mlatom.spectra 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. code-block::

  ! spectra: Module for working with spectra                                  ! 
  ! Implementations by: Yi-Fan Hou, Fuchun Ge, Bao-Xin Xue, Pavlo O. Dral     !

import os, copy
import numpy as np
from . import constants
from . import data
from .stopper import stopMLatom

class spectrum():
    def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, xy_pairs=None, xy=None, sort=False):
        self.set_data(x=x, y=y, xy_pairs=xy_pairs, xy=xy, sort=sort)

    def set_data(self, x=None, y=None, xy_pairs=None, xy=None, sort=False):
        if x is not None:
            self.x = data.array(x) ; self.x=self.x.astype(np.float64)
        if y is not None:
            self.y = data.array(y) ; self.y=self.y.astype(np.float64)
            if x is not None:
                self.xy = np.array([x, y])
                self.xy_pairs = self.xy.T
        if xy_pairs is not None:
            self.xy_pairs = data.array(xy_pairs) ; self.xy_pairs = self.xy_pairs.astype(np.float64)
            self.xy = self.xy_pairs.T
            self.x,self.y = self.xy
        if xy is not None:
            self.xy = data.array(xy) ; self.xy = self.xy.astype(np.float64)
            self.xy_pairs = self.xy.T
            self.x,self.y = self.xy
        if sort:
            self.xy_pairs =  self.xy_pairs[np.argsort(self.xy_pairs[:,0])]
            self.xy = self.xy_pairs.T
            self.x,self.y = self.xy

    def interpolate(self, method="linear"):
        if method.casefold() == "linear".casefold():
            from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
            interpolation_function = interp1d(self.x,self.y,kind='linear')
        elif method.casefold() == "cubic".casefold():
            from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
            interpolation_function = interp1d(self.x,self.y,kind='cubic')
        self.interpolation_function = interpolation_function

    # Normalize the Riemann sum
    def normalize(self,method='average'):
        x,y = self.x,self.y
        dx = x[1:]-x[:-1]
        if method.casefold() == 'average'.casefold():
            Riemann_sum = np.sum(y[:-1]*dx)
            self.xy_pairs[:,1] /= Riemann_sum
            self.xy = self.xy_pairs.T 
            self.x = self.xy[0]
            self.y = self.xy[1]
        elif method.casefold() == 'sqrt'.casefold():
            squared_sum = np.sum(y[:-1]**2*dx)
            self.xy_pairs[:,1] /= np.sqrt(squared_sum)
            self.xy = self.xy_pairs.T 
            self.x = self.xy[0]
            self.y = self.xy[1]
        elif method.casefold() == 'max'.casefold():
            self.xy_pairs[:,1] /= np.max(y)
            self.xy = self.xy_pairs.T 
            self.x = self.xy[0]
            self.y = self.xy[1]
        elif method.casefold() == 'msc'.casefold():
            summ = np.sum(y)
            self.xy_pairs[:,1] = np.sqrt(self.xy_pairs[:,1]) / np.sqrt(summ)
            self.xy = self.xy_pairs.T 
            self.x = self.xy[0]
            self.y = self.xy[1]
            stopMLatom(f"Unsupported method for spectrum normalization: {method}")

    # Interpolate and sample the orginal spectrum 
    def sample(self, list, method="linear"):
        intensities = self.interpolation_function(data.array(list))
        new_spectrum = copy.deepcopy(self)
        return new_spectrum
    # Convolute the line spectrum
    def broaden(cls,line_spectrum=None,spectrum_range=None,broadening_func="normalized_Gaussian",broadening_func_kwargs={}):
        if type(broadening_func) == str:
            if broadening_func.casefold() == "normalized_Gaussian".casefold():
                broadening_func = cls.normalized_Gaussian_function
            elif broadening_func.casefold() == "Gaussian".casefold():
                broadening_func = cls.Gaussian_function
            elif broadening_func.casefold() == 'Lorentzian'.casefold():
                broadening_func = cls.Lorentzian_line_shape_function
                stopMLatom(f"Unsupported broadening function type: {broadening_func}")            

        new_spectrum = cls()
        new_spectrum.x = data.array(spectrum_range)
        for ii in range(len(line_spectrum)):
            if ii==0:
                new_spectrum.y = broadening_func(line_spectrum[ii][0],line_spectrum[ii][1],new_spectrum.x,**broadening_func_kwargs)
                new_spectrum.y += broadening_func(line_spectrum[ii][0],line_spectrum[ii][1],new_spectrum.x,**broadening_func_kwargs)
        new_spectrum.set_data(x=new_spectrum.x, y=new_spectrum.y)
        return new_spectrum
    # Broadening functions
    # Normalized Gaussian function
    def normalized_Gaussian_function(cls, mu, a, x, sigma=20):
        Normalized Gaussian function

            mu (float): peak position of Gaussian function
            a (float): scaling factor of the normalized Gaussian function
            x (float, np.darray): values of Gaussian function to be calculated at x
            sigma (float): standard deviation
        f = ( a * (1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) ) )
          *   np.exp( -(x - mu) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2) ) )
        return f
    # Gaussian function
    def Gaussian_function(cls, mu, fmax, x, sigma=20): 
        Gaussian function

            mu (float): peak position of Gaussian function
            fmax (float): peak height of Gaussian function (maximum value at x=mu)
            x (float, np.darray): values of Gaussian function to be calculated at x
            sigma (float): standard deviation,

        f = ( fmax
          *   np.exp( -(x - mu) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2) ) )
        return f

