mlatom.interfaces.mndo_interface 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. code-block::

  ! mndo: interface to the MNDO program                                       ! 
  ! Implementations by: Pavlo O. Dral, Peikun Zheng, and Lina Zhang           !

import os
import numpy as np
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from .. import models, constants
from ..decorators import doc_inherit

[文档] class mndo_methods(models.method_model): ''' MNDO interface Arguments: method (str): method used in MNDO read_keywords_from_file (str): keywords used in MNDO save_files_in_current_directory (bool): whether to keep input and output files, default ``'True'`` working_directory (str): path to the directory where the program output files and other tempory files are saved, default ``'None'`` ''' bin_env_name = 'mndobin' method_keywords = {'ODM2*': 'iop=-22 immdp=-1', 'ODM2': 'iop=-22', 'ODM3': 'iop=-23', 'OM3': 'iop=-8', 'OM2': 'iop=-6', 'OM1': 'iop=-5', 'PM3': 'iop=-7', 'AM1': 'iop=-2', 'MNDO/d': 'iop=-10', 'MNDOC': 'iop=-1', 'MNDO': 'iop=0', 'MINDO/3': 'iop=1', 'CNDO/2': 'iop=2', 'SCC-DFTB': 'iop=5', 'SCC-DFTB-heats': 'iop=6', 'MNDO/H': 'iop=-3', 'MNDO/dH': 'iop=-13' } supported_methods = list(method_keywords.keys()) heats_scf_methods = [mm.casefold() for mm in ['OM1', 'OM2', 'OM3', 'PM3', 'AM1', 'MNDO/d', 'MNDOC', 'MNDO', 'MINDO/3', 'CNDO/2', 'SCC-DFTB', 'SCC-DFTB-heats', 'MNDO/H', 'MNDO/dH']] def __init__(self, method='ODM2*', read_keywords_from_file='', save_files_in_current_directory=True, working_directory=None): self.method = method self.read_keywords_from_file = read_keywords_from_file if self.read_keywords_from_file != '': self.read_keywords_from_file = os.path.abspath(read_keywords_from_file) self.save_files_in_current_directory = save_files_in_current_directory self.working_directory = working_directory self.mndobin = self.get_bin_env_var() if self.mndobin is None: raise ValueError('Cannot find the MNDO program, please set the environment variable: export mndobin=...')
[文档] @doc_inherit def predict(self, molecular_database=None, molecule=None, nstates=1, current_state=0, calculate_energy=True, calculate_energy_gradients=False, calculate_hessian=False, calculate_dipole_derivatives=False, calculate_nacv=False, read_density_matrix=False): molDB = super().predict(molecular_database=molecular_database, molecule=molecule) if self.method.casefold() in self.heats_scf_methods: energy_label = 'energy' molecule.scf_enthalpy_of_formation_at_298_K = True else: energy_label = 'energy' if not isinstance(calculate_energy_gradients, list): if calculate_energy_gradients: calculate_energy_gradients = [False] * nstates calculate_energy_gradients[current_state] = True else: calculate_energy_gradients = [False] * nstates if not isinstance(calculate_hessian, list): if calculate_hessian: calculate_hessian = [False] * nstates calculate_hessian[current_state] = True else: calculate_hessian = [False] * nstates if any(calculate_hessian): import struct import tempfile, subprocess if self.read_keywords_from_file != '': mndokw_file = self.read_keywords_from_file with open(mndokw_file, 'r') as fmndokw: mndokeywords ='\n') mndokeywords = mndokeywords.split('\n\n') imol = -1 for mol in molDB.molecules: imol += 1 jmol = imol if len(mndokeywords) < imol+1: jmol = -1 mol.mndo_keywords = mndokeywords[jmol] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: if self.save_files_in_current_directory: tmpdirname = '.' if self.working_directory is not None: tmpdirname = self.working_directory if not os.path.exists(tmpdirname): os.makedirs(tmpdirname) tmpdirname = os.path.abspath(tmpdirname) ii = 0 for mol in molDB.molecules: natoms = len(mol.atoms) ii += 1 mndoinpfilename = f'{tmpdirname}/mndo{ii}.inp' with open(mndoinpfilename, 'w') as fmndo: if 'mndo_keywords' in mol.