#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. code-block::
! xtb: interface to the xtb program !
! Implementations by: Pavlo O. Dral !
import os
import numpy as np
import sys
import subprocess
from .. import constants, models
from ..decorators import doc_inherit
class xtb_methods(models.OMP_model, models.method_model):
xTB interface
method (str): xTB methods
read_keywords_from_file (str): keywords used in xTB
.. note::
GFN2-xTB and GFN2-xTB* (remove D4 from GFN2-xTB) are available.
.. code-block::
from ml.interfaces.xtb import xtb_methods()
# read molecule from xyz file
mol = ml.data.molecule()
# initialize xtb methods
model = xtb_methods(method='GFN2-xTB)
# calculate energy, gradients and hessian
supported_methods = ['GFN2-xTB', 'GFN2-xTB*']
def __init__(self,
# <<< define methods <<<
method: str = 'GFN2-xTB',
read_keywords_from_file: str = '',
# <<< set number of threads (default 1) <<<
nthreads: int = 1,
# <<< implicit solvent model <<<
solvent: str = None,
# <<< stack size for each thread <<<
# e.g., '100m', '1G'
stack_size: str = None,
unlimited_stack_size: bool = False,
# <<< whether to use xtbrestart file <<<
restart: bool = False,
# <<< file saving <<<
# 3 strategies to save calculation files:
# - user defined path
# - current directory
# - temporary folder
# working_directory will override save_files_in_current_directory
save_files_in_current_directory: bool = True,
working_directory: str = None,
# <<< log verbose <<< !!! to be implemented
# verbose: int
self.method = method
if self.method.lower() == 'GFN2-xTB*'.lower():
self.without_d4 = True
self.without_d4 = False
self.read_keywords_from_file = read_keywords_from_file
self.solvent = solvent
self.stack_size = stack_size
self.unlimited_stack_size = unlimited_stack_size
self.restart = restart
self.save_files_in_current_directory = save_files_in_current_directory
self._working_directory = working_directory
self.nthreads = nthreads
# self.xtbbin = os.environ['xtb']
# we provide a pre-compiled xtb binary with more features
self.xtbbin = "%s/xtb" % os.path.dirname(__file__)
if self.stack_size:
os.environ["OMP_STACKSIZE"] = self.stack_size
def is_program_found(cls):
return True
def working_directory(self):
return self._working_directory
def working_directory(self, value):
# self._working_directory = value
if value:
self._working_directory = os.path.abspath(value)
if not os.path.exists(value):
elif self.save_files_in_current_directory:
self._working_directory = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
self._working_directory = None
def predict(self, molecular_database=None, molecule=None,
calculate_energy=True, calculate_energy_gradients=False, calculate_hessian=False, calculate_dipole_derivatives=False,calculate_polarizability_derivatives=False):
molDB = super().predict(molecular_database=molecular_database, molecule=molecule)
self.working_directory = self._working_directory
if calculate_dipole_derivatives or calculate_polarizability_derivatives or self.without_d4:
self.xtbbin = "%s/xtb" % os.path.dirname(__file__)
self.additional_xtb_keywords = []
if self.read_keywords_from_file != '':
kw_file = self.read_keywords_from_file
with open(kw_file, 'r') as fxtbkw:
for line in fxtbkw:
self.additional_xtb_keywords = line.split()
imol = -1
for mol in molDB.molecules:
imol += 1
jmol = imol
if len(self.additional_xtb_keywords) < imol+1: jmol = -1
mol.additional_xtb_keywords = self.additional_xtb_keywords[jmol]
# unlimit system stack for xtb
if self.unlimited_stack_size:
import resource
stack_info = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK)
if stack_info[0] != -1:
print(f'WARNING: The current limit of stack size is {stack_info[0]} kbytes. Trying to unlimit the stack size ...')
