mlatom.simulations 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. code-block::

  ! simulations: Module for simulations                                       ! 
  ! Implementations by: Pavlo O. Dral, Fuchun Ge, Yi-Fan Hou, Yuxinxin Chen   ! 
Geomopt, freq, DMC
from . import constants, data, models
from .md import md as md
from .md_parallel import md_parallel as md_parallel
from .initial_conditions import generate_initial_conditions
from .md2vibr import vibrational_spectrum
import os, sys, math
import numpy as np
import warnings

def run_in_parallel(molecular_database=None, task=None, task_kwargs={},
    import joblib
    from joblib import Parallel, delayed
    if create_temp_directories or create_and_keep_temp_directories:
        import tempfile
    nmols = len(molecular_database)
    if nthreads == None: nthreads = joblib.cpu_count()
    if nmols < nthreads:
        nthreads_per_model = [nthreads//nmols for ii in range(nmols)]
        extra_threads = nthreads - sum(nthreads_per_model)
        nthreads = nmols
        for ii in range(extra_threads):
            nthreads_per_model[ii] = +1
        nthreads_per_model = [1 for ii in range(nthreads)]
    def task_loc(imol):
        mol = molecular_database[imol]
        def task_loc2():
            savednthreads = 'savednthreads'
            if 'model' in task_kwargs:
                mm = task_kwargs['model']
                if 'nthreads' in mm.__dict__:
                    if mm.nthreads is None or mm.nthreads == 0:
                        savednthreads = mm.nthreads
                        mm.nthreads = nthreads_per_model[imol]
            result = task(molecule=mol, **task_kwargs)
            if savednthreads != 'savednthreads': mm.nthreads = savednthreads
            return result
        if create_temp_directories or create_and_keep_temp_directories:
            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
                cwd = os.getcwd()
                if create_and_keep_temp_directories:
                    tmpdirname = f'job_{task.__name__}_{imol+1}'
                    if not os.path.exists(tmpdirname):
                    tmpdirname = os.path.abspath(tmpdirname)
                result = task_loc2()
            result = task_loc2()
        return result
    results = Parallel(n_jobs=nthreads)(delayed(task_loc)(i) for i in range(len(molecular_database)))
    return results

[文档] class optimize_geometry(): """ Geometry optimization. Arguments: model (:class:`mlatom.models.model` or :class:`mlatom.models.methods`): any model or method which provides energies and forces. initial_molecule (:class:``): the molecule object to optimize. ts (bool, optional): whether to do transition state search. Currently only be done with program=Gaussian, ASE and geometric. program (str, optional): the engine used in geometry optimization. Currently supports Gaussian, ASE, scipy and PySCF. optimization_algorithm (str, optional): the optimization algorithm used in ASE. Default value: LBFGS (ts=False), dimer (ts=True). maximum_number_of_steps (int, optional): the maximum number of steps for ASE, SciPy and geometric. Default value: 200. convergence_criterion_for_forces (float, optional): forces convergence criterion in ASE. Default value: 0.02 eV/Angstroms. working_directory (str, optional): working directory. Default value: '.', i.e., current directory. constraints (dict, optional): constraints for geometry optimization. Currently only available with program=ASE and program=geometric. For program=ASE, constraints follows the same conventions as in ASE: ``constraints={'bonds':[[target,[index0,index1]], ...],'angles':[[target,[index0,index1,index2]], ...],'dihedrals':[[target,[index0,index1,index2,index3]], ...]}`` (check `FixInternals class in ASE <>`__ for more information). For program=geometric, the name of constraint file should be provided and please refer to `constrained optimization <>`__ for the format of the constraint file. print_properties (None or str, optional): properties to print. Default: None. Possible 'all'. dump_trajectory_interval (int, optional): dump trajectory at every time step (1). Set to ``None`` to disable dumping (default). filename (str, optional): the file that saves the dumped trajectory. format (str, optional): format in which the dumped trajectory is saved. Examples: .. code-block:: python # Initialize molecule mol = mol.read_from_xyz_file(filename='') # Initialize methods aiqm1 = ml.models.methods(method='AIQM1', qm_program='MNDO') # Run geometry optimization geomopt = ml.simulations.optimize_geometry(model = aiqm1, initial_molecule=mol, program = 'ASE') # Get the optimized geometry, energy, and gradient optmol = geomopt.optimized_molecule geo = optmol.get_xyz_coordinates() energy = gradient = optmol.get_energy_gradients() """ def __init__(self, model=None, model_predict_kwargs={}, initial_molecule=None, molecule=None, ts=False, reactants=None, products=None, program=None, program_kwargs={}, optimization_algorithm=None, maximum_number_of_steps=None, convergence_criterion_for_forces=None,working_directory=None, print_properties=None, dump_trajectory_interval=None, # Only None and 1 are supported at the moment filename=None, format='json', constraints=None, ): if model != None: self.model = model self.print_properties = print_properties self.model_predict_kwargs = model_predict_kwargs if not