__dict__.keys(): fmndo.writelines(mol.mndo_keywords + '\n\n\n') else: if any(calculate_hessian): fmndo.writelines('jop=2 +\n') elif any(calculate_energy_gradients): fmndo.writelines('jop=-2 +\n') else: fmndo.writelines('jop=-1 +\n') fmndo.writelines('%s igeom=1 iform=1 nsav15=3 +\n' % CaseInsensitiveDict(self.method_keywords)[self.method]) fmndo.writelines('icuts=-1 icutg=-1 kitscf=9999 iscf=9 iplscf=9 +\n') if calculate_dipole_derivatives: fmndo.writelines('iprint=-1 kprint=-5 lprint=0 mprint=0 jprint=-1 +\n') else: fmndo.writelines('iprint=-1 kprint=-5 lprint=-2 mprint=0 jprint=-1 +\n') if read_density_matrix: fmndo.writelines('ktrial=11 +\n') kharge = 'kharge=%d' % mol.charge imult = '' if mol.multiplicity == 1: imult = 'imult=0' else: imult = 'imult=%d' % mol.multiplicity fmndo.writelines(f'{kharge} {imult} nprint=-1 ') if nstates > 1: fmndo.writelines('+\n') fmndo.writelines(f'kci=6 iroot={nstates} iuvcd=2 +\n') fmndo.writelines(f'ncisym=-1 ioutci=3 ipubo=1 ') if any(calculate_energy_gradients): fmndo.writelines('+\n') ncigrd = calculate_energy_gradients.count(True) if not calculate_nacv: fmndo.writelines(f'ncigrd={ncigrd} icross=1 ') else: fmndo.writelines(f'ncigrd={ncigrd} icross=7 inac=0 ') fmndo.writelines('\n\n\n') for atom in mol.atoms: line = '%2d %12.8f %3d %12.8f %3d %12.8f %3d\n' % ( atom.atomic_number, atom.xyz_coordinates[0], 1, atom.xyz_coordinates[1], 1, atom.xyz_coordinates[2], 1) fmndo.writelines(line) if (nstates > 1) and any(calculate_energy_gradients): fmndo.writelines(' 0 0.00000000 0 0.00000000 0 0.00000000 0\n') energy_gradients_true_states = [str(index+1) for index, value in enumerate(calculate_energy_gradients) if value] fmndo.writelines(' '.join(energy_gradients_true_states)) # if ('mndo_keywords' in mol.__dict__.keys()) and (mol.mndo_keywords.find('ncigrd') != -1): # fmndo.writelines(mol.mndo_keywords[(mol.mndo_keywords.find('extra lines for ncigrd:\n') + len('extra lines for ncigrd:\n')):]) fmndo.writelines('\n') mndooutfilename = f'{tmpdirname}/mndo{ii}.out' mndoargs = [self.mndobin, '<', mndoinpfilename, '>', mndooutfilename, '2>&1'] cmd = ' '.join(mndoargs) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tmpdirname, universal_newlines=True, shell=True) proc.communicate() mndo_scf_successful = True outputs = [] with open(mndooutfilename, 'r') as fout: for readable in fout: outputs.append(readable) if 'UNABLE TO ACHIEVE SCF CONVERGENCE' in readable: mndo_scf_successful = False if not mndo_scf_successful: print(' * Warning * mndo calculations did not converge!') mol.mndo_scf_successful = mndo_scf_successful if mol.mndo_scf_successful: # find flags output_multi_ens_flag = 'E=' ffort15_en_flag = ' ENERGY, CARTESIAN AND INTERNAL GRADIENT NORM' ffort15_ens_flag = ' STATES, ENERGIES' ffort15_grad_flag = ' CARTESIAN GRADIENT' ffort15_grads_flag = ' CARTESIAN GRADIENT FOR STATE ' ffort15_coupling_flag = ' CARTESIAN INTERSTATE COUPLING GRADIENT FOR STATES' output_os_flag = 'f_r' found_output_multi_ens_flag = False found_ffort15_en_flag = False found_ffort15_ens_flag = False found_ffort15_grad_flag = False found_ffort15_grads_flag = False found_ffort15_coupling_flag = False found_output_os_flag = False for i, line in enumerate(outputs): line = line.rstrip('\n') if output_multi_ens_flag in line: found_output_multi_ens_flag = True try: output_ens_index.append(i) except NameError: output_ens_index = [i] continue if output_os_flag in line: found_output_os_flag = True output_os_index = i+1 found_output_os_end_flag = False continue if found_output_os_flag and (not found_output_os_end_flag): if line.strip() == '': output_os_end_index = i-1 found_output_os_end_flag = True continue with open(f'{tmpdirname}/fort.15', 'r') as ffort15: ffort15_lines = ffort15.