    # Lorentzian line shape function
    def Lorentzian_line_shape_function(cls,mu,fmax,x,w=30):
        Lorentzian line shape function

            mu (float): peak position
            fmax (float): peak intensity 
            x (float, np.darray): values to be calculated at x
            w (float): full width at half-maximum 

        f = fmax / (1.0 + ((mu-x)/w*2)**2)
        return f

    def get_range(self, lb=-np.inf, ub=np.inf):
        idx = (self.xy_pairs[:,0] > lb) & (self.xy_pairs[:,0] < ub)
        return self.xy_pairs[idx]
    def del_range(self, lb, ub):
        idx = (self.xy_pairs[:,0] > lb) & (self.xy_pairs[:,0] < ub)
        self.xy_pairs = np.delete(self.xy_pairs, idx, axis=0)
        self.xy = self.xy_pairs.T
        self.x,self.y = self.xy

    def update(self, new_xy_pairs, overwrite_range=True):
        if overwrite_range:
            lb = np.min(new_xy_pairs[:,0])
            ub = np.max(new_xy_pairs[:,0])
            self.del_range(lb, ub)
        self.set_data(np.concatenate((self.xy_pairs, new_xy_pairs), axis=0))

    def dump(self, filename, format='txt'):
        if format == 'npy':
  , self.xy_pairs)
        elif format == 'txt':
            np.savetxt(filename, self.xy_pairs)
            print(' unsupported format')

    def plot(self,filename,xaxis_caption='',yaxis_caption='',title='',invert_xaxis=False,invert_yaxis=False):
        from .plot import plot
        spectrum_plot = plot()
        spectrum_plot.xaxis_caption = xaxis_caption
        spectrum_plot.yaxis_caption = yaxis_caption
        spectrum_plot.title = title
        spectrum_plot.invert_xaxis = invert_xaxis
        spectrum_plot.invert_yaxis = invert_yaxis

    def _load(self, filename, format='txt', sort=False):
        if format == 'npy':
            xy_pairs = np.load(filename)
        elif format == 'txt':
            xy_pairs = np.loadtxt(filename)
            print(' unsupported format')
        self.set_data(xy_pairs=xy_pairs, sort=sort)