initial_molecule is None and not molecule is None: raise ValueError('molecule and initial_molecule cannot be used at the same time') overwrite = False if not initial_molecule is None: self.initial_molecule = initial_molecule.copy() if not molecule is None: overwrite = True self.initial_molecule = molecule.copy() if initial_molecule is None and molecule is None: self.initial_molecule = None self.ts = ts self.reactants = reactants self.products = products if program != None: self.program = program else: if "GAUSS_EXEDIR" in os.environ: self.program = 'Gaussian' else: try: import geometric self.program = 'geometric' # try: # import ase # self.program = 'ASE' except: try: import scipy.optimize self.program = 'scipy' except: raise ValueError('please set $GAUSS_EXEDIR or install geometric or install scipy') self.program_kwargs = program_kwargs self.optimization_algorithm = optimization_algorithm if self.optimization_algorithm is not None: if self.optimization_algorithm.casefold() in ['dimer', 'neb']: self.program='ase' elif self.optimization_algorithm.casefold() in ['qst2', 'qst3']: self.program='gaussian' # START of block with parameters which are not used in scipy & Gaussian but only in ASE optimization if maximum_number_of_steps != None: self.maximum_number_of_steps = maximum_number_of_steps else: self.maximum_number_of_steps = 200 if convergence_criterion_for_forces != None: self.convergence_criterion_for_forces = convergence_criterion_for_forces else: self.convergence_criterion_for_forces = 0.02 # Forces convergence criterion in ASE: 0.02 eV/A # END of block with parameters which are not used in scipy & Gaussian but only in ASE optimization if constraints is not None: self.program_kwargs['constraints'] = constraints if working_directory != None: self.working_directory = working_directory else: self.working_directory = '.' self.dump_trajectory_interval = dump_trajectory_interval if self.program.casefold() == 'Gaussian'.casefold(): self.dump_trajectory_interval = 1 # Gaussian optimizer needs traj file to get the optimization trajectory if self.program.casefold() == 'geometric'.casefold(): self.dump_trajectory_interval = 1 self.filename = filename self.format = format if self.print_properties != None and self.dump_trajectory_interval == None: self.dump_trajectory_interval = 1 if self.dump_trajectory_interval != None: self.format = format if format == 'h5md': ext = '.h5' elif format == 'json': ext = '.json' if self.filename == None: import uuid self.filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ext # Dump trajectory every step self.optimization_trajectory = data.molecular_trajectory() self.optimization_trajectory.dump(filename=os.path.join(self.working_directory,self.filename), format=self.format) if self.ts and self.program.casefold() not in ['Gaussian'.casefold(), 'ASE'.casefold(), 'geometric'.casefold()]: msg = 'Transition state geometry optmization can currently only be done with optimization_program=Gaussian, ASE or geometric' raise ValueError(msg) # Add essential kwargs to the model kwargs if they are not present: if 'calculate_energy' not in model_predict_kwargs.keys(): model_predict_kwargs['calculate_energy'] = True if 'calculate_energy_gradients' not in model_predict_kwargs.keys(): model_predict_kwargs['calculate_energy_gradients'] = True # Pack the required geomopt-related kwargs into the model kwargs self.model_predict_kwargs['return_string'] = False self.model_predict_kwargs['dump_trajectory_interval'] = self.dump_trajectory_interval self.model_predict_kwargs['filename'] = self.filename self.model_predict_kwargs['format'] = self.format self.model_predict_kwargs['print_properties'] = self.print_properties if self.program.casefold() == 'Gaussian'.casefold(): self.opt_geom_gaussian() elif self.program.casefold() == 'ASE'.casefold(): self.opt_geom_ase() elif self.program.casefold() == 'geometric'.casefold(): self.opt_geom_geometric() else: self.opt_geom() if overwrite: molecule.optimization_trajectory = self.optimization_trajectory for each in self.optimized_molecule.__dict__: molecule.__dict__[each] = self.optimized_molecule.__dict__[each] del self.optimization_trajectory del self.optimized_molecule def opt_geom_gaussian(self): self.successful = False from .interfaces import gaussian_interface if self.initial_molecule is None: suffix = '' elif 'number' in self.initial_molecule.__dict__.keys(): suffix = f'{self.initial_molecule.number}' else: suffix = '' #print('debug', suffix, self.initial_molecule.number) filename = os.path.join(self.working_directory,f'gaussian{suffix}') self.model.dump(filename=os.path.join(self.working_directory,'model.json'), format='json') # Run Gaussian if self.print_properties is not None: print(f' Optimization with Gaussian started.\n Check Gaussian output file "gaussian{suffix}.log" for the progress of optimization.