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(ffort15_lines): line = line.rstrip('\n') if line == ffort15_en_flag: found_ffort15_en_flag = True ffort15_en_index = i+1 continue if ffort15_ens_flag in line: found_ffort15_ens_flag = True found_ffort15_ens_end_flag = False continue if found_ffort15_ens_flag and (not found_ffort15_ens_end_flag): if line.strip() == '': found_ffort15_ens_end_flag = True continue if line == ffort15_grad_flag: found_ffort15_grad_flag = True ffort15_grad_index = i+1 continue if ffort15_grads_flag in line: found_ffort15_grads_flag = True try: ffort15_grads_index.append(i+1) except NameError: ffort15_grads_index = [i+1] continue if ffort15_coupling_flag in line: found_ffort15_coupling_flag = True try: ffort15_coupling_index.append(i+1) except NameError: ffort15_coupling_index = [i+1] continue # read properties # read energy/energies if nstates == 1: if calculate_energy: if found_ffort15_en_flag: energy = ffort15_lines[ffort15_en_index].split()[0] energy = float(energy) / (27.21 * 23.061) #mol.electronic_states.append(mol.copy()) #mol.electronic_states[0].energy = energy mol.__dict__[energy_label] = energy else: print('There is no energy information in fort.15. Please check your input!') elif nstates > 1: if calculate_energy: state_energies = [] if found_output_multi_ens_flag: for idx in output_ens_index: parts = outputs[idx].split('E=') if len(parts) == 2: energy = parts[1].split()[0] energy = float(energy) / 27.21 state_energies.append(energy) #mol.electronic_states.extend([mol.copy() for _ in range(nstates)]) mol_copy = mol.copy() mol_copy.electronic_states = [] for _ in range(nstates - len(mol.electronic_states)): mol.electronic_states.append(mol_copy.copy()) for i in range(nstates): mol.electronic_states[i].energy = state_energies[i] mol.__dict__[energy_label] = mol.electronic_states[current_state].energy else: print('There is no state information in mndo output file. Please check your input!') if found_output_os_flag: # read oscillator strengths oscillator_strengths = [] for line in outputs[output_os_index: output_os_end_index+1]: oscillator_strength = float(line.split()[6]) oscillator_strengths.append(oscillator_strength) mol.oscillator_strengths = oscillator_strengths # read gradient(s) if nstates == 1: if calculate_energy_gradients[0]: if found_ffort15_grad_flag: energy_gradient = [] for line in ffort15_lines[ffort15_grad_index: ffort15_grad_index+natoms]: energy_gradient_per_atom = [float(xx) / (27.21 * 23.061) for xx in line.split()[-3:]] energy_gradient.append(energy_gradient_per_atom) # if not mol.electronic_states: # mol.electronic_states.append(mol.copy()) # mol.electronic_states[0].add_xyz_derivative_property(np.array(energy_gradient).astype(float), 'energy', 'energy_gradients') mol.add_xyz_derivative_property(np.array(energy_gradient).astype(float), 'energy', 'energy_gradients') else: print('There is no gradient information in fort.15. Please check your input!') elif nstates > 1: if any(calculate_energy_gradients): if found_ffort15_grads_flag: state_gradients = {} for idx in ffort15_grads_index: energy_gradient = [] for line in ffort15_lines[idx: idx+natoms]: energy_gradient_per_atom = [float(xx) / (27.21 * 23.061) for xx in line.split()[-3:]] energy_gradient.append(energy_gradient_per_atom) state_gradients[int(ffort15_lines[idx-1].split()[4])-1] = energy_gradient if not mol.electronic_states: mol.electronic_states.extend([mol.copy() for _ in range(nstates)]) for index, value in enumerate(calculate_energy_gradients): if value: mol.electronic_states[index].add_xyz_derivative_property(np.array(state_gradients[index]).astype(float), 'energy', 'energy_gradients') mol.add_xyz_derivative_property(np.array(state_gradients[current_state]).astype(float), 