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY))
import tempfile
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
if self.working_directory:
tmpdirname = self.working_directory
self.tmpdirname = os.path.abspath(tmpdirname)
for ii, mol in enumerate(molDB.molecules):
xyzfilename = f'{self.tmpdirname}/predict{ii}.xyz'
mol.write_file_with_xyz_coordinates(filename = xyzfilename)
self.xtbargs = [self.xtbbin, xyzfilename]
if mol.charge != 0: self.xtbargs += ['-c', '%d' % mol.charge] # there is a bug in xtb - it does not read --charg
number_of_unpaired_electrons = mol.multiplicity - 1
self.xtbargs += ['-u', '%d' % number_of_unpaired_electrons] # there is a bug in xtb - it does not read --uhf
# with open(f'{tmpdirname}/.CHRG', 'w') as fcharge, open(f'{tmpdirname}/.UHF', 'w') as fuhf:
# fcharge.writelines(f'{mol.charge}\n')
# fuhf.writelines(f'{number_of_unpaired_electrons}\n')
if self.without_d4:
self.xtbargs += ['--withoutd4']
if self.solvent:
self.xtbargs += ['--alpb', self.solvent]
if not self.restart:
self.xtbargs += ['--norestart']
# rename all temporary files
self.xtbargs += ['--namespace', f'molecule{ii}']
if calculate_energy and not calculate_energy_gradients and not calculate_hessian:
if calculate_energy_gradients:
self.predict_energy_gradients(mol, ii)
if calculate_hessian:
self.predict_hessian(mol,ii,calculate_polarizability_derivatives, calculate_dipole_derivatives)
def predict_energy(
xtb_scf_successful = False
outputs = []
stdout, stderr = self.run_xtb_job(self.xtbargs+self.additional_xtb_keywords,self.tmpdirname)
xtb_scf_successful = self.error_handle(stdout+stderr)
mol.__dict__['xtb_scf_successful'] = xtb_scf_successful
if xtb_scf_successful:
for readable in stdout:
if 'TOTAL ENERGY' in readable:
energy = float(readable.split()[3])
mol.energy = energy
if 'dispersion' in readable:
dispersion = float(readable.split()[3])
mol.__dict__['D4_dispersion_from_GFN2xTB'] = dispersion
if 'Gsolv' in readable:
solvation_free_energy = float(readable.split()[3])
mol.solvation_free_energy = solvation_free_energy
for iline in range(len(outputs)):
if 'molecular dipole:' in outputs[iline]:
sum_line = outputs[iline+3].strip().split()[1:]
dipole_moment = [eval(each) for each in sum_line]
for ii in range(3):
dipole_moment[ii] = dipole_moment[ii] / constants.Debye2au
mol.dipole_moment = dipole_moment
print('xTB calculation failed with unhandled error in MLatom.')
def predict_energy_gradients(
xtb_scf_successful = False
outputs = []
stdout, stderr = self.run_xtb_job(self.xtbargs + ['--grad'] + self.additional_xtb_keywords, self.tmpdirname)
xtb_scf_successful = self.error_handle(stdout+stderr)
mol.__dict__['xtb_scf_successful'] = xtb_scf_successful
if xtb_scf_successful:
for readable in stdout:
if 'TOTAL ENERGY' in readable:
energy = float(readable.split()[3])
mol.energy = energy
if 'dispersion' in readable:
dispersion = float(readable.split()[3])
mol.__dict__['D4_dispersion_from_GFN2xTB'] = dispersion
if 'Gsolv' in readable:
solvation_free_energy = float(readable.split()[3])
mol.solvation_free_energy = solvation_free_energy
with open(f'{self.tmpdirname}/molecule{ii}.gradient', 'r') as fout:
iatom = -1
for line in fout:
if len(line.split()) != 3: continue
iatom += 1
mol.atoms[iatom].energy_gradients = np.array([float(xx) / constants.Bohr2Angstrom for xx in line.split()]).astype(float)
for iline in range(len(outputs)):
if 'molecular dipole:' in outputs[iline]:
sum_line = outputs[iline+3].strip().split()[1:]
dipole_moment = [eval(each) for each in sum_line]
for ii in range(3):
dipole_moment[ii] = dipole_moment[ii] / constants.Debye2au
mol.dipole_moment = dipole_moment
print('xTB calculation failed with unhandled error in MLatom.')
def predict_hessian(
outputs = []
natoms = len(mol.atoms)
xtb_scf_successful = False
if not calculate_polarizability_derivatives:
stdout, stderr = self.run_xtb_job(self.xtbargs + ['--hess'] + self.additional_xtb_keywords, self.tmpdirname)
stdout, stderr = self.run_xtb_job(self.xtbargs + ['--hess','--ptb','--alpha'] + self.additional_xtb_keywords, self.tmpdirname)
xtb_scf_successful = self.error_handle(stdout+stderr)
if not os.path.exists(f'{self.tmpdirname}/molecule{ii}.hessian'):
mol.__dict__['xtb_scf_successful'] = xtb_scf_successful
# There is bug in xtb that it fails for H2, thus, it may end with error but still prints hessian.
# 6.7.0 will not raise error on hessian of H2 but 6.6.1 will raise segmentation error
if xtb_scf_successful or os.path.exists(f'{self.tmpdirname}/molecule{ii}.hessian'):
for readable in stdout:
if 'TOTAL ENERGY' in readable:
energy = float(readable.split()[3])
mol.energy = energy
if 'dispersion' in readable:
dispersion = float(readable.split()[3])
mol.__dict__['D4_dispersion_from_GFN2xTB'] = dispersion
if 'Gsolv' in readable:
solvation_free_energy = float(readable.split()[3])
mol.solvation_free_energy = solvation_free_energy
with open(f'{self.tmpdirname}/molecule{ii}.hessian', 'r') as fout:
nlines = 0
hess = []
for line in fout:
nlines += 1
if nlines == 1: continue
for xx in line.split():
hess.append(float(xx) / (constants.Bohr2Angstrom**2))
hess = np.array(hess).astype(float)
mol.hessian = hess.reshape(natoms*3,natoms*3)
# Read dipole derivatives
if calculate_dipole_derivatives:
if os.path.exists(f'{self.tmpdirname}/molecule{ii}.dipd'):
with open(f'{self.tmpdirname}/molecule{ii}.dipd', 'r') as fout:
dipd = []
for iline, line in enumerate(fout.readlines()):
if iline == 0: continue
dipd += [float(each) for each in line.split()]
dipd = np.array(dipd).astype(float)
mol.dipole_derivatives = dipd / constants.Debye
# Read polarizability derivatives
if calculate_polarizability_derivatives:
if os.path.exists(f'{self.tmpdirname}/molecule{ii}.polard'):
with open(f'{self.tmpdirname}/molecule{ii}.polard','r') as fout:
polard = []
for iline,line in enumerate(fout.readlines()):
if iline == 0: continue
polard += [float(each) for each in line.split()]
# for ii in range(6):
# # polard += [float(each) for each in line.split()]
# polard.append(float(line[5+15*ii:5+15*(ii+1)]))
polard = np.array(polard).astype(float)
mol.polarizability_derivatives = polard
print('xTB calculation failed with unhandled error in MLatom.')
def run_xtb_job(self,xtbargs,tmpdirname):
segmentation_error = False
program_error = False # error that will be in output
other_error = None
stderr = []; stdout = []
proc = subprocess.run(xtbargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tmpdirname, universal_newlines=True, check=True)
stdout = proc.stdout.split('\n')
stderr = proc.stderr.split('\n')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
kill_signal = e.returncode
if kill_signal < 0:
# get the signal name for numerical signal
kill_proc = subprocess.run(
f'kill -l {-kill_signal}',
kill_signal_name = kill_proc.stdout.strip()
# kill signal: SIGSEGV - segmentation error
# ref: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html
if kill_signal_name == "SEGV":
segmentation_error = True
# kill signal: ABRT - hard to handle. This will result in abnormal termination
# ref: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/abort.3.html
elif kill_signal_name == "ABRT":
program_error = True
other_error = kill_signal_name
program_error = True
if program_error:
# program abnormally terminated with error in the output file generated by the program, not terminated from system signal
proc = subprocess.Popen(xtbargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tmpdirname, universal_newlines=True)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
stdout = stdout.split('\n')
stderr = stderr.split('\n')
if segmentation_error:
stderr.append('segmentation fault')
if program_error:
stderr.append('program error')
if other_error:
stderr.append(f'killed signal {other_error}')
return stdout, stderr
def error_handle(self,stds):
xtb_scf_successful = True
if stds[-1] == 'segmentation fault':
# if "OMP_STACKSIZE" not in os.environ:
# print('OMP stacksize is too small for the system. Try to increase to 1G')
# sys.stdout.flush()
# os.environ["OMP_STACKSIZE"] = '1G'
# rerun = True
# terminated = False
# return rerun, terminated
# else:
raise ValueError('OMP stacksize is too small for the system. Try to increase accordint to offical manual https://xtb-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup.html#parallelisation.')
if stds[-1] == 'program error':
for ii, readable in enumerate(stds):
if 'SIGABRT' in readable:
error_info = ''
for jj in range(ii):
if 'Calculation Setup' in stds[jj]:
error_info = '\n'.join(stds[jj-1:ii])
raise ValueError(f'xtb abnormal termination with following error: \n{error_info}')
if '[ERROR]' in readable:
error_info = ''
for jj in range(ii, len(stds)):
if '###################################################' in stds[jj]:
error_info = '\n'.join(stds[ii:jj])
raise ValueError(f'xtb abnormal termination with following error: \n{error_info}')
if 'killed signal' in stds[-1]:
raise ValueError(f'xTB calculation errors terminated by the system with {stds[-1]}')
for readable in stds:
if 'normal termination of xtb' in readable:
xtb_scf_successful = True
# convergence error not implemented
return xtb_scf_successful
if __name__ == '__main__':