\n') filename_json = self.model_predict_kwargs['filename'] if os.path.exists(f'{filename_json}_tmp_out.out'): os.remove(f'{filename_json}_tmp_out.out') self.model_predict_kwargs['return_string'] = True if self.ts: self.program_kwargs['external_task'] = 'ts' else: self.program_kwargs['external_task'] = 'opt' self.program_kwargs['filename'] = f'gaussian{suffix}.com' if self.optimization_algorithm is not None: if self.optimization_algorithm.casefold() in ['qst2', 'qst3']: self.program_kwargs['external_task'] = self.optimization_algorithm self.program_kwargs['reactants'] = self.reactants self.program_kwargs['products'] = self.products if not self.optimization_algorithm.casefold() == 'qst2': self.program_kwargs['molecule'] = self.initial_molecule else: self.program_kwargs['molecule'] = self.initial_molecule self.program_kwargs['working_directory'] = self.working_directory self.program_kwargs['model_predict_kwargs'] = self.model_predict_kwargs gaussian_interface.run_gaussian_job(**self.program_kwargs) # Get results outputfile = f'{filename}.log' if not os.path.exists(outputfile): outputfile = f'{filename}.out' with open(outputfile, 'r') as fout: for line in fout: if 'Stationary point found' in line: self.successful = True break self.optimization_trajectory.load(filename=os.path.join(self.working_directory,self.filename), format='json') if self.successful: self.optimized_molecule = self.optimization_trajectory.steps[-1].molecule else: self.optimized_molecule = self.initial_molecule.copy() for atom in self.optimized_molecule.atoms: atom.xyz_coordinates = np.array([None,None,None]) if self.print_properties is not None: if os.path.exists(f'{filename_json}_tmp_out.out'): printstrs = open(f'{filename_json}_tmp_out.out', 'r').readlines() for line in printstrs: print(line.rstrip()) os.remove(f'{filename_json}_tmp_out.out') def opt_geom_ase(self): from .interfaces import ase_interface if self.ts: self.optimization_trajectory = ase_interface.transition_state(initial_molecule=self.initial_molecule, reactants=self.reactants, products=self.products, model=self.model, model_predict_kwargs=self.model_predict_kwargs, convergence_criterion_for_forces=self.convergence_criterion_for_forces, maximum_number_of_steps=self.maximum_number_of_steps, optimization_algorithm=self.optimization_algorithm, ase_kwargs = self.program_kwargs ) else: self.optimization_trajectory = ase_interface.optimize_geometry(initial_molecule=self.initial_molecule, model=self.model, model_predict_kwargs=self.model_predict_kwargs, convergence_criterion_for_forces=self.convergence_criterion_for_forces, maximum_number_of_steps=self.maximum_number_of_steps, optimization_algorithm=self.optimization_algorithm, ase_kwargs = self.program_kwargs) #self.optimization_trajectory.dump(filename=os.path.join(self.working_directory,self.filename), format=self.format) moldb = data.molecular_database() moldb.molecules = [each.molecule for each in self.optimization_trajectory.steps] # moldb.write_file_with_xyz_coordinates(self.filename.split('.')[0] + '.xyz') self.optimized_molecule = self.optimization_trajectory.steps[-1].molecule def opt_geom(self): try: import scipy.optimize except: raise ValueError('scipy is not installed') istep = -1 self.optimization_trajectory = data.molecular_trajectory() def molecular_energy(coordinates): nonlocal istep istep += 1 current_molecule = self.initial_molecule.copy() current_molecule.xyz_coordinates = coordinates.reshape(len(current_molecule.atoms),3) self.model._predict_geomopt(molecule=current_molecule, **self.model_predict_kwargs) if not 'energy' in current_molecule.__dict__: raise ValueError('model did not return any energy') molecular_energy = gradient = current_molecule.get_energy_gradients() gradient = gradient.flatten() self.optimization_trajectory.steps.append(data.molecular_trajectory_step(step=istep, molecule=current_molecule)) return molecular_energy, gradient initial_coordinates = self.initial_molecule.xyz_coordinates.flatten() res = scipy.optimize.minimize(molecular_energy, initial_coordinates, method=self.optimization_algorithm, jac=True) optimized_coordinates = res.x molecular_energy(optimized_coordinates) self.optimized_molecule = self.optimization_trajectory.steps[-1].molecule def opt_geom_geometric(self): # default optimization algorithm is BFGS import geometric import geometric.molecule maximum_number_of_steps = self.maximum_number_of_steps model_predict_kwargs = self.model_predict_kwargs class MLatomEngine(geometric.engine.Engine): def __init__(self, MLatomMol, model): molecule = geometric.molecule.Molecule() self.mol = MLatomMol self.model = model molecule.elem = MLatomMol.element_symbols.tolist() molecule.xyzs = [MLatomMol.xyz_coordinates] super(MLatomEngine, self).__init__(molecule) self.cycle = 0 self.e_last = 0 self.maxsteps = maximum_number_of_steps def calc_new(self, coords, dirname): mol = self.mol.copy(atomic_labels=[],molecular_labels=[]) updated_coord = coords.reshape(-1,3)*constants.Bohr2Angstrom mol.update_xyz_vectorial_properties('xyz_coordinates', updated_coord) self.model._predict_geomopt(molecule=mol, **model_predict_kwargs) energy = gradients = mol.get_energy_gradients()/constants.Angstrom2Bohr self.cycle += 1 return {"energy": energy, "gradient": gradients.ravel()} import tempfile, contextlib with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: tmpdirname = os.path.abspath(tmpdirname) import logging loggers = [logging.getLogger(name) for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict] for logger in loggers: if in ['geometric.nifty', 'geometric']: logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logger.propagate = False if self.ts: print('Start calculating hessian on trainsition state as first step ...') sys.stdout.flush() self.model.predict(molecule=self.initial_molecule, calculate_hessian=True) print('Finish calculating hessian and start optimizing geometry ...') sys.stdout.flush() hess = self.initial_molecule.hessian hessdir = f'{tmpdirname}.tmp/hessian' if not os.path.exists(hessdir): os.makedirs(hessdir) np.savetxt(f'{hessdir}/hessian.txt',hess) self.initial_molecule.write_file_with_xyz_coordinates(f'{hessdir}/') mlatom_engine = MLatomEngine(self.initial_molecule, self.model) try: geometric.optimize.run_optimizer(customengine=mlatom_engine, input=tmpdirname, transition=self.ts, maxiter=self.maximum_number_of_steps, **self.program_kwargs) self.successful = True self.converge = True except Exception as ex: if type(ex) == geometric.errors.GeomOptNotConvergedError: print('Warning: Geometry optimization with geometric failed to converge. The last geometry will be used as the optimized geometry.') self.converge = False self.successful = True else: print('Warning: Geometry optimization with geometric failed. The initial geometry will be used as the optimized geometry.') self.converge = False self.successful = False if self.successful: self.optimization_trajectory.load(filename=os.path.join(self.working_directory,self.filename), format='json') self.optimized_molecule = self.optimization_trajectory.steps[-1].molecule else: self.optimized_molecule = self.initial_molecule self.model.predict(molecule=self.optimized_molecule, calculate_energy=True)
class irc(): def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'model' in kwargs: self.model = kwargs['model'] if 'ts_molecule' in kwargs: self.ts_molecule = kwargs['ts_molecule'].copy(atomic_labels=['xyz_coordinates','number'],molecular_labels=[]) if 'model_predict_kwargs' in kwargs: self.model_predict_kwargs = kwargs['model_predict_kwargs'] else: self.model_predict_kwargs = {} from .interfaces import gaussian_interface if 'number' in self.ts_molecule.__dict__.keys(): suffix = f'_{self.ts_molecule.number}' else: suffix = '' filename = f'gaussian{suffix}' self.model.dump(filename='model.json', format='json') # Run Gaussian gaussian_interface.run_gaussian_job(filename=f'{filename}.com', molecule=self.ts_molecule, external_task='irc', model_predict_kwargs=self.model_predict_kwargs) #if os.path.exists('model.json'): os.remove('model.json')
[文档] class freq(): """ Frequence analysis. Arguments: model (:class:`mlatom.models.model` or :class:`mlatom.models.methods`): any model or method which provides energies and forces and Hessian. molecule (:class:``): the molecule object with necessary information. program (str, optional): the engine used in frequence analysis through modified TorchANI (if Gaussian not found or any other string is given), pyscf or Gaussian interfaces. normal_mode_normalization (str, optional): normal modes output scheme. It should be one of: mass weighted normalized, mass deweighted unnormalized, and mass deweighted normalized (default). anharmonic (bool): whether to do anharmonic frequence calculation. working_directory (str, optional): working directory. Default value: '.', i.e., current directory. Examples: .. code-block:: python # Initialize molecule mol = mol.read_from_xyz_file(filename='') # Initialize methods aiqm1 = ml.models.methods(method='AIQM1', qm_program='MNDO') # Run frequence analysis ml.simulations.freq(model=aiqm1, molecule=mol, program='ASE') # Get frequencies frequencies = mol.frequencies """ def __init__(self, model=None, model_predict_kwargs={}, molecule=None, program=None, ir=False, raman=False, normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized', anharmonic=False, anharmonic_kwargs={}, working_directory=None): self.model = model self.model_predict_kwargs = model_predict_kwargs self.molecule = molecule = ir self.raman = raman if # import inspect # args = ['self'] # for subclass in self.model.__mro__: # if 'predict' in subclass.__dict__: # args += inspect.getfullargspec(subclass.predict).args[1:] # print(args) # if not 'calculate_dipole_derivatives' in args: # raise TypeError('the model cannot be used for IR spectra calculations') # else: if not 'calculate_dipole_derivatives' in self.model_predict_kwargs: self.model_predict_kwargs['calculate_dipole_derivatives'] = True if self.raman: if not 'calculate_polarizability_derivatives' in self.model_predict_kwargs: self.model_predict_kwargs['calculate_polarizability_derivatives'] = True if program != None: self.program = program else: if "GAUSS_EXEDIR" in os.environ: self.program = 'Gaussian' else: try: import pyscf self.program = 'PySCF' except: self.program = '' self.normal_mode_normalization = normal_mode_normalization self.anharmonic_kwargs = anharmonic_kwargs if working_directory != None: self.working_directory = working_directory else: self.working_directory = '.' if self.program.casefold() == 'Gaussian'.casefold(): self.freq_gaussian(anharmonic) elif self.program.casefold() == 'pyscf'.casefold(): self.freq_pyscf() else: if not 'shape' in self.molecule.__dict__: self.molecule.shape = 'nonlinear' self.freq_modified_from_TorchANI(molecule=self.molecule,normal_mode_normalization=self.normal_mode_normalization,model=self.model, model_predict_kwargs=self.model_predict_kwargs) if 'dipole_derivatives' in self.molecule.__dict__: if self.program.casefold() != 'Gaussian'.casefold(): self.ir_intensities(normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized') if 'polarizability_derivatives' in self.molecule.__dict__: if self.program.casefold() != 'Gaussian'.casefold(): self.raman_intensities(normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized') def freq_gaussian(self, anharmonic): self.successful = False from .interfaces import gaussian_interface if 'number' in self.molecule.__dict__.keys(): suffix = f'_{self.molecule.number}' else: suffix = '' filename = os.path.join(self.working_directory,f'gaussian{suffix}') self.model.dump(filename=os.path.join(self.working_directory,'model.json'), format='json') self.molecule.dump(filename=os.path.join(self.working_directory,'gaussian_freq_mol.json'), format='json') # Run Gaussian if anharmonic: gaussian_interface.run_gaussian_job(filename=f'gaussian{suffix}.com', molecule=self.molecule, external_task='freq(anharmonic)',working_directory=self.working_directory,freq_keywords=self.anharmonic_kwargs, model_predict_kwargs=self.model_predict_kwargs) else: gaussian_interface.run_gaussian_job(filename=f'gaussian{suffix}.com', molecule=self.molecule, external_task='freq',working_directory=self.working_directory, model_predict_kwargs=self.model_predict_kwargs) # Get results outputfile = f'{filename}.log' if os.path.exists('gaussian_freq_mol.json'): self.molecule.load(filename='gaussian_freq_mol.json', format='json') if not os.path.exists(outputfile): outputfile = f'{filename}.out' gaussian_interface.parse_gaussian_output(filename=outputfile, molecule=self.molecule) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.working_directory,'gaussian_freq_mol.json')): os.remove(os.path.join(self.working_directory,'gaussian_freq_mol.json')) def freq_pyscf(self): self.successful = False if self.model is not None: self.model.predict(molecule=self.molecule, calculate_energy=True, calculate_energy_gradients=False, calculate_hessian=True, **self.model_predict_kwargs) from .interfaces import pyscf_interface self.successful = pyscf_interface.thermo_calculation(molecule=self.molecule) # This function uses dipole derivatives in Debye/Angstrom # The unit of IR intensities (km/mol) refers to kernel_ir function in # def ir_intensities(self,normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized'): Natoms = len(self.molecule) Nfreqs = len(self.molecule.frequencies) masses = self.molecule.get_nuclear_masses() kmmol = constants.fine_structure_constant**2 * 1e-3 * constants.au2ram * constants.Avogadro_constant * np.pi * constants.Bohr2Angstrom * 1e-10 / 3 de = np.copy(self.molecule.dipole_derivatives) * constants.Debye if normal_mode_normalization == 'mass deweighted normalized': # mass deweighted normalized to mass weighted normalized nm = np.zeros((Nfreqs,Natoms,3)) for imode in range(Nfreqs): for iatom in range(Natoms): nm[imode][iatom] = self.molecule[iatom].normal_modes[imode] * np.sqrt(masses[iatom]) for imode in range(Nfreqs): nm[imode] /= np.sqrt(np.sum(nm[imode]**2)) # mass weighted normalized to mass deweighted unnormalized for imode in range(Nfreqs): for iatom in range(Natoms): nm[imode][iatom] = nm[imode][iatom] / np.sqrt(masses[iatom]) elif normal_mode_normalization == 'mass deweighted unnormalized': nm = np.zeros((Nfreqs,Natoms,3)) for imode in range(Nfreqs): for iatom in range(Natoms): nm[imode][iatom] = self.molecule[iatom].normal_modes[imode] else: return new_de = de.reshape((Natoms*3,3)) # The normal modes here should be mass deweighted unnormalized ones nm = nm.reshape((nm.shape[0],3*Natoms)) de_nm =,new_de) self.molecule.infrared_intensities = kmmol * np.einsum("qt, qt -> q", de_nm,de_nm) def raman_intensities(self,normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized'): Natoms = len(self.molecule) Nfreqs = len(self.molecule.frequencies) masses = self.molecule.get_nuclear_masses() if normal_mode_normalization == 'mass deweighted normalized': # mass deweighted normalized to mass weighted normalized nm = np.zeros((Nfreqs,Natoms,3)) for imode in range(Nfreqs): for iatom in range(Natoms): nm[imode][iatom] = self.molecule[iatom].normal_modes[imode] * np.sqrt(masses[iatom]) for imode in range(Nfreqs): nm[imode] /= np.sqrt(np.sum(nm[imode]**2)) # mass weighted normalized to mass deweighted unnormalized for imode in range(Nfreqs): for iatom in range(Natoms): nm[imode][iatom] = nm[imode][iatom] / np.sqrt(masses[iatom]) elif normal_mode_normalization == 'mass deweighted unnormalized': nm = np.zeros((Nfreqs,Natoms,3)) for imode in range(Nfreqs): for iatom in range(Natoms): nm[imode][iatom] = self.molecule[iatom].normal_modes[imode] else: return polard = np.copy(self.molecule.polarizability_derivatives) new_polard = polard.reshape((Natoms*3,6)) nm = nm.reshape((nm.shape[0],3*Natoms)) polard_nm =,new_polard) intensities = [] for each in polard_nm: a2 = (each[0]+each[2]+each[5])**2 / 9.0 gamma2 = ((each[0]-each[2])**2 + (each[0]-each[5])**2 + (each[2]-each[5])**2 + 6*(each[1]**2+each[3]**2+each[4]**2)) / 2.0 intensities.append(45.0*a2+7.0*gamma2) intensities = np.array(intensities).astype(float) self.molecule.raman_intensities = intensities * constants.au2Angstrom4byamu * constants.au2ram @classmethod def freq_modified_from_TorchANI(cls,molecule,normal_mode_normalization,model=None, **kwargs): # Copyright 2018- Xiang Gao and other ANI developers # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # the function freq_modified_from_TorchANI is modified from TorchANI by Peikun Zheng # cite TorchANI when using it (X. Gao, F. Ramezanghorbani, O. Isayev, J. S. Smith, A. E. Roitberg,\nJ. Chem. Inf. Model. 2020, 60, 3408) # # """Computing the vibrational wavenumbers from hessian. # Note that normal modes in many popular software packages such as # Gaussian and ORCA are output as mass deweighted normalized (MDN). # Normal modes in ASE are output as mass deweighted unnormalized (MDU). # Some packages such as Psi4 let ychoose different normalizations. # Force constants and reduced masses are calculated as in gaussian_interface. # mode_type should be one of: # - MWN (mass weighted normalized) # - MDU (mass deweighted unnormalized) # - MDN (mass deweighted normalized) # MDU modes are not orthogonal, and not normalized, # MDN modes are not orthogonal, and normalized. # MWN modes are orthonormal, but they correspond # to mass weighted cartesian coordinates (x' = sqrt(m)x). # """ # Calculate hessian if 'model_predict_kwargs' in kwargs: model_predict_kwargs = kwargs['model_predict_kwargs'] else: model_predict_kwargs = {} if not model is None: model.predict(molecule=molecule, calculate_energy=True, calculate_energy_gradients=True, calculate_hessian=True, **model_predict_kwargs) mhessian2fconst = 4.359744650780506 unit_converter = 17091.7006789297 # Solving the eigenvalue problem: Hq = w^2 * T q # where H is the hessian matrix, q is the normal coordinates, # T = diag(m1, m1, m1, m2, m2, m2, ....) is the mass # We solve this eigenvalue problem through Lowdin diagnolization: # Hq = w^2 * Tq ==> Hq = w^2 * T^(1/2) T^(1/2) q # Letting q' = T^(1/2) q, we then have # T^(-1/2) H T^(-1/2) q' = w^2 * q' masses = np.expand_dims(molecule.get_nuclear_masses(), axis=0) inv_sqrt_mass = np.repeat(np.sqrt(1 / masses), 3, axis=1) # shape (3 * atoms) mass_scaled_hessian = molecule.hessian * np.expand_dims(inv_sqrt_mass, axis=1) * np.expand_dims(inv_sqrt_mass, axis=2) mass_scaled_hessian = np.squeeze(mass_scaled_hessian, axis=0) eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(mass_scaled_hessian) idx = eigenvalues.argsort() eigenvalues = eigenvalues[idx] eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, idx] angular_frequencies = [] for each in eigenvalues: if each < 0: angular_frequencies.append(-np.sqrt(-each)) else: angular_frequencies.append(np.sqrt(each)) angular_frequencies = np.array(angular_frequencies) frequencies = angular_frequencies / (2 * math.pi) # converting from sqrt(hartree / (amu * angstrom^2)) to cm^-1 wavenumbers = unit_converter * frequencies # In case of complex numbers, get real part of them wavenumbers = wavenumbers.real # Note that the normal modes are the COLUMNS of the eigenvectors matrix mw_normalized = eigenvectors.T md_unnormalized = mw_normalized * inv_sqrt_mass norm_factors = 1 / np.linalg.norm(md_unnormalized, axis=1) # units are sqrt(AMU) md_normalized = md_unnormalized * np.expand_dims(norm_factors, axis=1) md_normalized = md_normalized.real rmasses = norm_factors**2 # units are AMU # converting from Ha/(AMU*A^2) to mDyne/(A*AMU) fconstants = mhessian2fconst * eigenvalues * rmasses # units are mDyne/A fconstants = fconstants.real if normal_mode_normalization == 'mass deweighted normalized': modes = (md_normalized).reshape(frequencies.size, -1, 3) elif normal_mode_normalization == 'mass deweighted unnormalized': modes = (md_unnormalized).reshape(frequencies.size, -1, 3) elif normal_mode_normalization == 'mass weighted normalized': modes = (mw_normalized).reshape(frequencies.size, -1, 3) # the first 6 (5 for linear) entries are for rotation and translation # we skip them because we are only interested in vibrational modes #nskip = 6 #if molecule.is_it_linear(): # nskip = 5 # Ugly fix of negative frequency problem in local minimum: # If there are two large negative frequencies ( <-100 cm^-1 ), skip the first 5 or 6 frequencies # Otherwise, sort by absolute value of frequecies and skip the first 5 or 6 frequencies #if wavenumbers[1] > -100: # idx = np.sort(abs(wavenumbers).argsort()[nskip:]) #else: # idx = np.array([ii for ii in range(nskip,len(wavenumbers))]) nskip = 0 idx = np.array([ii for ii in range(nskip,len(wavenumbers))]) molecule.frequencies = wavenumbers[idx] # in cm^-1 molecule.force_constants = fconstants[idx] # in mDyne/A molecule.reduced_masses = rmasses[idx] # in AMU for iatom in range(len(molecule.atoms)): molecule.atoms[iatom].normal_modes = [] for imode in idx: molecule.atoms[iatom].normal_modes.append(list(modes[imode][iatom])) molecule.atoms[iatom].normal_modes = np.array(molecule.atoms[iatom].normal_modes)
[文档] class thermochemistry(): """ Thermochemical properties calculation. Arguments: model (:class:`mlatom.models.model` or :class:`mlatom.models.methods`): any model or method which provides energies and forces and Hessian. molecule (:class:``): the molecule object with necessary information. program (str): the engine used in thermochemical properties calculation. Currently support Gaussian and ASE. normal_mode_normalization (str, optional): normal modes output scheme. It should be one of: mass weighted normalized, mass deweighted unnormalized, and mass deweighted unnormalized (default). .. code-block:: python # Initialize molecule mol = mol.read_from_xyz_file(filename='') # Initialize methods aiqm1 = ml.models.methods(method='AIQM1', qm_program='MNDO') # Run thermochemical properties calculation ml.simulations.thermochemistry(model=aiqm1, molecule=mol, program='ASE') # Get ZPE and heat of formation ZPE = mol.ZPE Hof = mol.DeltaHf298 The thermochemical properties available in ``molecule`` object after the calculation: * ``ZPE``: Zero-point energy * ``DeltaE2U``: Thermal correction to Energy (only available in Gaussian) * ``DeltaE2H``: Thermal correction to Enthalpy (only available in Gaussian) * ``DeltaE2G``: Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy (only available in Gaussian) * ``U0``: Internal energy at 0K * ``H0``: Enthalpy at 0K * ``U``: Internal energy (only available in Gaussian) * ``H``: Enthalpy * ``G``: Gibbs free energy * ``S``: Entropy (only available in Gaussian) * ``atomization_energy_0K`` * ``ZPE_exclusive_atomization_energy_0K`` * ``DeltaHf298``: Heat of formation at 298 K """ def __init__(self, model=None, molecule=None, program=None, ir=False, raman=False, normal_mode_normalization='mass deweighted normalized'): if model != None: self.model = model self.molecule = molecule if program != None: self.program = program else: if "GAUSS_EXEDIR" in os.environ: self.program = 'Gaussian' else: try: import ase self.program = 'ASE' except: raise ValueError('please set $GAUSS_EXEDIR or install ase') freq(model=model, molecule=self.molecule, program=program, ir=ir, raman=raman, normal_mode_normalization=normal_mode_normalization) if self.program.casefold() == 'ASE'.casefold(): self.thermochem_ase() # Calculate heats of formation self.calculate_heats_of_formation() def thermochem_ase(self): from .interfaces import ase_interface ase_interface.thermochemistry(molecule=self.molecule) def calculate_heats_of_formation(self): if 'scf_enthalpy_of_formation_at_298_K' in self.molecule.__dict__: self.molecule.DeltaHf298 = return if 'H0' in self.molecule.__dict__: atoms_have_H0 = True for atom in self.molecule.atoms: # if not 'H0' in atom.__dict__: if not atom.H0: atoms_have_H0 = False break if not atoms_have_H0: return DeltaH_atom = 1.4811 * constants.kcalpermol2Hartree sum_E_atom = 0.0 sum_H0_atom = 0.0 sum_DeltaH_atom = 0.0 try: for atom in self.molecule.atoms: atomic_molecule = data.molecule(multiplicity=atom.multiplicity, atoms=[atom]) self.model.predict(molecule=atomic_molecule, calculate_energy=True) sum_E_atom += sum_H0_atom += atom.H0 sum_DeltaH_atom += DeltaH_atom except: return atomization_energy = sum_E_atom - self.molecule.U0 DeltaHf298 = sum_H0_atom - atomization_energy + (self.molecule.H - self.molecule.H0) - sum_DeltaH_atom self.molecule.atomization_energy_0K = atomization_energy self.molecule.ZPE_exclusive_atomization_energy_0K = atomization_energy + self.molecule.ZPE self.molecule.DeltaHf298 = DeltaHf298
[文档] class dmc(): ''' Run diffusion Monte Carlo simulation for molecule(s) using `PyVibDMC <>`_. Arguments: model (:class:`mlatom.models.model`): The potential energy surfaces model. The unit should be Hartree, otherwise a correct ``energy_scaling_factor`` need to be set. initial_molecule (:class:``): The initial geometry for the walkers. Usually a energy minimum geometry should be provided. By default every coordinate will be scaled by 1.01 to make it slightly distorted. energy_scaling_factor (float, optional): A factor that will be multiplied to the model's energy pridiction. ''' def __init__(self, model: models.model, initial_molecule:data.molecule = None, initial_molecular_database: data.molecular_database = None, energy_scaling_factor:float = 1., ): from .constants import Bohr2Angstrom if not initial_molecular_database: initial_molecular_database = data.molecular_database([initial_molecule]) self.model = model self.atoms = list(initial_molecular_database[0].element_symbols) self.start_structures = initial_molecular_database.xyz_coordinates / Bohr2Angstrom * 1.01 self.energy_scaling_factor = energy_scaling_factor def potential_function(self, coordinates): from .constants import Bohr2Angstrom molDB = data.molecular_database.from_numpy(coordinates=coordinates * Bohr2Angstrom, species=np.repeat([self.atoms], coordinates.shape[0], axis=0)) self.model.predict(molecular_database=molDB, calculate_energy=True) return molDB.get_properties('energy') * self.energy_scaling_factor def initialize(self, number_of_walkers, generation_method='harmonic_sampling',**kwargs): import pyvibdmc as pv initializer = pv.InitialConditioner(coord=self.start_structures, atoms=self.atoms, num_walkers=number_of_walkers, technique=generation_method, **kwargs) self.start_structures =
[文档] def run(self, run_dir: str = 'DMC', weighting: str = 'discrete', number_of_walkers: int = 5000, number_of_timesteps: int = 10000, equilibration_steps: int = 500, dump_trajectory_interval: int = 500, dump_wavefunction_interval: int = 1000, descendant_weighting_steps: int = 300, time_step: float = 1 * constants.au2fs, initialize: bool = False): ''' Run the DMC simulation. Arguments: run_dir (str): The folder for the output files. weighting (str): ``'discrete'`` or ``'continuous'``. ``'continuous'`` keeps the ensemble size constant. number_of_walkers (int): The number of geometries exploring the potential surface. number_of_timesteps (int): The number of steps the simulation will go. equilibration_steps (int): The number of steps for equilibration. dump_trajectory_interval (int): The interval for dumping walkers' trajectories. dump_wavefunction_interval (int): The interval for collecting wave function. descendant_weighting_steps (int): The number of time steps for descendant weighting per wave function. time_step (float): The length of each time step in fs. ''' from pyvibdmc import potential_manager as pm import pyvibdmc as pv if initialize: self.initialize(number_of_walkers=number_of_walkers,) DMC_job = pv.DMC_Sim(sim_name='DMC', output_folder=run_dir, weighting=weighting, #or 'continuous'. 'continuous' keeps the ensemble size constant. num_walkers=number_of_walkers, #number of geometries exploring the potential surface num_timesteps=number_of_timesteps, #how long the simulation will go. (num_timesteps * atomic units of time) equil_steps=equilibration_steps, #how long before we start collecting wave functions chkpt_every=dump_trajectory_interval, #checkpoint the simulation every "chkpt_every" time steps wfn_every=dump_wavefunction_interval, #collect a wave function every "wfn_every" time steps desc_wt_steps=descendant_weighting_steps, #number of time steps you allow for descendant weighting per wave function atoms=self.atoms, delta_t=time_step * constants.fs2au, #the size of the time step in fs potential=pm.Potential_Direct(potential_function=self.potential_function), start_structures=self.start_structures, #can provide a single geometry, or an ensemble of geometries masses=None #can put in artificial masses, otherwise it auto-pulls values from the atoms string ) self.load(f"{run_dir}/DMC_sim_info.hdf5")
[文档] def load(self, filename): ''' Load previous simulation results from a HDF5 file. ''' import pyvibdmc as pv self.result = pv.SimInfo(filename)
[文档] def get_zpe(self, start_step=1000) -> float: ''' Return calculated zero-point energy in Hartree. Arguments: start_step (int): The starting step for averaging the energies. ''' return self.result.get_zpe(onwards=start_step, ret_cm=False)
[文档] def numerical_gradients(molecule, model, displacement=1e-5, model_kwargs={}, return_molecular_database=False, nthreads=None): ''' Calculate numerical gradients. Two-point numerical differentiation is used and the required single-point calculations are run in parallel. Arguments: molecule (:class:``): the molecule object. model (:class:`mlatom.models.model` or :class:`mlatom.models.methods`): any model or method which provides energies (takes molecule as an argument). displacement (float, optional): displacement of nuclear coordinates in Angstrom (default: 1e-5). model_kwargs (dict, optional): kwargs to be passed to model (except for molecule). return_molecular_database (bool, optional): whether to return the :class:`` with the displaced geometries and energies (default: False). nthreads (int, optional): number of threads (default: None, using all threads it can find). ''' if return_molecular_database: molDB = data.molecular_database() coordinates = molecule.xyz_coordinates.reshape(-1) coordinates_list = [] natoms = len(coordinates) // 3 for ii in range(len(coordinates)): new_coordinates = np.copy(coordinates) new_coordinates[ii] += displacement coordinates_list.append(new_coordinates) coordinates_list.append(coordinates) def get_energy(coordinates): current_molecule = molecule.copy() current_molecule.xyz_coordinates = coordinates.reshape(len(current_molecule.atoms),3) model.predict(molecule=current_molecule, **model_kwargs) if return_molecular_database: molDB.molecules.append(current_molecule) return from multiprocessing import cpu_count if nthreads == None: nthreads = cpu_count() if nthreads == 1: energies = np.array([get_energy(each) for each in coordinates_list]) else: import joblib from joblib import Parallel, delayed nthreads_saved = model.nthreads model.set_num_threads(1) energies = Parallel(n_jobs=nthreads)(delayed(get_energy)(coord) for coord in coordinates_list) try: energies = np.array(energies) except: raise ValueError('Some of the single-point calculations in numerical gradient calculations failed.') model.set_num_threads(nthreads_saved) relenergy = energies[-1] gradients = (energies[:-1]-relenergy)/displacement molecule.energy_gradients = gradients.reshape(natoms,3) if return_molecular_database: return molecule.energy_gradients, molDB else: return molecule.energy_gradients
[文档] def numerical_hessian(molecule, model, displacement=5.29167e-4, displacement4grads=1e-5, model_kwargs={}): ''' Calculate numerical Hessians. Two-point numerical differentiation is used and the required single-point calculations are run in parallel. Arguments: molecule (:class:``): the molecule object. model (:class:`mlatom.models.model` or :class:`mlatom.models.methods`): any model or method which provides energies (takes molecule as an argument). displacement (float, optional): displacement of nuclear coordinates in Angstrom (default: 5.29167e-4). displacement4grads (float, optional): displacement of nuclear coordinates in Angstrom (default: 1e-5) when calculating gradients. model_kwargs (dict, optional): kwargs to be passed to model (except for molecule). ''' g1 = numerical_gradients(molecule, model, displacement4grads, model_kwargs) coordinates1 = molecule.xyz_coordinates.reshape(-1) ndim = len(coordinates1) hess = np.zeros((ndim, ndim)) coordinates2 = coordinates1 for i in range(ndim): x0 = coordinates2[i] coordinates2[i] = coordinates1[i] + displacement molecule2 = molecule.copy() molecule2.xyz_coordinates = coordinates2.reshape(len(molecule2.atoms),3) g2 = numerical_gradients(molecule2, model, displacement4grads, model_kwargs) hess[:, i] = (g2.reshape(-1) - g1.reshape(-1)) / displacement coordinates2[i] = x0 molecule.hessian = hess return hess