'energy', 'energy_gradients') else: print('There is no multi-state gradient information in fort.15. Please check your input!') if nstates > 1: if calculate_nacv: # read interstate coupling gradient(s) ⟨ψ_i|∂H/∂R|ψ_j⟩ and calculate nonadiabatic coupling vector(s) ⟨ψ_i|∂H/∂R|ψ_j⟩/(E_i-E_j) if found_ffort15_coupling_flag: nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors = {} for idx in ffort15_coupling_index: nonadiabatic_coupling_vector = [] initial_state = int(ffort15_lines[idx-1].split()[6])-1 final_state = int(ffort15_lines[idx-1].split()[7])-1 try: gap = mol.electronic_states[initial_state].energy - mol.electronic_states[final_state].energy except IndexError: print('Make sure that the energies of [%d]th and [%d]th roots are available!' % (initial_state+1, final_state+1)) for line in ffort15_lines[idx: idx+natoms]: nonadiabatic_coupling_per_atom = [float(xx) / (27.21 * 23.061 * gap) for xx in line.split()[-3:]] nonadiabatic_coupling_vector.append(nonadiabatic_coupling_per_atom) nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors[(initial_state, final_state)] = nonadiabatic_coupling_vector state_comb = [(i, j) for i in range(1, len(output_ens_index)) for j in range(0, i)] mol.nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors = [[np.tile(np.zeros(3), (natoms, 1)) for ii in range(len(output_ens_index))] for jj in range(len(output_ens_index))] for index, (initial_state, final_state) in enumerate(state_comb): try: mol.nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors[initial_state][final_state] = np.array(nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors[(initial_state, final_state)]).astype(float) mol.nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors[final_state][initial_state] = -np.array(nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors[(initial_state, final_state)]).astype(float) except KeyError: mol.nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors[initial_state][final_state] = None mol.nonadiabatic_coupling_vectors[final_state][initial_state] = None else: print('There is no interstate coupling gradient information in fort.15. Please check your input!') if nstates == 1: if any(calculate_hessian): # read hessian(s) lhess = natoms * natoms * 9 hess_file = f'{tmpdirname}/fort.4' if os.path.exists(hess_file): fhess = open(f'{tmpdirname}/fort.4', 'rb') else: print(f"File '{hess_file}' does not exist.") hessdata = dt = f'id{lhess}d' dat_size = struct.calcsize(dt) temp = struct.unpack(dt, hessdata[:dat_size]) hess = np.array(temp[2:]).astype(float) / (constants.Bohr2Angstrom**2) mol.hessian = hess.reshape(natoms*3,natoms*3) elif nstates > 1: if any(calculate_hessian): print('The function will be available in the future.') # read dipole moment if nstates == 1: for iline in range(len(outputs)): if 'DIPOLE ' in outputs[iline]: sum_line = outputs[iline+4].rstrip() sum_line = sum_line.split(' ') sum_line = [each for each in sum_line if each != '' ][1:] dipole_moment = np.array([eval(each) for each in sum_line]) mol.dipole_moment = dipole_moment if 'DIPOLE DERIVATIVES' in outputs[iline]: if 'CARTESIAN COORDINATES' in outputs[iline+1]: # calculate dipole derivatives if any(calculate_hessian) and calculate_dipole_derivatives: dipole_derivatives = [] flag = iline+6 icount = 1 while icount <= 3*len(mol): flag += 1 if outputs[flag].strip() == '': pass else: dipole_derivatives.append([eval(each) for each in outputs[flag].strip().split()[1:]]) icount += 1 ######################### old way to store data ######################### # excited states may have dipole derivatives mol.dipole_derivatives = np.array(dipole_derivatives).reshape(9*len(mol)) else: print('Calculation failed!') continue
if __name__ == '__main__': pass