mlatom.interfaces.pyscf_interface 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. code-block::

  ! Interface_PySCF: interface to the PySCF program                           ! 
  ! Implementations by: Yuxinxin Chen                                         !

# TODO: check convergence criterion for gradients and energy

import os
import numpy as np

from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import sys

from .. import constants, stopper, models
from ..decorators import doc_inherit

[文档] class OMP_pyscf(models.model): def set_num_threads(self, nthreads=0): super().set_num_threads(nthreads) if self.nthreads: import pyscf # os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(self.nthreads) pyscf.lib.misc.num_threads(n=self.nthreads)
[文档] class pyscf_methods(OMP_pyscf): ''' PySCF interface Arguments: method (str): Method to use nthreads (int): Set the number of OMP threads .. note:: Methods supported: Energy: HF, MP2, DFT, CISD, FCI, CCSD/CCSD(T), TD-DFT/TD-HF Gradients: HF, MP2, DFT, CISD, CCSD, RCCSD(T), TD-DFT/TD-HF Hessian: HF, DFT ''' supported_methods=["HF", 'MP2', "FCI", "CISD" "CCSD", "CCSD(T)", "DM21", "DM21m", "DM21mu", "DM21mc"] def __init__(self, method='B3LYP/6-31g', nthreads=None, density_fitting=False): self.init_kwargs = {'method': method, 'nthreads': nthreads, 'density_fitting': density_fitting} self.method = method.split('/')[0] if not 'DM21' in self.method.upper(): if 'PYSCF_PATH' in os.environ: sys.path.insert(0,os.environ['PYSCF_PATH']) self.basis = method.split('/')[1] if nthreads is None: self.nthreads = cpu_count() else: self.nthreads = nthreads self.density_fitting = density_fitting @classmethod def is_method_supported(cls, method): # methods can be used without `method` keywords: # DFT, HF, MP2, FCI, CISD, CCSD, CCSD(T) / [basis set] if not 'DM21' in method.upper(): if 'PYSCF_PATH' in os.environ: sys.path.insert(0,os.environ['PYSCF_PATH']) from pyscf.dft.libxc import parse_xc method = method.split('/')[0] if method.casefold() in [m.casefold() for m in cls.supported_methods]: return True try: if 'TDA'.casefold() in method.casefold(): import re method = re.sub('tda-', '', method, flags=re.IGNORECASE) elif 'TD'.casefold() in method.casefold(): import re method = re.sub('td-', '', method, flags=re.IGNORECASE) parse_xc(method) return True except: return False def predict_for_molecule(self, molecule=None, calculate_energy=True, calculate_energy_gradients=True, calculate_hessian=False, calculate_dipole_derivatives=False, nstates=1, current_state=0, **kwargs): from pyscf import gto, scf from pyscf.dft.libxc import parse_xc pyscf_mol = gto.Mole() pyscf_mol.atom = [ [a.element_symbol, tuple(a.xyz_coordinates)] for a in molecule.atoms] pyscf_mol.basis = self.basis pyscf_mol.charge = molecule.charge pyscf_mol.spin = molecule.multiplicity-1 pyscf_mol.verbose = 0 pyscf_mol.unit = 'Ang' # DM21 if 'DM21' in self.method.upper(): self.predict_for_molecule_DM21(molecule=molecule, pyscf_mol=pyscf_mol, calculate_energy=calculate_energy, calculate_energy_gradients=calculate_energy_gradients, calculate_hessian=calculate_hessian, **kwargs) return # HF if 'HF' == self.method.upper(): pyscf_method = scf.HF(pyscf_mol) # MP2 elif 'MP2' == self.method.upper(): from pyscf import mp pyscf_method = mp.MP2(pyscf_mol) # CISD elif 'CISD' == self.method.upper(): from pyscf import ci pyscf_method_hf = scf.HF(pyscf_mol) pyscf_method = ci.CISD( # Full CI elif 'FCI' == self.method.upper(): from pyscf import fci pyscf_method_hf = scf.HF(pyscf_mol) pyscf_method = fci.FCI( # CCSD and CCSD(T) elif 'CCSD' in self.method.upper(): from pyscf import cc pyscf_method_hf = scf.HF(pyscf_mol) pyscf_method = cc.CCSD( elif 'TDA' in