    def load(cls, filename, format='txt',sort=False):
        return_value = cls()
        return return_value
[文档] class uvvis(spectrum): ''' UV/Vis absorption spectrum class Arguments: x (float, np.ndarray): range of spectra (e.g., wavelength in nm, recommended, or energies in eV) y (float, np.ndarray): user-provided intensities (e.g., molar absorpbance, recommended, or cross section) It is better to provide spectrum information explicitly so that the correct conversions to different units are done: wavelengths_nm (float, np.ndarray): range of wavelengths in nm energies_eV (float, np.ndarray): range of energies in eV molar_absorbance (float, np.ndarray): molar absorbance (extinction coefficients) in M^-1 cm^-1 cross_section (float, np.ndarray): cross section in A^2/molecule Also, the user is encouraged to provide the meta-data: meta_data (str): meta data such as solvent, references, etc. Example: uvvis = mlatom.spectra.uvvis( wavelengths_nm = np.array(...), molar_absorbance = np.array(...), meta_data = 'solvent: benzene, reference: DOI...' ) # spectral properties can be accessed as: # uvvis.x is equivalent to what is provided by the user, e.g., wavelengths_nm or energies_eV # uvvis.y is equivalent to what is provided by the user, e.g., molar_absorbance or cross_section # wavelength range (float, np.ndarray) in nm uvvis.wavelengths_nm # molar absorbance (extinction coefficients) (float, np.ndarray) in M^-1 cm^-1 uvvis.molar_absorbance # energies corresponding to the wavelength range (float, np.ndarray), in eV uvvis.energies_eV # absorption cross-section (float, np.ndarray) in A^2/molecule uvvis.cross_section ''' def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, wavelengths_nm=None, energies_eV=None, molar_absorbance=None, cross_section=None, meta_data=None): if x is not None: self.x = x elif wavelengths_nm is not None: self.x = wavelengths_nm self.wavelengths_nm = wavelengths_nm self.energies_eV = constants.nm2eV(self.wavelengths_nm) elif energies_eV is not None: self.x = energies_eV self.energies_eV = energies_eV self.wavelengths_nm = constants.eV2nm(self.energies_eV) if y is not None: self.y = y elif molar_absorbance is not None: self.y = molar_absorbance self.molar_absorbance = molar_absorbance self.cross_section = molar_absorbance * 3.82353e-5 elif cross_section is not None: self.y = cross_section self.cross_section = cross_section self.molar_absorbance = cross_section / 3.82353e-5 if 'x' in self.__dict__ and 'y' in self.__dict__: self.xy = np.array([self.x, self.y]) self.xy_pairs = self.xy.T if meta_data is not None: self.meta_data = meta_data def plot(self,filename=None,xaxis_caption='Wavelength (nm)',yaxis_caption='Extinction coefficient (M$^{-1}$ cm$^{-1}$)',title='UV-Vis spectrum'): plot_uvvis(spectra=[self], filename=filename, xaxis_caption=xaxis_caption, yaxis_caption=yaxis_caption, title=title)
[文档] @classmethod def spc(cls, molecule=None, band_width=0.3, shift=0.0, refractive_index=1.0): ''' Single-point convolution (SPC) approach for obtaining UV/vis spectrum via calculating the extinction coefficient (and absorption cross section) from the single-point excited-state simulations for a single geometry Implementation follows Arguments: molecule (:class:``): molecule object with excitation_energies (in Hartree, not eV!) and oscillator_strengths wavelengths_nm (float, np.ndarray): range of wavelengths in nm (default: np.arange(400, 800)) band_width (float): band width in eV (default: 0.3 eV) shift (float): shift of excitation energies, eV (default: 0 eV) refractive_index (float): refractive index (default: 1) Example: uvvis = mlatom.spectra.uvvis.spc( molecule=mol, wavelengths_nm=np.arange(100, 200), band_width=0.3) # spectral properties can be accessed as: # uvvis.x is equivalent to uvvis.wavelengths_nm # uvvis.y is equivalent to uvvis.molar_absorbance # wavelength range (float, np.ndarray) in nm uvvis.wavelengths_nm # molar absorbance (extinction coefficients) (float, np.ndarray) in M^-1 cm^-1 uvvis.molar_absorbance # energies corresponding to the wavelength range (float, np.ndarray), in eV uvvis.energies_eV # absorption cross-section (float, np.ndarray) in A^2/molecule uvvis.cross_section # quick plot uvvis.plot(filename='uvvis.png') ''' excitation_energies = data.array(molecule.excitation_energies) * constants.hartree2eV wavelengths_nm = np.arange(constants.eV2nm(np.max(excitation_energies) + 3*band_width), constants.eV2nm(max(0.01, np.min(excitation_energies) - 3*band_width)), 0.2 ) new_spectrum = cls.broaden(line_spectrum=np.array([excitation_energies, molecule.oscillator_strengths ]).T, spectrum_range=wavelengths_nm, broadening_func = cls.spc_broadening_func, broadening_func_kwargs={'band_width': band_width, 'shift': shift, 'refractive_index': refractive_index} ) new_spectrum.wavelengths_nm = new_spectrum.x # wavelengths in nm new_spectrum.molar_absorbance = new_spectrum.y # extinction coefficients in M^-1 cm^-1 new_spectrum.energies_eV = constants.nm2eV(new_spectrum.wavelengths_nm) new_spectrum.cross_section = new_spectrum.molar_absorbance * 3.82353e-5 # absorption cross-section in A^2/molecule return new_spectrum
# SPC function
[文档] @classmethod def spc_broadening_func(cls, DeltaE, ff, wavelength_range, band_width, refractive_index=1, shift=0.0): # """ Spectrum convolution function Arguments: band_width (float): width of band DeltaE (float): vertical excitation energy, eV ff (float): oscillator strength wavelength_range (float, np.ndarray): range of wavelengths refractive_index (float): refractive index shift (float): peak shift Returns: (float, np.ndarray): extinction coefficients in M^-1 cm^-1 """ f = ( 0.619 * refractive_index * ff / (band_width * 3.82353e-5) * np.exp( -(constants.nm2eV(wavelength_range) - DeltaE + shift) ** 2 / (band_width ** 2) ) ) return f
[文档] @classmethod def nea(cls, molecular_database=None, wavelengths_nm=None, broadening_width=0.05): ''' Nuclear ensemble approach (NEA) for obtaining UV/vis spectrum. Implementation follows Theor. Chem. Acc. 2012, 131, 1237. Arguments: molecular_database (:class:``): molecular_database object with molecules containing excitation_energies (in Hartree, not eV!) and oscillator_strengths wavelengths_nm (float, np.ndarray): range of wavelengths in nm (default: determined automatically) broadening_width (float): broadening factor in eV (default: 0.05 eV) Example: uvvis = mlatom.spectra.uvvis.nea(molecular_database=db, wavelengths_nm=wavelengths_nm, broadening_width=0.02) # spectral properties can be accessed as: # uvvis.x is equivalent to uvvis.wavelengths_nm # uvvis.y is equivalent to uvvis.molar_absorbance # wavelength range (float, np.ndarray) in nm uvvis.wavelengths_nm # molar absorbance (extinction coefficients) (float, np.ndarray) in M^-1 cm^-1 uvvis.molar_absorbance # energies corresponding to the wavelength range (float, np.ndarray), in eV uvvis.energies_eV # absorption cross-section (float, np.ndarray) in A^2/molecule uvvis.cross_section # quick plot uvvis.plot(filename='uvvis.png') ''' from ctypes import c_double, CDLL, c_long npoints = len(molecular_database) nexcitations = molecular_database[0].nstates-1 # calculate required prefactors nref = 1 # ratio prefactor = np.pi * constants.electron_charge**2 / (2 * constants.electron_mass * constants.speed_of_light * constants.eps0 * nref) # m^2/s unit hplanck = constants.planck_constant * constants.J2hartree * constants.hartree2eV prefactor = prefactor * hplanck / (2 * np.pi) * 1E20 # Angstrom^2*eV exp_prefactor = 1 / (broadening_width * (np.pi / 2) ** 0.5) if wavelengths_nm is None: min_es = min([np.min(molecular_database[ipoint].excitation_energies) for ipoint in range(npoints)]) * constants.hartree2eV max_es = max([np.max(molecular_database[ipoint].excitation_energies) for ipoint in range(npoints)]) * constants.hartree2eV wavelengths_nm = np.arange(constants.eV2nm(max_es + 3*broadening_width), constants.eV2nm(min_es - 3*broadening_width),0.2) new_spectrum = cls() new_spectrum.wavelengths_nm = data.array(wavelengths_nm) new_spectrum.x = new_spectrum.wavelengths_nm new_spectrum.energies_eV = constants.nm2eV(new_spectrum.wavelengths_nm) n_spectra_points = len(new_spectrum.energies_eV) # Convert to C-type c_excitation_energies_eV = ((c_double * npoints) * nexcitations)() # C-type list with excitation energies in eV for all points c_oscillator_strengths = ((c_double * npoints) * nexcitations)() # C-type list with oscillator strengths for all points for iex in range(nexcitations): for ipoint in range(npoints): c_excitation_energies_eV[iex][ipoint] = molecular_database[ipoint].excitation_energies[iex] * constants.hartree2eV c_oscillator_strengths[iex][ipoint] = molecular_database[ipoint].oscillator_strengths[iex] c_broadening_width = c_double(broadening_width) c_exp_prefactor = c_double(exp_prefactor) c_prefactor = c_double(prefactor) c_n_spectra_points = c_long(n_spectra_points) c_energies_eV = (c_double* n_spectra_points)() for ii in range(n_spectra_points): c_energies_eV[ii] = new_spectrum.energies_eV[ii] c_cross_section = (c_double * n_spectra_points)() # calculate cross section py_script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__[:__file__.rfind('/')]) c_calculate_cross_section = CDLL(os.path.join(py_script_path, '')) _ = c_calculate_cross_section.cs_calc(c_excitation_energies_eV, c_oscillator_strengths, nexcitations, npoints, c_broadening_width, c_exp_prefactor, c_n_spectra_points, c_prefactor, c_cross_section, c_energies_eV) new_spectrum.cross_section = data.array(c_cross_section) # absorption cross-section in A^2/molecule new_spectrum.molar_absorbance = new_spectrum.cross_section / 3.82353e-5 # extinction coefficients in M^-1 cm^-1 new_spectrum.y = new_spectrum.molar_absorbance return new_spectrum
class ir(spectrum): def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, frequencies=None,infrared_intensities=None, meta_data=None): if x is not None: self.x = x elif frequencies is not None: self.x = frequencies self.frequencies = frequencies if y is not None: self.y = y elif infrared_intensities is not None: self.y = infrared_intensities self.infrared_intensities = infrared_intensities if 'x' in self.__dict__ and 'y' in self.__dict__: self.xy = np.array([self.x,self.y]) self.xy_pairs = self.xy.T if meta_data is not None: self.meta_data = meta_data else: self.meta_data = None def plot(self,filename,xaxis_caption='Wavenumber (cm$^{-1}$)',yaxis_caption='Intensity (km/mol)',title='IR spectrum'): super().plot(filename=filename,xaxis_caption=xaxis_caption,yaxis_caption=yaxis_caption,title=title,invert_xaxis=True) @classmethod def lorentzian(cls,molecule=None,fwhm=30,spectrum_range=np.arange(500,4001)): frequencies = molecule.frequencies infrared_intensities = molecule.infrared_intensities new_spectrum = cls.broaden(line_spectrum=np.array([frequencies,infrared_intensities]).T, spectrum_range=spectrum_range, broadening_func='Lorentzian', broadening_func_kwargs={'w':fwhm}) new_spectrum.frequencies = new_spectrum.x new_spectrum.infrared_intensities = new_spectrum.y return new_spectrum class spectrum_comparison(): def __init__(self): pass @classmethod def spectrum_comparison(cls,spectrum1, spectrum2, metric, align_method_dict={},metric_arg_dict={}, line_up=True): # By default, spectrum1 is the reference spectrum # Align two spetra before comparison if line_up: _spec1,_spec2 = cls.line_up_spectra(spectrum1,spectrum2,**align_method_dict) spec1 = _spec1.y spec2 = _spec2.y else: spec1 = spectrum1.y spec2 = spectrum2.y # Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) if metric.casefold() == 'PCC'.casefold(): return cls.pearson_coefficient(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Spearman correlation coefficient (SCC) elif metric.casefold() == 'SCC'.casefold(): return cls.spearman_coeffient(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Tanimoto coefficient elif metric.casefold() == 'Tanimoto'.casefold(): return cls.tanimoto_coefficient(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD) elif metric.casefold() == 'KLD'.casefold(): return cls.KL_divergence_transformed(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Jeffrey Divergence (JD) elif metric.casefold() == 'JD'.casefold(): return cls.jeffery_divergence_transformed(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) elif metric.casefold() == 'JSD'.casefold(): return cls.JS_divergence_transformed(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Earth-Mover distance (EMD) elif metric.casefold() == 'EMD'.casefold(): return cls.earth_mover_distance_transformed(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Mean square error (MSE) elif metric.casefold() == 'MSE'.casefold(): return cls.mse_transformed(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Root mean square error (RMSE) elif metric.casefold() == 'RMSE'.casefold(): return cls.rmse_transformed(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Mean absolute error (MAE) elif metric.casefold() == 'MAE'.casefold(): return cls.mae_transformed(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Spectral information similarity (SIS) elif metric.casefold() == 'SIS'.casefold(): return cls.spectral_information_similarity(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Root mean spuare deviation (RMSD) elif metric.casefold() == 'RMSD'.casefold(): return cls.rmsd_transformed(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Euclidean distance elif metric.casefold() == 'Euclidean'.casefold(): return cls.euclidean_transformed(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Cosine elif metric.casefold() == 'cosine'.casefold(): return cls.cosine(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Absolute difference value search (ADV) elif metric.casefold() == 'ADV'.casefold(): return cls.absolute_difference_value_search(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) # Relative integral change (RIC) elif metric.casefold() == 'RIC'.casefold(): return cls.relative_integral_change(spec1,spec2,**metric_arg_dict) else: stopMLatom(f'Unrecognized metric: {metric}') @classmethod def line_up_spectra(cls,spectrum1,spectrum2,interpolate_method="linear",align_list=None): range1 = spectrum1.x range2 = spectrum2.x range_lb = np.max([np.min(range1),np.min(range2)]) range_ub = np.min([np.max(range1),np.max(range2)]) if align_list == None: align_list = np.linspace(range_lb,range_ub,int((range_ub-range_lb)*2+1)) else: align_list = data.array(align_list) align_list = align_list[align_list>=range_lb] align_list = align_list[align_list<=range_ub] spec1 = spectrum1.sample(align_list,method=interpolate_method) spec2 = spectrum2.sample(align_list,method=interpolate_method) return spec1, spec2 """ Functions measuring similarity between spectra. Implemented by Yangtao Chen & Yifan Hou """ @classmethod def loss2similarity(cls,loss,alpha=0.2): """ Transform loss value to similarity(range from 0 to 1) by the formula: similarty = exp(-alpha * loss), where alpha is a hyperparameter. Parameters ---------- loss : float The loss value between two spectra. The smaller the loss, the more similar the two spectra. """ return np.exp(-alpha * loss) @classmethod def pearson_coefficient(cls,spectra_ref,spectra_pred): # """ Calculates the Pearson correlation coefficient between two spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- r_pearson: float Pearson correlation coefficient range from [-1, 1] """ spectra_ref_mean = np.mean(spectra_ref) spectra_pred_mean = np.mean(spectra_pred) spectra_ref_var = np.sum((spectra_ref-spectra_ref_mean)**2) spectra_pred_var = np.sum((spectra_pred-spectra_pred_mean)**2) r_pearson = np.sum((spectra_ref-spectra_ref_mean)*(spectra_pred-spectra_pred_mean))/np.sqrt(spectra_ref_var*spectra_pred_var) return r_pearson @classmethod def spearman_coeffient(cls,spectra_ref,spectra_pred): """ Calculates the Spearman rank correlation coefficient between two spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- r_spearman: float nonlinear Spearman rank correlation coefficient """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) k = len(spectra_ref) rank_true = {xi: i+1 for i, xi in enumerate(sorted(spectra_ref))} rank_pred = {yi: i+1 for i, yi in enumerate(sorted(spectra_pred))} d = [rank_true[xi] - rank_pred[yi] for xi, yi in zip(spectra_ref, spectra_pred)] d_square_sum = sum(d_i ** 2 for d_i in d) r_spearman = 1 - (6 * d_square_sum) / (k * (k ** 2) -1 ) return r_spearman @classmethod def tanimoto_coefficient(cls,spectra_ref,spectra_pred): """ Calculates the Tanimoto coefficient between two spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- t: float Tanimoto coefficient """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) t = (np.sum(spectra_ref * spectra_pred)) / (np.sum(spectra_ref ** 2) + np.sum(spectra_pred ** 2) - np.sum(spectra_ref * spectra_pred)) return t @classmethod def KL_divergence_transformed(cls,spectra_ref, spectra_pred): """ Calculates the transformed Kullback-Leibler divergence between two spectra. Note that the KL divergence is not symmetric. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- KL_divergence_transformed """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) KL_divergence = np.sum(spectra_ref * np.log(spectra_ref / (spectra_pred + 1e-8))) return cls.loss2similarity(KL_divergence) @classmethod def jeffery_divergence_transformed(cls,spectra_ref, spectra_pred): """ Calculates the transformed Jeffery divergence between two spectra. Note that the Jeffery divergence is not symmetric. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- jeffery_divergence_transformed """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) jeffery_divergence = np.sum((spectra_ref - spectra_pred) * np.log(spectra_ref / (spectra_pred + 1e-8))) return cls.loss2similarity(jeffery_divergence) @classmethod def JS_divergence_transformed(cls,spectra_ref, spectra_pred): """ Calculates the transformed Jensen–Shannon divergence between two spectra. Note that the Jensen–Shannon divergence is symmetric. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- JS_divergence_transformed """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) spectra_mean = (spectra_ref + spectra_pred) / 2 JS_divergence = 1/2 * np.sum(spectra_ref * np.log(spectra_ref / (spectra_mean + 1e-8))) + 1/2 * np.sum(spectra_pred * np.log(spectra_pred / (spectra_mean + 1e-8))) return cls.loss2similarity(JS_divergence, 0.8) @classmethod def earth_mover_distance_transformed(cls,spectra_ref, spectra_pred): """ Calculates the transformed Wasserstein distance(earth mover distance) between two spectra implemented by scipy. Note that this value can be used between two spectra containing different number of wavelength. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- wasserstein_distance_transformed """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) from scipy.stats import wasserstein_distance return cls.loss2similarity(wasserstein_distance(spectra_ref, spectra_pred)) @classmethod def mse_transformed(cls,spectra_ref, spectra_pred): """ Calculates the transformed Mean Square Error(MSE) between two spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- mse_transformed """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) mse = np.mean((spectra_ref - spectra_pred) ** 2) return cls.loss2similarity(mse) @classmethod def rmse_transformed(cls,spectra_ref, spectra_pred): """ Calculates the transformed Root Mean Square Error(RMSE) between two spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- rmse_transformed """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((spectra_ref - spectra_pred) ** 2)) return cls.loss2similarity(rmse) @classmethod def mae_transformed(cls,spectra_ref, spectra_pred): """ Calculates the transformed Mean Absolute Error(MAE) between two spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- mae_transformed """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) mae = np.mean(np.abs(spectra_ref - spectra_pred)) return cls.loss2similarity(mae) @classmethod def spectral_information_similarity(cls,spectra_ref, spectra_pred, threshold=1e-10, std_dev=10): # reference: """ Calculates the spectral_information_similarity(SIS) between two spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- sim """ # spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) # length = len(spectra_ref) # frequencies = list(range(400, 400 + length)) # gaussian=[(1/(2*np.pi*std_dev**2)**0.5)*np.exp(-1*((frequencies[i])-frequencies[0])**2/(2*std_dev**2)) for i in range(length)] # conv_matrix=np.empty([length,length]) # for i in range(length): # for j in range(length): # conv_matrix[i,j]=gaussian[abs(i-j)] # nan_mask=np.isnan(spectra_ref)+np.isnan(spectra_pred) # # print(length,conv_matrix.shape,spectra_ref.shape,spectra_pred.shape) # assert length == len(spectra_pred), "compared spectra are of different lengths" # assert length == len(frequencies), "compared spectra are a different length than the frequencies list, which can be specified" # spectra_ref[spectra_ref<threshold]=threshold # spectra_pred[spectra_pred<threshold]=threshold # spectra_ref[nan_mask]=0 # spectra_pred[nan_mask]=0 # # print(spectra_ref.shape,spectra_pred.shape) # spectra_ref=np.expand_dims(spectra_ref,axis=0) # spectra_pred=np.expand_dims(spectra_pred,axis=0) # # print(spectra_ref.shape,spectra_pred.shape) # conv1=np.matmul(spectra_ref,conv_matrix) # # print(conv1[0,1000]) # conv2=np.matmul(spectra_pred,conv_matrix) # conv1[0,nan_mask]=np.nan # conv2[0,nan_mask]=np.nan # # print(conv1.shape,conv2.shape) # sum1=np.nansum(conv1) # sum2=np.nansum(conv2) # norm1=conv1/sum1 # norm2=conv2/sum2 # distance=norm1*np.log(norm1/norm2)+norm2*np.log(norm2/norm1) # sim=1/(1+np.nansum(distance)) spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) spectra_ref[spectra_ref<threshold]=threshold spectra_pred[spectra_pred<threshold]=threshold norm1 = spectra_ref norm2 = spectra_pred distance=norm1*np.log(norm1/norm2)+norm2*np.log(norm2/norm1) sim=1/(1+np.nansum(distance)) return sim @classmethod def rmsd_transformed(cls,spectra_ref,spectra_pred): # """ Calculates the transformed Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) between two spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- rmsd_transformed """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((spectra_ref - spectra_pred) ** 2)) return cls.loss2similarity(rmse) @classmethod def euclidean_transformed(cls,spectra_ref,spectra_pred): # """ Calculates the transformed Euclidean distance between two spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- euclidean_transformed """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) euclidean = np.sqrt(np.sum((spectra_ref-spectra_pred)**2)) return 1.0 / (1.0+euclidean) @classmethod def cosine(cls,spectra_ref,spectra_pred): """ Calculates the cosine value of the angle between two spectra (vectors). Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- cosine """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) return np.sum(spectra_ref*spectra_pred)/np.sqrt(np.sum(spectra_ref**2)*np.sum(spectra_pred**2)) @classmethod def absolute_difference_value_search(cls,spectra_ref,spectra_pred): # """ Calculates the Absolute difference value search (ADV) between two spectra (vectors). Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- absolute_difference_value_search """ spectra_ref, spectra_pred = data.array(spectra_ref), data.array(spectra_pred) absolute_difference = np.sum(np.abs(spectra_ref-spectra_pred)) reference = np.sum(np.abs(spectra_ref)) return 1.0 - absolute_difference / reference @classmethod def relative_integral_change(cls,spectra_ref,spectra_pred,align_list): """ Calculates the relative integral change (RIC) between reference and predicted spectra Parameters ---------- spectra_ref : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) True spectrum. spectra_pred : list or np.ndarray data of shape(n_wavelength, ) Predicted spectrum. Returns ------- 1.0 - relative_integral_change """ align_list = data.array(align_list) dx = align_list[1:]-align_list[:-1] diff = np.abs(spectra_ref - spectra_pred) Riemann_sum = np.sum(diff[:-1]*dx) return 1.0 - Riemann_sum / np.sum(spectra_ref[:-1]*dx) def align_spectra(spectrum1,spectrum2,interpolate_method="linear",align_list=None): pass def plot_spectra(spectra=None, linespectra=None, filename=None, title=None, xaxis_caption='', yaxis_caption='', y2axis_caption='', labels=[], colors=[], normalize=False, shift=False, shiftby=None, plotstart=None, plotend=None, ): import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2 spectra = copy.deepcopy(spectra) linespectra = copy.deepcopy(linespectra) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) lines = [] if colors == []: colors = ['k', 'r'] #None for xx in spectra] if labels == []: labels = [None for xx in spectra] if normalize: for ii in range(len(spectra)): ymax = max(spectra[ii].y) spectra[ii].y = [zz / ymax for zz in spectra[ii].y] if shift: # Superimposes global maxima ix1m = np.argmax(spectra[0].y) ix2m = np.argmax(spectra[1].y) = cls.xxs[0][ix1m] - cls.x2ys[0][ix2m] if not shiftby: shiftby = spectra[0].x[ix1m] - spectra[1].x[ix2m] print('Theoretical spectrum is shifted by %.2f nm' % shiftby) spectra[1].x += shiftby if linespectra is not None: linespectra[0].x += shiftby for ii in range(len(spectra)): if ii < len(labels): label=labels[ii] else: label=None if ii < len(colors): color=colors[ii] else: color=None lines.append(ax.plot(spectra[ii].x, spectra[ii].y, color=color, label=label, linewidth=None, marker=None, markersize=10, mfc='none')[0]) if title != None: plt.title(title, fontsize=18) plt.xlabel(xaxis_caption, fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(yaxis_caption, fontsize=18) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=18) ax.ticklabel_format(axis='both', style='sci', scilimits=(0,4))#, labelsize=18) ax.xaxis.get_offset_text().set_fontsize(18) ax.yaxis.get_offset_text().set_fontsize(18) if linespectra is not None: ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(y2axis_caption, fontsize=18, color='red') if normalize: y2max = 1.0 else: y2max = max(linespectra[0].y) * 1.1 ax2.set_ylim(ymin=-0.05, ymax=y2max) ax2.tick_params(axis='both', colors='red') for ii in range(len(linespectra[0].x)): ax2.plot((linespectra[0].x[ii], linespectra[0].x[ii]), (-0.05, linespectra[0].y[ii]), 'r', linewidth=1) zed = [tick.set_fontsize(18) for tick in ax2.yaxis.get_ticklabels()] if plotstart: plt.xlim(left=plotstart) if plotend: plt.xlim(right=plotend) if not all(label == None for label in labels): plt.legend(lines, [ll.get_label() for ll in lines], frameon=False, fontsize=18, loc='best') ax.set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) if filename: plt.savefig('%s' % filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() def plot_uvvis( spectra=None, linespectra=None, molecule=None, oscillator_strength=True, spc=False, band_width=0.3, band_width_slider=False, filename=None, title='UV-Vis spectrum', xaxis_caption='Wavelength (nm)', yaxis_caption='Extinction coefficient (M$^{-1}$ cm$^{-1}$)', y2axis_caption='Oscillator strength $f$', labels=[], colors=[], normalize=False, shift=False, shiftby=None, plotstart=None, plotend=None,): if spectra is None: spectra = [] else: spectra = copy.deepcopy(spectra) linespectra = copy.deepcopy(linespectra) if molecule is not None and oscillator_strength: if 'oscillator_strengths' in molecule.__dict__: linespectra = copy.deepcopy([spectrum(x=constants.hartree2nm(molecule.excitation_energies), y=molecule.oscillator_strengths)]) normalize = normalize if normalize and yaxis_caption == 'Extinction coefficient (M$^{-1}$ cm$^{-1}$)': yaxis_caption='Normalized extinction' shift = shift shiftby = shiftby plotstart = plotstart plotend = plotend filename = filename title=title xaxis_caption = xaxis_caption yaxis_caption = yaxis_caption y2axis_caption = y2axis_caption labels = labels colors = colors spc_calls = [] def spc_broaden(band_width): if spc: spc_calls.append(1) spc_spectrum = uvvis.spc(molecule=molecule, #wavelengths_nm=np.arange(plotstart, plotend), band_width=band_width) if len(spc_calls) > 1: spectra[-1] = spc_spectrum else: spectra.append(spc_spectrum) plot_spectra(spectra=spectra, linespectra=linespectra, filename=filename, title=title, xaxis_caption=xaxis_caption, yaxis_caption=yaxis_caption, y2axis_caption=y2axis_caption, labels=labels, colors=colors, normalize=normalize, shift=shift, shiftby=shiftby, plotstart=plotstart, plotend=plotend,) if spc and band_width_slider: import ipywidgets _ = ipywidgets.interact(spc_broaden, band_width=ipywidgets.FloatSlider( value=band_width, min=0.01, max=0.5, step=0.01, description='width (eV):', disabled=False, continuous_update=True, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='.2f', )) else: spc_broaden(band_width) def plot_ir(spectra=None, linespectra=None, molecule=None, lorentzian=False,fwhm=30,band_width_slider=False, peak_highlight_slider=False, spectrum_range=np.arange(500,4001), filename=None, title='IR spectrum', xaxis_caption='Wavenumber (cm$^{-1}$)',yaxis_caption='Intensity (km/mol)',y2axis_caption='Intensity (km/mol)', labels=[], colors=[], normalize=False, scaling_factor=None, plotstart=None,plotend=None,): spectra = copy.deepcopy(spectra) linespectra = copy.deepcopy(linespectra) if normalize: yaxis_caption = 'Normalized intensity' lorentzian_calls = [] def plot_ir_spectra(molecule=None, spectra=None,linespectra=None, filename=None, title=None, xaxis_caption='', yaxis_caption='', y2axis_caption='', highlight=None, labels=[], colors=[], normalize=False, scaling_factor=False, plotstart=None,plotend=None): import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2 spectra = copy.deepcopy(spectra) linespectra = copy.deepcopy(linespectra) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) lines = [] if colors == []: colors = ['k', 'r'] #None for xx in spectra] if labels == []: labels = [None for xx in spectra] if normalize: for ii in range(len(spectra)): spectra[ii].normalize(method=normalize) if scaling_factor: print('Theoretical spectrum is scaled by %.3f' % scaling_factor) spectra[1].x *= scaling_factor if linespectra is not None: linespectra[0].x *= scaling_factor for ii in range(len(spectra)): if ii < len(labels): label=labels[ii] else: label=None if ii < len(colors): color=colors[ii] else: color=None lines.append(ax.plot(spectra[ii].x, spectra[ii].y, color=color, label=label, linewidth=None, marker=None, markersize=10, mfc='none')[0]) if title != None: plt.title(title, fontsize=18) plt.xlabel(xaxis_caption, fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(yaxis_caption, fontsize=18) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=18) ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,3))#, labelsize=18) ax.xaxis.get_offset_text().set_fontsize(18) ax.yaxis.get_offset_text().set_fontsize(18) ymax1 = 0 if linespectra is not None: ymax2 = max(linespectra[0].y) ymax1 = max([max(each.y) for each in spectra]) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(y2axis_caption, fontsize=18, color='red') ax2.set_ylim(ymin=-0.05*ymax2, ymax=max(linespectra[0].y) * 1.1) ax2.tick_params(axis='both', colors='red') for ii in range(len(linespectra[0].x)): ax2.plot((linespectra[0].x[ii], linespectra[0].x[ii]), (-0.05*ymax2, linespectra[0].y[ii]), 'r', linewidth=1) zed = [tick.set_fontsize(18) for tick in ax2.yaxis.get_ticklabels()] if highlight is not None: ax2.plot((linespectra[0].x[highlight-1], linespectra[0].x[highlight-1]), (-0.05*ymax2, linespectra[0].y[highlight-1]), 'b', linewidth=2) molecule.view(normal_mode=highlight-1,slider=False) if plotstart: plt.xlim(left=plotstart) if plotend: plt.xlim(right=plotend) if not all(label == None for label in labels): plt.legend(lines, [ll.get_label() for ll in lines], frameon=False, fontsize=18, loc='best') ax.set_ylim(bottom=-ymax1*0.05) ax.invert_xaxis() if filename: plt.savefig('%s' % filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() def lorentzian_broaden(fwhm_internal,highlight_internal): if lorentzian: lorentzian_calls.append(1) lorentzian_specturm = ir.lorentzian(molecule=molecule,fwhm=fwhm_internal,spectrum_range=spectrum_range) if len(lorentzian_calls) > 1: spectra[-1] = lorentzian_specturm else: spectra.append(lorentzian_specturm) plot_ir_spectra(molecule=molecule, spectra=spectra,linespectra=linespectra, filename=filename, title=title, xaxis_caption=xaxis_caption,yaxis_caption=yaxis_caption,y2axis_caption=y2axis_caption, highlight=highlight_internal, labels=labels, colors=colors, normalize=normalize, scaling_factor=scaling_factor, plotstart=plotstart,plotend=plotend ) if (lorentzian and band_width_slider) or peak_highlight_slider: import ipywidgets if lorentzian and band_width_slider: slider_for_band_width = ipywidgets.FloatSlider( value=fwhm, min=10, max=50, step=1, description='width/cm^-1:', disabled=False, continuous_update=True, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='.1f', ) else: slider_for_band_width = ipywidgets.fixed(fwhm) if peak_highlight_slider: slider_for_peak_highlight = ipywidgets.IntSlider( value=1, min=1, max=len(molecule.frequencies), step=1, description='peak', disabled=False, continuous_upate=True, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, ) else: slider_for_peak_highlight = ipywidgets.fixed(None) _ = ipywidgets.interact(lorentzian_broaden,fwhm_internal=slider_for_band_width,highlight_internal=slider_for_peak_highlight) else: lorentzian_broaden(fwhm,None) if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__)