#!/usr/bin/env python3
from . import simulations
from . import constants
.. code-block::
! initial_conditions: Module for generating initial conditions !
! Implementations by: Yi-Fan Hou, Lina Zhang, Fuchun Ge, Pavlo O. Dral !
import numpy as np
from . import data
from . import stopper
from . import constants
def excitation_energy_window_filter(molecular_database=None,
molDB = molecular_database
if not random_seed is None:
random_number = np.random.random()
random_number = np.random.random()
init_cond_db = data.molecular_database()
if check_os and (type(f_max) == type(None)):
f_list = []
for mol in molDB.molecules:
model.predict(molecule=mol, calculate_energy=True, **model_predict_kwargs)
for i in range(1, len(mol.electronic_states)):
print("Calculcation failed in filtering!")
f_max = np.max(np.array(f_list))
for mol in molDB.molecules:
model.predict(molecule=mol, calculate_energy=True, **model_predict_kwargs)
print("Calculcation failed in filtering!")
for mol in molDB.molecules:
for i in range(1, len(mol.electronic_states)):
excitation_energy = (mol.electronic_states[i].energy - mol.electronic_states[0].energy) * constants.hartree2eV
if abs(excitation_energy - target_excitation_energy) <= window_half_width:
if check_os:
if mol.oscillator_strengths[i-1]/f_max >= random_number:
mol.current_state = i
mol.energy == mol.electronic_states[i].energy
mol.current_state = i
if check_os:
return check_os, f_max, init_cond_db
return check_os, init_cond_db
def generate_initial_conditions(molecule=None, generation_method=None, number_of_initial_conditions=1,
file_with_initial_xyz_coordinates=None, file_with_initial_xyz_velocities=None,
initial_temperature=None, initial_kinetic_energy=None,
Generate initial conditions
molecule (:class:`data.molecule`): molecule with necessary information
generation_method (str): initial condition generation method, see below the table
number_of_initial_conditions (int): number of initial conditions to generate, 1 by default
file_with_initial_xyz_coordinates (str): file with initial xyz coordinates, only valid for ``generation_method='user-defined'``
file_with_initial_xyz_velocities (str): file with initial xyz velocities, only valid for ``generation_method='user-defined'``
eliminate_angular_momentum (bool): remove angular momentum from velocities, valid for ``generation_method='random'`` and ``generation_method='wigner'``
degrees_of_freedom (int): degrees of freedom of the molecule, by default remove translational and rotational degrees of freedom. It can be a negative value, which means that some value is subtracted from 3*Natoms
initial_temperature (float): initial temperature in Kelvin, control random initial velocities
initial_kinetic_energy (float): initial kinetic energy in Hartree, control random initial velocities
random_seed (int): random seed for numpy random number generator (do not use unless you want to obtain the same results every time)
filter_by_energy_window (bool): filter by excitation energy window
window_filter_kwargs (dict): keyword arguments for filtering the energy window, see below the table
.. table::
:align: center
============================= =============================================
generation_method description
============================= =============================================
``'user-defined'`` (default) use user-defined initial conditions
``'random'`` generate random velocities
``'maxwell-boltzmann'`` randomly generate initial velocities from Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
``'wigner'`` use Wigner sampling as implemented in `Newton-X <https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jctc.2c00804>`__
============================= =============================================
.. table::
:align: center
================================ ================================================================================================================
window_filter_kwargs description
================================ ================================================================================================================
model model or method that can calculate excitation energies and oscillator strengths
model_predict_kwargs keyword arguments for above model, typically ``nstates`` specifying how many states to calculate
target_excitation_energy (float) in eV
window_half_width (float) in eV
random_seed (int) random seed for numpy random number generator (do not use unless you want to obtain the same results every time)
================================ ================================================================================================================
A molecular database (:class:`ml.data.molecular_database`) with ``number_of_initial_conditions`` initial conditions
.. code-block:: python
# Use user-defined initial conditions
init_cond_db = ml.generate_initial_conditions(molecule = mol,
generation_method = 'user-defined',
file_with_initial_xyz_coordinates = 'ethanol.xyz',
file_with_initial_xyz_velocities = 'ethanol.vxyz',
number_of_initial_conditions = 1)
# Generate random velocities
init_cond_db = ml.generate_initial_conditions(molecule = mol,
generation_method = 'random',
initial_temperature = 300,
number_of_initial_conditions = 1)
# Use Wigner sampling
init_cond_db = ml.generate_initial_conditions(molecule = mol,
generation_method = 'wigner',
number_of_initial_conditions = 1)
# Sample with filtering by excitation energy window. Requires the model for calculating excitation energies and oscillator strengths.
model = ml.models.methods(method='AIQM1')
model_predict_kwargs={'nstates':9} # requests calculation of 9 electronic states
'target_excitation_energy':5.7, # eV
'window_half_width':0.1, # eV}
init_cond_db = ml.generate_initial_conditions(molecule=mol,
.. note::
Wigner sampling needs Hessian matrix. You can use ``ml.models.methods.predict(molecule=mol,calculate_hessian=True)`` to get Hessian matrix.
if not random_seed is None:
if initial_temperature != None and initial_kinetic_energy != None:
stopper.stopMLatom('Cannot use initial_temperature and initial_kinetic_energy at the same time')
if initial_temperature == None and initial_kinetic_energy == None:
if generation_method.casefold() == 'wigner'.casefold():
initial_temperature = 0
initial_temperature = 300
if degrees_of_freedom != None:
if degrees_of_freedom <= 0:
degrees_of_freedom = 3 * len(molecule.atoms) + degrees_of_freedom
if eliminate_angular_momentum:
degrees_of_freedom = max(1, 3 * len(molecule.atoms) - 6)
degrees_of_freedom = max(1, 3 * len(molecule.atoms) - 3)
init_cond_db = data.molecular_database()
Natoms = len(molecule.atoms)
iteration = 0
target_number_of_initial_conditions = number_of_initial_conditions
while len(init_cond_db) < target_number_of_initial_conditions:
init_cond_db = data.molecular_database()
iteration += 1
if generation_method.casefold() == 'user-defined'.casefold():
init_cond_db.add_xyz_vectorial_properties_from_file(file_with_initial_xyz_velocities, xyz_vectorial_property='xyz_velocities')
elif generation_method.casefold() == 'random'.casefold():
for irepeat in range(number_of_initial_conditions):
new_molecule = molecule.copy()
velocities = generate_random_velocities(new_molecule,eliminate_angular_momentum,degrees_of_freedom,temp=initial_temperature,ekin=initial_kinetic_energy)
for iatom in range(Natoms):
new_molecule.atoms[iatom].xyz_velocities = velocities[iatom]
elif generation_method.casefold() == 'maxwell-boltzmann'.casefold():
init_cond_db.read_from_numpy(coordinates=np.repeat([molecule.xyz_coordinates], number_of_initial_conditions, axis=0), species=np.repeat([molecule.element_symbols], number_of_initial_conditions, axis=0))
velocities = np.random.randn(*init_cond_db.xyz_coordinates.shape) * np.sqrt(initial_temperature * constants.kB / (init_cond_db.nuclear_masses / 1000 / constants.Avogadro_constant))[...,np.newaxis] / 1E5
init_cond_db.add_xyz_vectorial_properties(velocities, xyz_vectorial_property='xyz_velocities')
elif generation_method.casefold() == 'wigner'.casefold():
coordinates_all, velocities_all = wigner_sampling.sample(number_of_initial_conditions,molecule,temperature=initial_temperature,use_hessian=use_hessian,reaction_coordinate_momentum=reaction_coordinate_momentum)
mass_ = np.array([each.nuclear_mass for each in molecule.atoms])
mass = mass_.reshape(Natoms,1)
total_mass = np.sum(mass_)
for irepeat in range(number_of_initial_conditions):
if eliminate_angular_momentum and not molecule.is_it_linear():
velocities_all[irepeat] = getridofang(coordinates_all[irepeat],velocities_all[irepeat],mass_)
v_cm = sum(velocities_all[irepeat]*mass)/total_mass
velocities_all[irepeat] -= v_cm
for irepeat in range(number_of_initial_conditions):
new_molecule = molecule.copy(atomic_labels = [], molecular_labels = [])
for iatom in range(Natoms):
new_molecule.atoms[iatom].xyz_coordinates = coordinates_all[irepeat][iatom]
new_molecule.atoms[iatom].xyz_velocities = velocities_all[irepeat][iatom]
elif generation_method.casefold() == 'harmonic-quantum-boltzmann'.casefold():
init_cond_db = harmonic_quantum_Boltzmann_sampling.sample(npoints=number_of_initial_conditions,molecule=molecule,temperature=initial_temperature,use_hessian=use_hessian)
if filter_by_energy_window:
if iteration == 1:
result = excitation_energy_window_filter(init_cond_db,**window_filter_kwargs)
if result[0]:
check_os, f_max, init_cond_db = result
check_os, init_cond_db = result
filtered_ratio = len(init_cond_db)/number_of_initial_conditions
if filtered_ratio == 0:
number_of_initial_conditions = int((target_number_of_initial_conditions - len(init_cond_db))/0.5)
number_of_initial_conditions = int((target_number_of_initial_conditions - len(init_cond_db))/filtered_ratio)
previous_init_cond_db = init_cond_db
if check_os:
result = excitation_energy_window_filter(molecular_database=init_cond_db,f_max=f_max,**window_filter_kwargs)
check_os, f_max, init_cond_db = result
filtered_ratio = len(init_cond_db)/number_of_initial_conditions
init_cond_db += previous_init_cond_db
previous_init_cond_db = init_cond_db
result = excitation_energy_window_filter(molecular_database=init_cond_db,**window_filter_kwargs)
check_os, init_cond_db = result
filtered_ratio = len(init_cond_db)/number_of_initial_conditions
init_cond_db += previous_init_cond_db
previous_init_cond_db = init_cond_db
if filtered_ratio == 0:
number_of_initial_conditions = int((target_number_of_initial_conditions - len(init_cond_db))/0.5)
number_of_initial_conditions = int((target_number_of_initial_conditions - len(init_cond_db))/filtered_ratio)
if len(init_cond_db) > target_number_of_initial_conditions:
init_cond_db = init_cond_db[:target_number_of_initial_conditions]
# Change the random seed so that the user-defined one only affects initial conditions sampling
if not random_seed is None:
return init_cond_db
def read_velocities_from_file(filename):
velocities = []
with open(filename, 'r') as fxyz:
nlines = 0
natoms = 0
for line in fxyz:
nlines += 1
if nlines == 1:
natoms = int(line)
elif nlines > 2 and nlines <= 2 + natoms:
yy = line.split()
velocities.append([float(xx) for xx in yy[-3:]])
if nlines == 2 + natoms:
return velocities
def generate_random_velocities(molecule,noang,dof,temp=None,ekin=None):
Natoms = len(molecule.atoms)
randnum = np.random.randn(Natoms,3)
coord = np.array([each.xyz_coordinates for each in molecule.atoms])
mass_ = np.array([each.nuclear_mass for each in molecule.atoms])
mass = np.array(mass_).reshape(Natoms,1)
if temp != None:
kb = constants.kB_in_Hartree # Unit: Hartree/K
kinetic_energy = dof/2.0 * kb * temp
kinetic_energy = ekin
linearity = molecule.is_it_linear()
# Eliminate total angular momentum
if noang:
if linearity:
rand_velocity = generate_random_velocities_for_linear_molecule(molecule)
rand_velocity = randnum / np.sqrt(mass*constants.ram2au)
rand_velocity = getridofang(coord,rand_velocity,mass_)
rand_velocity = randnum / np.sqrt(mass*constants.ram2au)
# Raise warning if degrees of freedom are not compatible to the linear molecule
if linearity:
if dof != 3*Natoms-5:
print(f'WARNING: Linear molecule detected, but degrees of freedom used is {dof} instead of {3*Natoms-5}')
# Eliminate total linear momentum
total_mass = sum(mass)[0]
v_cm = sum(rand_velocity*mass)/total_mass
rand_velocity = rand_velocity - v_cm
rand_energy = np.sum((rand_velocity**2) * (mass*constants.ram2au)) / 2.0
ratio = rand_energy / kinetic_energy
velocity = rand_velocity / np.sqrt(ratio) # Unit: a.u.
velocity = velocity * constants.Bohr2Angstrom / constants.au2fs # Unit: Angstrom / fs
return velocity
def getridofang(coord,vel,mass):
omega = getAngV(coord,vel,mass)
coord_ = coord - getCoM(coord,mass)
vel = vel - np.cross(omega,coord_)
return vel
def getAngV(xyz,v,m,center=None):
return omega
def getCoM(xyz,m=None):
if m is None:
return np.sum(xyz*m[:,np.newaxis],axis=-2)/np.sum(m)
def getAngM(xyz,v,m,center=None):
if center is None:
return L
def getMomentOfInertiaTensor(xyz,m,center=None):
if center is None:
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
for k in range(len(m)):
I[i,j]+=m[k]*(np.sum(centered[k]**2)-centered[k,i]*centered[k,j]) if i==j else m[k]*(-centered[k,i]*centered[k,j])
return I
class wigner_sampling():
# Copyright (C) 2022 Light and Molecules under the GNU license
# Functions in class wigner_sampling are modified from NewtonX-2.4-B06 by Yi-Fan Hou
# cite Newton-X when using it (M. Barbatti, M. Bondanza, R. Crespo-Otero, B. Demoulin, P. O. Dral, G. Granucci, F. Kossoski, H. Lischka, B. Mennucci, S. Mukherjee, M. Pederzoli, M. Persico, M. Pinheiro Jr, J. Pittner, F. Plasser, E. Sangiogo Gil, and L. Stojanovic. Newton-X Platform: New Software Developments for Surface Hopping and Nuclear Ensembles. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 18, 6851 (2022).)
def __init__(self):
def sample(cls,npoints,molecule,temperature=0,use_hessian=True,reaction_coordinate_momentum=True):
qlist = []
vlist = []
geomEq = np.array([each.xyz_coordinates for each in molecule.atoms])
mass = molecule.get_nuclear_masses()
mass = mass.reshape(1,len(mass))
linear = molecule.is_it_linear()
Natoms = len(molecule.atoms)
if linear:
ntriv = 5
ntriv = 6
if not use_hessian:
if not ('frequencies' in molecule.__dict__ and 'normal_modes' in molecule[0].__dict__):
print('Frequencies and normal modes not found, try to calculate them from Hessian matrix')
if not 'hessian' in molecule.__dict__.keys():
stopper.stopMLatom('Hessian matrix not found -- cannot do wigner sampling')
simulations.freq.freq_modified_from_TorchANI(molecule=molecule,normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized')
if not 'hessian' in molecule.__dict__.keys():
stopper.stopMLatom('Hessian matrix not found -- cannot do wigner sampling')
simulations.freq.freq_modified_from_TorchANI(molecule=molecule,normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized')
freq = np.array(molecule.frequencies)
nm = np.zeros((3*Natoms,Natoms,3))
# Remove normal modes with negative frequencies
nnegative = 0
while freq[nnegative] < 0:
nnegative += 1
freq = freq[nnegative:]
ntriv += nnegative
if nnegative > 0:
print(f"Wigner sampling: Removed {nnegative} negative frequencies")
for itriv in range(ntriv):
nm[itriv] = 1.0 / np.sqrt(3*Natoms)
for imode in range(3*Natoms-ntriv):
for iatom in range(Natoms):
nm[ntriv+imode][iatom] = molecule[iatom].normal_modes[imode]
numcoo = len(freq)
atom_mass = [each.nuclear_mass for each in molecule.atoms]
_, w_nmode = cls.nm2cart(nm,atom_mass)
geomEq_au = np.array(geomEq) / constants.Bohr2Angstrom
anq, amp, freq_au, atmau = cls.rdmol(atom_mass,numcoo,freq)
# Get Gaussian parameters (exponents and shifts)
broad = np.ones((2,numcoo))
shift = np.zeros((2,numcoo))
if temperature != 0:
broad[0,:] = np.tanh(constants.planck_constant*constants.speed_of_light*100.0*freq/(2.0*constants.kB*temperature))
for ipoint in range(npoints):
q,v = cls.inqp(geomEq_au,w_nmode[ntriv:],freq_au,anq,amp,numcoo,atmau,shift,broad)
# Transform from a.u. to Angstrom & fs
qlist = np.array(qlist) * constants.Bohr2Angstrom
vlist = np.array(vlist) * constants.Bohr2Angstrom / constants.au2fs
if reaction_coordinate_momentum and nnegative > 0:
print("Adding velocity to reaction coordinate")
reaction_nm = np.zeros((nnegative,Natoms,3))
for ii in range(nnegative):
for iatom in range(Natoms):
reaction_nm[ii][iatom] = molecule[iatom].normal_modes[ii]
reaction_nm_masses = molecule.reduced_masses[:nnegative]
for ii in range(nnegative):
# Normalize the normal modes
reaction_nm[ii] = reaction_nm[ii] / np.sqrt(np.sum(reaction_nm[ii]**2))
for ipoint in range(npoints):
scale = np.random.choice([-1,1])*np.sqrt(-2*constants.kB_in_Hartree*temperature*np.log(1-np.random.random())) / np.sqrt(reaction_nm_masses[ii] * constants.ram2au)/ constants.au2fs * constants.Bohr2Angstrom
vlist[ipoint] += scale * reaction_nm[ii]
return qlist, vlist
def nm2cart(cls,nms,atom_mass):
Natoms = len(nms[0])
cart_nms = np.copy(nms)
for inm in range(len(nms)):
# reduced mass
reduced_amu = 0.0
for iatom in range(Natoms):
reduced_amu += np.sum(nms[inm][iatom]**2*atom_mass[iatom])
# cartesian normal modes (au)
for iatom in range(Natoms):
cart_nms[inm][iatom] /= np.sqrt(reduced_amu*constants.ram2au)
# Mass weighted normal modes:
w_nmode = np.copy(cart_nms)
for inm in range(len(nms)):
for iatom in range(Natoms):
w_nmode[inm][iatom] *= np.sqrt(atom_mass[iatom]*constants.ram2au)
return cart_nms, w_nmode
def herm2(cls,xarg,x,nn,cost):
h = np.zeros(55)
h[0] = 1.0
h[1] = xarg + xarg
if (nn>=2):
for mm in range(1,nn+1):
ff = xarg*h[mm] - (mm-1)*h[mm-1]
h[mm+1] = ff+ff
ff = h[nn]
herm1 = ff*cost*np.exp(-x*x*0.5)
value = herm1*herm1
return value
# NewtonX-2.4-B06 initcond/sample.f90
def sample_coor(cls,amp,ivib,quant,shift,broad):
turnpo = np.sqrt(ivib*2.0+1.0)
xmin = -turnpo - quant
xdel = -xmin - xmin
# Initial conditions in the vibrational ground state
if ivib == 0:
while True:
x1 = np.random.random()
xx = xmin + xdel*x1
fsval = np.exp(-xx*xx)
x2 = np.random.random()
if (x2 < fsval):
xarg = xx / np.sqrt(broad) + shift
coor = xarg*amp
return coor
# Initial condition in vibrational excited states
nstep = 50*ivib
dlt = 1.0/nstep
fzb = -1000.0
k = 0
xarg = 0.0
while (xarg < -xmin):
k = k+1
xx = xmin+dlt*k
xarg = xx / np.sqrt(broad) + shift
fz = cls.herm2(xarg,xx,ivib,1.0)
if (fz >= fzb): fzb = fz
fmax = fzb
cost = np.sqrt(1.0/fmax)
while True:
x1 = np.random.random()
xx = xmin + xdel*x1
xarg = xx / np.sqrt(broad) + shift
fsval = cls.herm2(xarg,xx,ivib,cost)
x2 = np.random.random()
if (x2<= fsval): break
coor = xarg*amp
return coor
# NewtonX-2.4-B06 initcond/initqp.f90
# !! the len of all normal mode related array is numcoo
def rdmol(cls,atom_mass,numcoo,freq):
eps = 1.0E-15
atmau = np.array(atom_mass)*constants.ram2au#*1822.888515
Natoms = len(atom_mass)
# numcoo = 3*Natoms - 6 + linear
anq = np.zeros(numcoo) # vibrational quantum numbers (all zero)
freq_au = np.array(freq) * 4.55633539E-6 # cm 2 au
# factor used for quantum distribution
amp = np.zeros(3*Natoms)
for i in range(numcoo):
amp[i] = 1.0 / np.sqrt(freq_au[i])
return anq, amp, freq_au, atmau
# NewtonX-2.4-B06 initcond/inqp.f90
def inqp(cls,geomEq,cn,w,anq,amp,numcoo,atmau,shift,broad):
cint = []
dcint = []
dum0 = 0.0
dum1 = 0.0
Natoms = len(atmau)
samp_points = np.zeros((2,numcoo))
q = np.array(geomEq) # size: (Natoms,3)
v = np.zeros((Natoms,3))
for i in range(numcoo):
wwai = amp[i]*w[i]
ivb = int(abs(anq[i])+0.5)
quant = 4.0
enmi = w[i]*(ivb+0.5) # Vibrational energies
epot = 0.5*(w[i]*cint[i])**2 # Potential energies
samp_points[0][i] = cint[i]/amp[i]
samp_points[1][i] = dcint[i]/wwai
dum0 += epot
dum1 += enmi
for iatom in range(Natoms):
for icoord in range(3):
fac = 1.0/np.sqrt(atmau[iatom])
for i in range(numcoo):
q[iatom][icoord] += cn[i][iatom][icoord]*cint[i]*fac
v[iatom][icoord] += cn[i][iatom][icoord]*dcint[i]*fac
return q,v # Unit: a.u.
class harmonic_quantum_Boltzmann_sampling():
# The harmonic quantum Boltzmann sampling in this class follows what is shown in the following paper (it is called thermal sampling in VENUS manual):
# J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102, 3648-3658
# The quanta ni of each normal mode is first sampled from the harmonic quantum Boltzman distribution function:
# p(ni) = exp(-ni * h * vi / kB / T) * (1 - (exp(-h * vi / kB / T)))
# where vi is the frequency of normal mode i, h is the Planck constant, kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature
# The energy of normal mode i is calculated as Ei = (ni + 0.5) * h * vi
# The mass weighted normal mode coordinates Qi and momenta Pi are
# Qi = Ai * cos(2 * pi * Ri)
# Pi = -Ai * wi * sin(2 * pi * Ri)
# where wi = 2 * pi * vi, Ai = sqrt(2 * Ei) / wi and Ri is a uniform random number on [0,1]
# The mass weighted momentum Prc of reaction coordinate is chosed from a thermal distribution
# Prc = ± sqrt(-2 * kB * T * ln(1 - R))
# where R is a uniform random number on [0,1]
def __init__(self):
def sample(cls,npoints,molecule,temperature,use_hessian):
if not use_hessian:
if not ('frequencies' in molecule.__dict__ and 'normal_modes' in molecule[0].__dict__):
print('Frequencies and normal modes not found, try to calculate them from Hessian matrix')
if not 'hessian' in molecule.__dict__.keys():
stopper.stopMLatom('Hessian matrix not found -- cannot do wigner sampling')
simulations.freq.freq_modified_from_TorchANI(molecule=molecule,normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized')
if not 'hessian' in molecule.__dict__.keys():
stopper.stopMLatom('Hessian matrix not found -- cannot do wigner sampling')
simulations.freq.freq_modified_from_TorchANI(molecule=molecule,normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized')
freq = molecule.frequencies
nm_masses = molecule.reduced_masses
Natoms = len(molecule)
nnegative = 0
while freq[nnegative] < 0:
nnegative += 1
# freq = freq[nnegative:]
nm = np.zeros((len(freq),Natoms,3))
for imode in range(len(freq)):
for iatom in range(Natoms):
nm[imode][iatom] = molecule[iatom].normal_modes[imode]
nm[imode] /= np.sqrt(np.sum(nm[imode]**2))
q_list = np.array([molecule.xyz_coordinates]*npoints)
v_list = np.zeros((npoints,Natoms,3))
for imode in range(nnegative,len(freq)):
qq,vv = cls.get_vq(temperature,freq[imode],nm_masses[imode],npoints)
for isample in range(npoints):
# print(isample)
q_list[isample] += nm[imode]*qq[isample]
# print(nm[imode]*vv[isample])
v_list[isample] += nm[imode]*vv[isample]
# Deal with reaction coordinate
for ii in range(nnegative):
for isample in range(npoints):
scale = np.random.choice([-1,1])*np.sqrt(-2*constants.kB_in_Hartree*temperature*np.log(1-np.random.random())) / np.sqrt(nm_masses[ii] * constants.ram2au)/ constants.au2fs * constants.Bohr2Angstrom
v_list[isample] += scale * nm[ii]
init_cond_db = data.molecular_database()
for isample in range(npoints):
new_molecule = molecule.copy(atomic_labels=[],molecular_labels=[])
for iatom in range(Natoms):
new_molecule.atoms[iatom].xyz_coordinates = q_list[isample][iatom]
new_molecule.atoms[iatom].xyz_velocities = v_list[isample][iatom]
return init_cond_db
def sample_quanta(cls,temperature,freq,nsample):
hvkT = constants.planck_constant*freq*constants.speed_of_light*100/constants.kB/temperature
nn_len = 100
nn = np.array([ii for ii in range(nn_len)])
pp = np.array([np.exp(-ii*hvkT)*(1-np.exp(-hvkT)) for ii in nn])
while 1.0-np.sum(pp) > 1e-10:
nn_len += 50
nn = np.array([ii for ii in range(nn_len)])
pp = np.array([np.exp(-ii*hvkT)*(1-np.exp(-hvkT)) for ii in nn])
rand = np.random.choice(nn,size=nsample,p=pp)
return rand
def get_energy(cls,rand,freq):
return (rand+0.5)*constants.planck_constant*freq*constants.speed_of_light*100/1000*constants.Avogadro_constant*constants.kJpermol2Hartree # Hartree
def get_vq(cls,temperature,freq,mass,nsample):
energy = cls.get_energy(cls.sample_quanta(temperature,freq,nsample),freq)
rand = np.random.random(len(energy))
omega = freq * constants.speed_of_light*100*2*np.pi / 1.0E15 / constants.fs2au # au
AA = np.sqrt(2*energy)/omega # au
qq = AA * np.cos(2*np.pi*rand) / np.sqrt(mass*constants.ram2au) * constants.Bohr2Angstrom # Angstrom
vv = -omega * AA * np.sin(2*np.pi*rand) / np.sqrt(mass*constants.ram2au) * constants.Bohr2Angstrom / constants.au2fs # Angstrom/fs
return qq,vv
# def wignersample(npoints,molecule):
# qlist = []
# vlist = []
# geomEq = np.array([each.xyz_coordinates for each in molecule.atoms])
# mass = molecule.get_nuclear_masses()
# mass = mass.reshape(1,len(mass))
# # Calculate normal modes from Hessian matrix
# #nm,freq,ele,linear_int = readGaussianNM(nmfile)
# if not 'hessian' in molecule.__dict__.keys():
# stopper.stopMLatom('Hessian matrix not found -- cannot do wigner sampling')
# linear = molecule.is_it_linear()
# Natoms = len(molecule.atoms)
# if linear:
# ntriv = 5
# linear_int = 1
# else:
# ntriv = 6
# linear_int = 0
# # freq,nm,_,_ = vibrational_analysis(mass,molecule.hessian,mode_type='MDU')
# simulations.freq.freq_modified_from_TorchANI(molecule=molecule,normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted unnormalized')
# freq = molecule.frequencies
# nm = np.zeros(3*Natoms,Natoms,3)
# for itriv in range(ntriv):
# nm[itriv] = 1.0 / np.sqrt(3*Natoms)
# for imode in range(ntriv,3*Natoms):
# for iatom in range(Natoms):
# nm[ntriv+imode][iatom] = molecule[iatom].normal_modes[imode]
# numcoo = len(freq)
# #print(len(nm),len(freq),len(ele),linear)
# atom_mass = [each.nuclear_mass for each in molecule.atoms]
# cart_nms, w_nmode = nm2cart(nm,atom_mass)
# geomEq_au = np.array(geomEq) / constants.Bohr2Angstrom
# anq, amp, freq_au, atmau = rdmol(atom_mass,linear_int,freq)
# for ipoint in range(npoints):
# q,v = inqp(geomEq_au,w_nmode[ntriv:],freq_au,anq,amp,numcoo,atmau)
# qlist.append(q)
# vlist.append(v)
# # Transform from a.u. to Angstrom & fs
# qlist = np.array(qlist) * constants.Bohr2Angstrom
# vlist = np.array(vlist) * constants.Bohr2Angstrom / constants.au2fs
# return qlist, vlist, linear_int
# generate random velocities without angular momentum for linear molecule
def generate_random_velocities_for_linear_molecule(molecule):
Natoms = len(molecule.atoms)
coord = molecule.xyz_coordinates
randnum = np.random.randn(Natoms)
avgnum = np.average(randnum)
randnum = randnum - avgnum
vec = coord[1] - coord[0]
rand_velocities = [vec*each for each in randnum]
return rand_velocities