self.method.upper(): from pyscf import tddft,dft import re try: method = re.sub('tda-', '', self.method, flags=re.IGNORECASE) method = method.upper() parse_xc(method) except: errmsg = 'Method not supported in pyscf interface' raise ValueError(errmsg) pyscf_method = dft.KS(pyscf_mol) pyscf_method.xc = method pyscf_method_tda = tddft.TDA( if not molecule.electronic_states: molecule.electronic_states.extend([molecule.copy() for _ in range(nstates)]) molecule.electronic_states[0].energy = pyscf_method.e_tot for ii in range(1,nstates): molecule.electronic_states[ii].energy = molecule.electronic_states[0].energy + pyscf_method_tda.e[ii-1] if calculate_energy_gradients: _state_gradients = [] _state_gradients.append(pyscf_method.nuc_grad_method().kernel()/constants.Bohr2Angstrom) molecule.electronic_states[0].energy_gradients = _state_gradients[0] tdg_tda = pyscf_method_tda.nuc_grad_method() for ii in range(1,nstates): _state_gradients.append(tdg_tda.kernel(state=ii)/constants.Bohr2Angstrom) molecule.electronic_states[ii].energy_gradients = _state_gradients[ii] = molecule.electronic_states[current_state].energy molecule.energy_gradients = molecule.electronic_states[current_state].energy_gradients molecule.oscillator_strengths = pyscf_method_tda.oscillator_strength()[:-1] elif 'TD' in self.method.upper(): from pyscf import tddft,dft import re #from mlatom.interfaces.TDDFT_Davidson import eigen_solver, mod_davidson_solver try: method = re.sub('td-', '', self.method, flags=re.IGNORECASE) method = method.upper() parse_xc(method) except: errmsg = 'Method not supported in pyscf interface' raise ValueError(errmsg) pyscf_method = dft.KS(pyscf_mol) pyscf_method.xc = method pyscf_method_tddft = tddft.TDDFT( if not molecule.electronic_states: molecule.electronic_states.extend([molecule.copy() for _ in range(nstates)]) molecule.electronic_states[0].energy = pyscf_method.e_tot for ii in range(1,nstates): molecule.electronic_states[ii].energy = molecule.electronic_states[0].energy + pyscf_method_tddft.e[ii-1] if calculate_energy_gradients: _state_gradients = [] _state_gradients.append(pyscf_method.nuc_grad_method().kernel()/constants.Bohr2Angstrom) molecule.electronic_states[0].energy_gradients = _state_gradients[0] tdg_tddft = pyscf_method_tddft.nuc_grad_method() for ii in range(1,nstates): _state_gradients.append(tdg_tddft.kernel(state=ii)/constants.Bohr2Angstrom) molecule.electronic_states[ii].energy_gradients = _state_gradients[ii] = molecule.electronic_states[current_state].energy molecule.energy_gradients = molecule.electronic_states[current_state].energy_gradients molecule.oscillator_strengths = pyscf_method_tddft.oscillator_strength()[:-1] # DFT else: try: parse_xc(self.method.upper()) except: errmsg = 'Method not supported in pyscf interface' raise ValueError(errmsg) from pyscf import dft pyscf_method = dft.KS(pyscf_mol) pyscf_method.xc = self.method.upper() # GW # CASCI/CASSCF # check if the method support density fitting if self.method.upper() in ['MP2', "FCI", "CISD", "CCSD", "CCSD(T)"] and self.density_fitting: self.density_fitting = False print(f'Density fitting is not supported for {self.method} in pyscf and will be turned off automatically') if calculate_energy: if not calculate_energy_gradients and not calculate_hessian and self.density_fitting: pyscf_method.density_fit().run() pyscf_method.e_tot = sum(pyscf_method.scf_summary.values()) else: pyscf_method.kernel() if self.density_fitting: = pyscf_method.e_tot else: if pyscf_method.converged: = pyscf_method.e_tot if 'CCSD(T)' == self.method.upper(): = pyscf_method.e_tot + pyscf_method.ccsd_t() else: print("PySCF doesn't converge and energy will not be stored in molecule") if calculate_energy_gradients and self.method.upper() not in ['TDA','TDDFT']: # FCI not supported if 'FCI' == self.method.upper(): errmsg = 'Gradients in pyscf do not support FCI ' raise ValueError(errmsg) # NOTE: PySCF use Bohr as unit by default for gradients calculation molecule_gradients = pyscf_method.nuc_grad_method().kernel() if pyscf_method.converged: molecule_gradients = molecule_gradients/constants.Bohr2Angstrom if 'CCSD(T)' == self.method.upper(): from pyscf.grad import ccsd_t as ccsd_t_grad # gradients of uccsdt are not supported if isinstance(pyscf_method, cc.uccsd.UCCSD): errmsg = 'Gradients for UCCSD(T) not supported in pyscf' raise ValueError(errmsg) molecule_gradients = ccsd_t_grad.Gradients(pyscf_method).kernel() for ii in range(len(molecule.atoms)): molecule.atoms[ii].energy_gradients = molecule_gradients[ii] else: print("PySCF doesn't converge and gradients will not be stored in molecule") if calculate_hessian: method_type = '' # HF, DFT only from pyscf import hessian from pyscf import dft # rks inherits rhf, check rks first if isinstance(pyscf_method, dft.rks.RKS): method_type = 'rks' #hess = hessian.RKS(pyscf_method).kernel() pass elif isinstance(pyscf_method, dft.uks.UKS): method_type = 'uks' #hess = hessian.UKS(pyscf_method).kernel() pass elif isinstance(pyscf_method, scf.hf.RHF): method_type = 'rhf' #hess = hessian.RHF(pyscf_method).kernel() pass elif isinstance(pyscf_method, scf.uhf.UHF): method_type = 'uhf' #hess = hessian.UHF(pyscf_method).kernel() pass else: errmsg = 'Hessian in pyscf only support HF and DFT' raise ValueError(errmsg) # NOTE: PySCF use Bohr as unit by default for hessian calculation hess = pyscf_method.Hessian().kernel() if pyscf_method.converged: natom = len(molecule.atoms) h = np.zeros((3*natom, 3*natom)) for ii in range(natom): for jj in range(natom): h[ii*3:(ii+1)*3, jj*3:(jj+1)*3] = hess[ii][jj] molecule.hessian = h / constants.Bohr2Angstrom**2 if calculate_dipole_derivatives: calc_dipole_derivatives(pyscf_method,molecule,method_type) else: print("PySCF doesn't converge and hessian will not be stored in molecule") def predict_for_molecule_DM21(self, molecule=None, pyscf_mol=None, calculate_energy=True, calculate_energy_gradients=False, calculate_hessian=False, **kwargs): # reference: # METHODS AVAILABE: # DM21 - trained on molecules dataset, and fractional charge, and fractional spin constraints. # DM21m - trained on molecules dataset. # DM21mc - trained on molecules dataset, and fractional charge constraints. # DM21mu - trained on molecules dataset, and electron gas constraints. from pyscf import dft try: import density_functional_approximation_dm21 as dm21 except: errmsg = 'Please install required packages for DM21. For more details, please refer to' raise ModuleNotFoundError(errmsg) if pyscf_mol.spin == 0: pyscf_method = dft.RKS(pyscf_mol) else: pyscf_method = dft.UKS(pyscf_mol) pyscf_method.xc = 'B3LYP' dm0 = pyscf_method.make_rdm1() pyscf_method._numint = dm21.NeuralNumInt(dm21.Functional.__dict__[self.method]) # relax convergence tolerances to increase success to convergence pyscf_method.conv_tol = 1E-6 pyscf_method.conv_tol_grad = 1E-3 try: pyscf_method.kernel(dm0=dm0) except: errmsg = 'DM21 cannot converge properly' raise ValueError(errmsg) if calculate_energy: = pyscf_method.e_tot if calculate_energy_gradients: errmsg = 'DM21 by pyscf does not support gradients calculation' raise ValueError(errmsg) if calculate_hessian: errmsg = 'DM21 by pyscf does not support hessian calculation' raise ValueError(errmsg)
