analyze_trajs(trajectories=trajs, maximum_propagation_time=timemax)

# Dump the trajectories
for itraj in range(len(trajs)):
    trajs[itraj].dump(filename=f'traj{itraj+1}.json', format='json')

# Prepare the population plot
ml.namd.plot_population(trajectories=trajs, time_step=0.25,
                        max_propagation_time=timemax, nstates=5, filename=f'pop.png')




GapMD is an efficient way to explore the region near the conical intersections, see for details:

  • Mikołaj Martyka, Lina Zhang, Fuchun Ge, Yi-Fan Hou, Joanna Jankowska, Mario Barbatti, Pavlo O. Dral. Charting electronic-state manifolds across molecules with multi-state learning and gap-driven dynamics via efficient and robust active learning. 2024. Preprint on ChemRxiv: https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-dtc1w.

Zip with tutorial materials including Jupyter notebook:


Active learning

Efficient and robust active learning for surface-hopping dynamics: often, you can do surface-hopping dynamics from start to finish within a couple of days on a single GPU! See for details:

  • Mikołaj Martyka, Lina Zhang, Fuchun Ge, Yi-Fan Hou, Joanna Jankowska, Mario Barbatti, Pavlo O. Dral. Charting electronic-state manifolds across molecules with multi-state learning and gap-driven dynamics via efficient and robust active learning. 2024. Preprint on ChemRxiv: https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-dtc1w.

Zip with tutorial materials including Jupyter notebook:
