#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. code-block::
! dftd4: interface to the dftd4 program !
! Implementations by: Pavlo O. Dral & Peikun Zheng !
import json
import numpy as np
import sys, os
from .. import data
from .. import models
from .. import stopper
from ..decorators import doc_inherit
class dftd4_methods(models.OMP_model, models.method_model):
DFT-D4 interface
functional (str): functional to use
save_files_in_current_directory (bool): whether to keep input and output files, default ``'True'``
working_directory (str): path to the directory where the program output files and other tempory files are saved, default ``'None'``
.. note::
The default DFT-D4 implementation provides a shared memory parallelisation for CPUs.
They offer openMP parallelisation, which is not implemented here currently.
For more discussion, please refer to https://github.com/dftd4/dftd4/issues/20.
bin_env_name = 'dftd4bin'
supported_methods = ['d4']
def __init__(self,
method: str = 'D4',
functional: str = 'wb97x',
save_files_in_current_directory: bool = True,
working_directory: str = None,
nthreads: int = 1):
self.method = method.casefold()
self.functional = functional
self.save_files_in_current_directory = save_files_in_current_directory
self.working_directory = working_directory
self.nthreads = nthreads
self.dftd4bin = self.get_bin_env_var()
if self.dftd4bin is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot find the dftd4 program, please set the environment variable: export dftd4bin=...')
def predict(self, molecular_database=None, molecule=None,
calculate_energy=True, calculate_energy_gradients=False, calculate_hessian=False, nstates=1, **kwargs):
molDB = super().predict(molecular_database=molecular_database, molecule=molecule)
if calculate_energy_gradients or calculate_hessian:
from .. import constants
import tempfile, subprocess
ii = 0
for mol in molDB.molecules:
molecules = [mol]
if nstates > 1:
mol_copy = mol.copy()
mol_copy.electronic_states = []
for _ in range(nstates - len(mol.electronic_states)):
molecules = mol.electronic_states
for mol in molecules:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
if self.save_files_in_current_directory: tmpdirname='.'
if self.working_directory is not None:
tmpdirname = self.working_directory
if not os.path.exists(tmpdirname):
tmpdirname = os.path.abspath(tmpdirname)
ii += 1
xyzfilename = f'{tmpdirname}/predict{ii}.xyz'
mol.write_file_with_xyz_coordinates(filename = xyzfilename)
dftd4args = [self.dftd4bin, xyzfilename, '-f', '%s' % self.functional, '-c', '%d' % mol.charge, '-s', '-s', '--noedisp']
if calculate_hessian:
dftd4args += ['--json', '--grad', '--hessian']
elif calculate_energy_gradients:
dftd4args += ['--json', '--grad']
elif calculate_energy:
dftd4args += ['--json']
dftd4outfilename = f'{tmpdirname}/mndo{ii}.out'
# dftd4args += ['&>',dftd4outfilename]
# cmd = ' '.join(dftd4args)
# proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tmpdirname, universal_newlines=True,shell=True)
# proc.wait()
# dftd4_successful = False
# with open(dftd4outfilename,'r') as fout:
# for readable in fout:
# if 'normal termination of dftd4' in readable:
# dftd4_successful = True
proc = subprocess.Popen(dftd4args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tmpdirname, universal_newlines=True)
outs,errs = proc.communicate() # Type of outs and errs is str
dftd4_successful = False
if 'Error termination' not in outs+errs:
dftd4_successful = True
mol.dftd4_successful = dftd4_successful
with open(f'{tmpdirname}/dftd4.json', 'r') as f:
d4_results = json.load(f)
if calculate_energy:
energy = float(d4_results['energy'])
mol.energy = energy
if calculate_energy_gradients:
grad = np.array(d4_results['gradient']) / constants.Bohr2Angstrom
grad = grad.reshape(-1, 3)
for iatom in range(len(mol.atoms)):
mol.atoms[iatom].energy_gradients = grad[iatom]
if calculate_hessian:
natoms = len(mol.atoms)
hess = np.array(d4_results['hessian']) / (constants.Bohr2Angstrom**2)
mol.hessian = hess.reshape(natoms*3,natoms*3)
if __name__ == '__main__':