[文档] @doc_inherit def predict(self, molecule=None, molecular_database=None, calculate_energy=True, calculate_energy_gradients=False, calculate_hessian=False, nstates=1, current_state=1, **kwargs): ''' **kwargs: ``# needs to be documented``. ''' molDB = super().predict(molecular_database=molecular_database, molecule=molecule) for mol in molDB.molecules: self.predict_for_molecule(molecule=mol, calculate_energy=calculate_energy, calculate_energy_gradients=calculate_energy_gradients, \ calculate_hessian=calculate_hessian, nstates=nstates, current_state=current_state, **kwargs)
def thermo_calculation(molecule): # construct pyscf molecule object from pyscf.hessian.thermo import harmonic_analysis from pyscf import gto import numpy pyscf_mol = gto.Mole() pyscf_mol.atom = [[a.element_symbol, tuple(a.xyz_coordinates)] for a in molecule.atoms] #pyscf_mol.basis = method.split('/')[1] pyscf_mol.charge = molecule.charge pyscf_mol.spin = molecule.multiplicity-1 pyscf_mol.verbose = 0 = #method = method.split('/')[0] # reconstruct hessian natom = len(molecule.atoms) h = molecule.hessian hess = np.zeros((natom, natom, 3, 3)) for ii in range(natom): for jj in range(natom): hess[ii][jj] = h[ii*3:(ii+1)*3, jj*3:(jj+1)*3] hess = hess / constants.Angstrom2Bohr**2 # harmonic analysis thermo_results = harmonic_analysis(pyscf_mol, hess, imaginary_freq=True) freq_wn = thermo_results['freq_wavenumber'] if numpy.iscomplexobj(freq_wn): freq_wn = freq_wn.real - abs(freq_wn.imag) molecule.frequencies = freq_wn molecule.force_constants = thermo_results['force_const_dyne'].real molecule.reduced_masses = thermo_results['reduced_mass'].real # normal modes mode = thermo_results['norm_mode'].real # Pyscf provides mass deweighted unnormalized normal modes. Normalize them here. for imode in range(mode.shape[0]): mode /= np.sqrt(np.sum(mode[imode]**2)) for iatom in range(len(molecule.atoms)): molecule.atoms[iatom].normal_modes = [] for ii in range(mode.shape[0]): xyzs = mode[ii, iatom] molecule.atoms[iatom].normal_modes.append(xyzs) molecule.atoms[iatom].normal_modes = np.array(molecule.atoms[iatom].normal_modes) thermo_results = thermo_modified_from_pyscf(pyscf_mol, thermo_results['freq_au'], 298.15, 101325) molecule.ZPE = thermo_results['ZPE'][0] #molecule.DeltaE2U = #molecule.DeltaE2H = #molecule.DeltaE2G = molecule.U0 = thermo_results['E_0K'][0] molecule.H0 = molecule.U0 molecule.U = thermo_results['E_tot'][0] molecule.H = thermo_results['H_tot'][0] molecule.G = thermo_results['G_tot'][0] molecule.S = thermo_results['S_tot'][0] return True def thermo_modified_from_pyscf(molecule, freq, temperature=298.15, pressure=101325): # import numpy from import nist from pyscf.hessian.thermo import _get_rotor_type, rotation_const, rotational_symmetry_number mol = molecule atom_coords = mol.atom_coords() mass = mol.atom_mass_list(isotope_avg=True) mass_center = numpy.einsum('z,zx->x', mass, atom_coords) / mass.sum() atom_coords = atom_coords - mass_center kB = nist.BOLTZMANN h = nist.PLANCK # c = nist.LIGHT_SPEED_SI # beta = 1. / (kB * temperature) R_Eh = kB*nist.AVOGADRO / (nist.HARTREE2J * nist.AVOGADRO) results = {} results['temperature'] = (temperature, 'K') results['pressure'] = (pressure, 'Pa') E0 = results['E0'] = (E0, 'Eh') # Electronic part results['S_elec' ] = (R_Eh * numpy.log(mol.multiplicity), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_elec'] = results['Cp_elec'] = (0, 'Eh/K') results['E_elec' ] = results['H_elec' ] = (E0, 'Eh') # Translational part. See also for the # partition function q_trans mass_tot = mass.sum() * nist.ATOMIC_MASS q_trans = ((2.0 * numpy.pi * mass_tot * kB * temperature / h**2)**1.5 * kB * temperature / pressure) results['S_trans' ] = (R_Eh * (2.5 + numpy.log(q_trans)), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_trans'] = (1.5 * R_Eh, 'Eh/K') results['Cp_trans'] = (2.5 * R_Eh, 'Eh/K') results['E_trans' ] = (1.5 * R_Eh * temperature, 'Eh') results['H_trans' ] = (2.5 * R_Eh * temperature, 'Eh') # Rotational part rot_const = rotation_const(mass, atom_coords, 'GHz') results['rot_const'] = (rot_const, 'GHz') rotor_type = _get_rotor_type(rot_const) sym_number = rotational_symmetry_number(mol) results['sym_number'] = (sym_number, '') # partition function q_rot ( if rotor_type == 'ATOM': results['S_rot' ] = (0, 'Eh/K') results['Cv_rot'] = results['Cp_rot'] = (0, 'Eh/K') results['E_rot' ] = results['H_rot' ] = (0, 'Eh') elif rotor_type == 'LINEAR': B = rot_const[1] * 1e9 q_rot = kB * temperature / (sym_number * h * B) results['S_rot' ] = (R_Eh * (1 + numpy.log(q_rot)), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_rot'] = results['Cp_rot'] = (R_Eh, 'Eh/K') results['E_rot' ] = results['H_rot' ] = (R_Eh * temperature, 'Eh') else: ABC = rot_const * 1e9 q_rot = ((kB*temperature/h)**1.5 * numpy.pi**.5 / (sym_number ***.5)) results['S_rot' ] = (R_Eh * (1.5 + numpy.log(q_rot)), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_rot'] = results['Cp_rot'] = (1.5 * R_Eh, 'Eh/K') results['E_rot' ] = results['H_rot' ] = (1.5 * R_Eh * temperature, 'Eh') # Vibrational part. au2hz = (nist.HARTREE2J / (nist.ATOMIC_MASS * nist.BOHR_SI**2))**.5 / (2 * numpy.pi) idx = freq.real > 0 vib_temperature = freq.real[idx] * au2hz * h / kB # reduced_temperature rt = vib_temperature / max(1e-14, temperature) e = numpy.exp(-rt) ZPE = R_Eh * .5 * vib_temperature.sum() results['ZPE'] = (ZPE, 'Eh') results['S_vib' ] = (R_Eh * (rt*e/(1-e) - numpy.log(1-e)).sum(), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_vib'] = results['Cp_vib'] = (R_Eh * (e * rt**2/(1-e)**2).sum(), 'Eh/K') results['E_vib' ] = results['H_vib' ] = \ (ZPE + R_Eh * temperature * (rt * e / (1-e)).sum(), 'Eh') results['G_elec' ] = (results['H_elec' ][0] - temperature * results['S_elec' ][0], 'Eh') results['G_trans'] = (results['H_trans'][0] - temperature * results['S_trans'][0], 'Eh') results['G_rot' ] = (results['H_rot' ][0] - temperature * results['S_rot' ][0], 'Eh') results['G_vib' ] = (results['H_vib' ][0] - temperature * results['S_vib' ][0], 'Eh') def _sum(f): keys = ('elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib') return sum(results.get(f+'_'+key, (0,))[0] for key in keys) results['S_tot' ] = (_sum('S' ), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_tot'] = (_sum('Cv'), 'Eh/K') results['Cp_tot'] = (_sum('Cp'), 'Eh/K') results['E_0K' ] = (E0 + ZPE, 'Eh') results['E_tot' ] = (_sum('E'), 'Eh') results['H_tot' ] = (_sum('H'), 'Eh') results['G_tot' ] = (_sum('G'), 'Eh') return results # There is no guarantee that this function gives correct dipole derivatives, # as the package itself is not fully tested def calc_dipole_derivatives(pyscf_method,mol,method_type=''): import warnings try: # Ignore tons of warnings in pyscf.prop package warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") from pyscf.prop.infrared import rhf,rks,uhf,uks # Raise a much simpler warning warnings.filterwarnings("default") stopper.warningMLatom('Trying to calculate dipole derivatives using pyscf.prop package. It is not fully tested.') except: stopper.warningMLatom('Essential package for dipole derivatives not found, please refer to') return # print(method_type) if method_type == 'rhf': mf_ir = rhf.Infrared(pyscf_method) elif method_type == 'rks': mf_ir = rks.Infrared(pyscf_method) elif method_type == 'uhf': mf_ir = uhf.Infrared(pyscf_method) elif method_type == 'uks': mf_ir = uks.Infrared(pyscf_method) else: return dipole_derivatives = np.array(mf_ir.kernel_dipderiv()) / constants.Debye # print(dipole_derivatives) mol.dipole_derivatives = dipole_derivatives.reshape(9*len(mol)) if __name__ == '__main__': pass